Stone Circle Little Angels wrapped in Fur
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
In the days leading up to her childrens birthday. Inkeri had grown a bit frenzied in her digging of a den and finally she had it dug out. Her belly had dropped noticeably in the last days and today as the morning sun began to rise a new sensation and such crushing pain began.

She had felt pain before, but this was the most brutal she'd ever felt. It started in her spine and worked it's way down her tailbone. A splitting, tearing searing feeling.  Tears sprang to her pretty sea eyes and she gave a breathless call inbetween whimpers for @Turmeric

Soon she told herself, soon it would all be worth it. Those pretty little faces would make it all worth it.

The first to make her entrance was a pretty little thing. Dainty perhaps though it was hard for Inkeri to tell with the dim lighting of the cave mouth and through the waves of pain.

She lickee her dry freeing her tiny mouth and dubbed her Lilja on a breathless whine. @Toula. The next to grace them with their presence another little girl. Cleaned and given air she was pale as lilies with grey upon her ends. Inkeri nosed her with a gentle nose whisper her, her name. Fjola

She lifted her face to seek out Merry anxious to share with him their little girls.

3 Posts
Ooc — Summer
the birth was painful for her mother, but for fjola it was shocking at most. all she'd known before was the warmth and darkness of the womb. today, though, there was the familiar darkness, and then there wasn't. light casted itself over her closed eyes and she whimpered quietly, unaware still of her own existence. all she could do was wriggle as she was cleaned and nudged, as she adjusted to this new, brightly lit world, and acquainted herself with her creator.
15 Posts
Ooc —
Lilja came into the world, causing much a hubbub in her mothers world. But for her, like her sister, it was painless and easy. She stirred knowing only hunger, and obeyed this basic instinct. When satisfied, she pressed her squat little face against both mother and sister and began to sleep.