Greatwater Lake [m]I feel her filth in my bones
46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Limit Two 
@Kalevi, figured we could fade the last thread and have some respite at the lake, some pp, let me know if it needs changing! And make a friend while we’re at it<3 @Menthe

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Mostly for Berry as an FYI, these two are almost always in the gutter, and may make heavy suggestions, especially towards each other. PLEASE let us know if you need that to be toned down <3 Your comfort matters, too!

As much as the coyote female thoroughly enjoyed Ace’s heavy attention, it proved to be a little exhausting. In all the right ways, of course! Shortly after their game of cat and mouse, while both were spent tangled in each other, she suggested finding somewhere to take a dip and cool them off. 

Not that she didn’t enjoy the burning in her core.

Their journey brought them north, just off a large lake near the base of a mountain range. 

“Oh, look, sugar! That water looks like heaven! Want to show it some hell?” She wagged her eyebrows at the suggestion in her words. The woman just couldn’t help herself!
[Image: IMG-0266.png]
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
slight pp! let me know if any changes need to be made! ^^

it took a lot to tire him out. and the little bundle of fire at his side was just the thing to do it. 

not only with the burn in his limbs, but the sun on his back, the water did indeed look like a heavenly place. 

but what fun was it to simply walk in?

with a boyish grin, he snagged her scruff in his teeth and dragged her to the edge. when he was up to his own feet, he launched his little pet as far into the water as his strength allowed.
adopt one of the wild cards!

19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
all good to me <3

No broken spirits laid out before her alters today. Menthe was steadfast still on her journey, it's end still not quite in sight yet. The man made of sun and the incident with the bear were not to be her final stop -- at least for now. Her paint-stepped paws drew her forward, hopeful for water in the warmth of the spring. The sun was hot on her dark pelt, and she was desperate for a little drink after a long trek north. 

Who could she stumble upon today than two lovers? She may have thought there was a fight breaking out, had she not heard the songs of laughter from far away. Lady Aphrodite she purled inwardly, What have you graced me with today? For surely, it was love and lust that were always at the paws of her favored Goddess.

Menthe had made her way up to the lake not too far back, a small smile playing on her muzzle. She was well within sight of the couple if they chose to look up, and hardly a bother unless they took offense. She herself paced a few length into the shallow water, it's cool touch flowing throughout, and dipped her head to quench her journey's thirst. Her tail hung in a neutral place at her hocks, waving occasionally.
46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
In the next moments, she felt the pull on her scruff and gave a startled yelp, unawares that the male had come up behind her. Her limbs kicked in the dirt before she was sent sailing through the air, cursing his name just before he made contact with the cool waters.

The water-logged coyote came up sputtering, her laugh bouncing along the waters. She found herself turned around, and though she tried to face Ace—to no doubt give him a piece of her mind—her eye landed on another figure.

She was watching the two idly, a soft to and fro in her tail; Cynna felt no need to be her spicy self. The waters had doused her fire. 

A smile and a yip sent in the woman’s direction, an invitation to come closer if she so chose, though her eyes did not watch her approach as they found Ace’s. There was no denying that there was a small need within her to claim him in front of this woman. She was pretty and they were so new, the feelings of insecurity bubbling under her surface.
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56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
possessive douche incoming! XD

a hoarse, yet still present laugh surprised his ears as he watched her re-emerge.

how was that for cooling off? he'd asked the question, but didn't wait for an answer as his attention to the direction in which she'd looked. 

someone else was here. in his space. near his pet.

lip curling back, his gargantuan frame quickly shifted over Cynna's. a shield of sorts to another eye. but it was more-so his way of claiming her as his property. 

whoever this was watching them, she would learn quickly not to ogle things that weren't theirs.
adopt one of the wild cards!

19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
Two separate displays laid out before her as she rose her head from her drink. An invitation and a warning, as different as the sea and the land. Menthe licked the water from her muzzle and offered a playful bark in return to the woman's, happier to play into friendliness rather than dip to the warning of the man. She could feel that his tone were simply protection -- and Menthe would have no interest in meddling with the blossoms of Aphrodite. 

I mean no harm, she called out, wading towards them, My name is Menthe, I am just taking a rest from my travels. She would pause if either wolf-- nay, canine, as she noted that one was most certainly a coyote -- would give her any indication that they did not want her there. I could sense your affections from across the lake, she added in a soft purl, her eyes alight.
46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
His nearness settled her, and if she were a cat, she would have purred her pleasure at his proximity and the display of possession. But, she could see the harmless intent in the other female, so she nosed him to the side. “Settle, sugar. She seems friendly, enough. Maybe, she wants to play.” She left it up to him to decide which play she meant.

She did mention her notice of their affections, after all.

“Hello, there, Menthe. I am Cynna.” She gestured to the man that surrounded her. “This is Ace. Excuse him, he’s rough around the edges, but get him in the right spot and he becomes a little softie.” She winked at the dark female. She may not want the female to ogle at him, but she sure did enjoy hinting her claim to know the ins and outs of him.
[Image: IMG-0266.png]
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
i'm no softie... he grumbles, nipping at her neck to display his displeasure in the term.

even with her easiness, he still didn't let up, remaining exactly where he'd placed himself.

until this woman left, he remained the ever vigilant statue.
adopt one of the wild cards!

19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
Menthe could sense the man's prickliness, and was careful not to upset him. On the other hand, this woman so clearly appeared to have control of him in this scenario -- so long as she stayed friendly. The river nymph had no plans of being anything but, so pleased to have finally met a woman in these wilds. Back home, Menthe was in constant competition with them for the affections of men too stupid to deserve their grace, but at this moment she had no desires to attempt to steal a man. No power could come of it here. 

I'll leave that to you, she returned with a girlish wink, her muzzle crinkling with amusement, But hello, Ace, it's a pleasure to meet you both. Close enough now that they could speak without raising their voices, Menthe turned her head to gaze around the lake. Say, where'd you even get one of these? she asked playfully, sparkling with mirth, The only men I've met in these wilds were half-mute, or spoke at a million miles a minute. It was truly disappointing.
46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
She elbowed the brute when she felt the prick of his teeth, but smiled at him nonetheless. “Okay, sugar, you’re not a softie. And, if you’re not going to move, I will.” Before he could react, she snaked out from below him, splashing water in her wake. The minx didn’t dare look back, though she still sent a laugh behind her.

Oh, he’d get her for that, she was sure of it.

Menthe had come closer and her playful demeanor set the coyote a bit more at ease, her next words earned her a giggle and an eyebrow wag. “You know, I have no idea how I bagged this one. But, you don’t see me complaining! Lord, the way he knows his way around a coyote—shoo!” She made a show to fan herself, the dramatics on overdrive.

“Say, honey, you got some boys for this gal? Oh, I could totally help you look for some, if not, Menthe! Maybe my luck will rub off on you. If you’ve got nothing to do or nowhere to be, come with us. Oh, wait—“ she stopped, forgetting herself. “If Ace is okay with it, of course.”
[Image: IMG-0266.png]
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
while the two chatty women engaged in their own yappish banter, he pretended to ignore it entirely, busying himself with washing away the tiny pebbles that had lodged themselves in his paw pads. 

only when Cynna looked back to him, a question in tow, did he redirect his attention.

if she minds herself and doesn't slow us down. he grunts with a shrug, giving only his requirements as answer.
adopt one of the wild cards!

19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
Oh, how Menthe relished in the company of another capable woman -- wolf or otherwise didn't matter much to her. Cynna was fiery, and the flames tickled the lonely heart of the dark-furred nymph. It had been so long since she'd had anyone to scheme with, with or without a competition. 

Her tail wagged, skimming the water as Cynna swept over. Lucky you, she quipped, and then quieted as Cynna and Ace referred to one another. A proposition most alluring -- and while Menthe was definitely joking about having a man on her arm, she wasn't so sure she desired it if it wasn't flinging her forth into any kind of wealth or status. Regardless, it was all in good fun -- and perhaps Aphrodite was laying her path through this couple she had already undoubtedly blessed. 

I'm anything but slow, came her reply, an eyebrow quirked as she glanced at Ace, then back the Cynna -- it seemed they worked in innuendos -- I've got nothing else to do -- and who's to say no to a new game? 

Water fell from her coat as she began to dredge towards the lake's bank, turning over her shoulder to look at them both. Lead the way! she chirped, eyes glinting beneath the spring sun.
46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Her tail fanned happily at the mention of luck, the coyote woman silently agreeing that she was pretty lucky, indeed. She had felt her world change the instance the man accepted her first game, his own cards thrown onto the table, making a gamble on her.

If she had hands, they would be clapping with joy at both Ace’s allowance and Menthe’s acceptance. Instead, she danced in the water, her grin wide and toothy, making her way back to Ace to place a quick peck on his cheek. When she made her way back to Menthe, she couldn’t help but turn her head to eye Ace, a wink and a wiggle of her backside as a promise of fun later. 

“This shall be fun, then! Oh, I can’t wait to see what trouble we can get into together! If you’re anything like me, it’s going to be a lot! Poor Ace might have his hands full!” Menthe had already made her way to the shores of the lake, calling for them to lead the way. 

“Not so fast, Menthe! Get back here!” Cynna took a running jump, landing as close to the woman as possible, a large splash as a result of her impact. 

She continued her watery assault, taking turns getting both Ace and Menthe, laughing all the while.

I’m good to fade this out after another post from you both. Cynna and Ace have moved on to Panther Park, and she met Lithium on the mountains, so I’m cool with moving on from here if y’all are! Whatever works :)
[Image: IMG-0266.png]
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
last from me!

poor Ace indeed... he grumbles beneath his breath, just barely making an effort to keep the words from the women's ears. 

with the two women taking lead of the trek, he was content to remain in the rear. occasionally, he'd back step a bit, trying his best to avoid the watery assaults of the energetic little coyote. perhaps too much so. 

but he wouldn't spoil her fun. if a friend was what she needed, so be it. it only meant more bodies for him to collect and control when they made it to where they needed to be.
adopt one of the wild cards!

19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
thanks for the thread!! <3

The pretty nymph followed along with the pair, giggling and jumping in and out of the way of splashes until they were on dry land. She bumped up against the little coyote in a friendly manner, keeping mind of the Ace fellow who was not so eager to join in, rather just make sure she wasn't up to no good... Menthe? As if. 

Perhaps there was some miscommunication afoot, for Menthe was surprised to hear that this come with me! was more than just a just around the corner! Still, she continued along, not having anywhere better to be. Besides, if this was Aphrodite's hand, it would most definitely be a step in the right direction.