Lion Head Mesa If it was never yours to begin with, take it anyway
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
All Welcome 
Tagging leadership for visibility! @Rashepses, @Toula, @Senmut
Any and all other interception welcome! These two are just passing through, but can be run off the territory, since they are still trespassing!

this place was different. it reeked of others scents that were not their own.

if there were borders they'd passed, he'd been too far in his own head to realize it. but they'd already come this far. he wouldn't turn them around now.

glancing briefly to the little coyote he called his minx (@Cynna), his lip tipped into a sideways grin. just as he'd expected, she was right there at his side. just a reach away, as always.

keep your ears open, little minx. I have an inkling we're not alone in this territory.
adopt one of the wild cards!

46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
It had been a long walk, a silent journey for the two, and she was glad to see it end.

She caught him glancing her way, his sideways grin sending pleasing shivers down her spine. Not many affected her the way Ace did, especially not someone she barely even knew, but he did and, oh, was it fun. An impish grin thrown his way, a quick wink to accompany, and back to business.

So enraptured in the mountain beside her that she hadn’t realized the view he blocked, or noticed the scents that permeated the area. His words made her hackles rise and caused her to sidestep into Ace. 

Though she felt safe at his side, there was still a minute sense of apprehension.
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56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he felt the moment the little thing that was Cynna collided with his side. 

huffing, he nudged her shoulder, albeit a tad rougher than he meant to. calm down. at most, they'll chase us out. and if they pick a fight... well, I've been itching to get a little blood on my teeth. 

the chuckle that followed his words should have been concerning. but Ace seemed to pay no mind toward the likely reaction he'd get for his sudden acclaimed bloodlust.
adopt one of the wild cards!

46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
She held back her growl at the roughness, almost forgetting her place, and quickly replaced it with a toothy smile when his words incited something else in her. Something dark and insidious. He wanted blood, and she couldn’t deny that she felt the same. 

With him at her side, she felt…powerful. Almighty. 


She hummed her agreement, her tongue skimming along her teeth. “Wouldn’t I love to see you work, sugar. I have no doubt you could hold more than your weight in a fight.” Just thinking about it was enough to weaken her at the knees. Yet, if it came to a fight, her want to protect what was hers would override the swooning, and she would be right in the fray.

No one touches what’s hers.

“But, I’m sure you’re right in that they’ll just chase us out…if they even know we’re here, that is.” 
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
you'll see it soon enough. it was an easy promise to make. whenever there was the opportunity to get his feet a little dirty, he always took it.

if they knew they were here, she said.

they'll know. unless they're fools, that is. which he doubted they were.

but there was always the chance that he was wrong. even if he didn't like to admit it.
adopt one of the wild cards!

46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
“Oh, will I? I sure hope that’s a promise you’ll keep, honey.” If not here, she was sure he would show up and show out during one of their games. She giggled at the thought, uncaring how it appeared to him. If he had the same mind as she, it wouldn’t be such a surprise.

Once again, Cyn, simmer down, girl.

Feeling a bit more settled at his reassurance, the coyote gave herself a shake to rid her of any tension. She wasn’t so naive to think that they could pass through pack lands unscathed or unnoticed, but as long as they make nice, it might happen should they run into anyone. 

It has been a bit quiet, though…could they have been so lucky? Or, was this just the calm before the storm?
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56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
I always keep my promises, little minx. he growls lowly in return, his gaze upon her scorching with just as much heat as was in his tone.

the things she did to his body, even with simple words.

he couldn't have her here. but oh, when they were hidden away once more, she would feel every ounce of truth he put into his words.
adopt one of the wild cards!

46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
His response was not unexpected and highly welcomed, yet there was a little voice in the back of her mind saying not yet. And, well, they weren’t wrong, per sé—just annoyingly so. It would be extremely unwise in pack lands to be caught with your metaphorical pants down.

A laugh bubbled from her as she felt the heat in his voice and read the unspoken wants in his eyes. “Easy, now.” She sauntered to the front of him, giving him a gentle nip to the nose. “Not yet, sugar. Soon. It would be a different story among our own, but these others are not ours and I highly doubt they’d enjoy the show.” Not that she truly cared, but she also wanted to live another day.

Especially another day if it involved the object of her obsession.
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56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the nip on his nose felt like the barest prick. but the returned one on her ear would surely be more of a discomfort. and that was just how he wanted it.

who's to say I care if they don't want the show? he returns with a grin, stepping forward with the intent to crowd her. if I want to give them one, then that's what I'll do. no one can stop me.... not even you, little minx.

he wouldn't truly expose them so plainly. but she didn't need to know that.
adopt one of the wild cards!

46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
She half-heartedly bared her teeth at him with a shake of her head, the bite nothing worse than anything either have already traded. All part of the game.

Their game.

Her throaty laugh was dark and antagonizing, “I would never dream of stopping you.” His face being mere inches from hers, she stepped to meet him, cutting off his crowding with a bit of her own, her words ending in a whisper. “So, do it.”

A call to his bluff—maybe. If he wanted to throw all of his cards on the table like that, she might as well call it. 

Last minute, she backpedaled, because his eyes were saying all the right things at the wrong time. “But, I’m not willing to share you. Not yet.” Or, ever. Not until he was truly all in.
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56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
a low, warning growl rumbled in his chest. 

she was toying with him once again; eager to play the most dangerous game of them all.

if you're not willing to share, then neither am I. he whispered in return, brushing the tip of his muzzle along her cheek. 

let's keep moving, if we want to make it out before we're spotted.
adopt one of the wild cards!

46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
This touch was soft, much more so than anything they’ve exchanged before. She leaned into it, eyes closing, melting for the millionth time. 

“Then, let’s go, sugar.” She made to turn to continue their journey, but a mischievous thought came to her; one she voiced with a wink as she returned her gaze to him.

“Oh, Ace, honey, if you're still wanting to satisfy that bloodlust, I think we could work something out. But, you’ll have to catch me first.” And off she went, once again initiating her favorite game of cat and mouse.
[Image: IMG-0266.png]
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
she wanted a chase; and the predator in him gave in. 

oh, I'll catch you. he wouldn't have it any other way.

with a challenging snarl, he tore after her, his feet heavy as they pounded furiously against the ground. 

he would enjoy catching his little minx, and he would enjoy every second that followed.
adopt one of the wild cards!