Meadowlark Prairie Taking in The Scenery
37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
She felt a twinge of pride in guessing that detail. He seemed like the sister having type. 

"Knew it!" she blurted excitedly. She had siblings of her own, but she didn't like them very much. 

"Ok, now you go."
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He chose to ask a similar question in return. It made sense.

"Do you have any siblings? Sisters or brothers?" He asked, tucking his tail over his paws.

She seemed like the type to have older brothers, but he didn't want to make his guess too specific.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
"Gunnar's my older brother and Gala is my older sister." She chose not to mention Gardenia, who suffered the same fate Gabby was suffering now. "And Grace is my littermate"

She counted for a moment. "Four siblings." she said, happy with herself. 

"What are yours names?"
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"There's twenty-four of them. I won't make you sit through that - I'm not sure even I remember all of em'."

Beau had been the only pup in his own litter - however his sisters were all born before him, and they were always in big litters. When he showed up on his own, and male, it was a surprise.

"Ask me something else."
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
Twenty-four was way too many. Gabby figured she wouldn't remember their names, either. Her mother was small, so maybe that was why her litters were small. 

"Hmm. Ok. You don't like dandelions. So what's your favorite flower?"
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Can't say I've got one - flowers ain't my thing."

Sure, they were pretty, but Beau had never cared for plants of any kind. To him they were just another thing to crush beneath his paws. They didn't help his allergies either.

"What makes you like flowers so much?"
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
Gabby was certain he just hadn't found the right flower yet. Everyone liked flowers! 

"A lot of them smell nice, like dandelions! And you can eat some of them!" 

Like dandelions! 

"I'm going to find a flower you'll like." 

Maybe not now, but eventually. He needed a favorite flower.
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Think you can find one that won't make me sneeze?"

He raised an eyebrow. The question was rhetorical, of course - after all it was her turn to ask something.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
Flowers made her sneeze, too. That's just what flowers did. But only if you shoved your muzzle into them while sniffing.

"I think so."

He seemed like the orchid type. She figured he would like those. They were big, like he was. She also believed their scent would suit him. Better than whatever he had going on now. 

"What's your favorite food?"
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Rabbit." He answered without hesitation.

"They're small, but the hunt and taste is better than anythin' else."

He had always enjoyed chasing rabbits. To him the chase was a game, a challenge to build his speed and stamina.

Most games didn't determine whether or not you got to eat that night.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
Rabbit was good, but Gabby didn't like killing them. They were cute and their cries made her sad. 

"I like rabbit, too! And fish. But their eyes are weird."
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Yeah - they got them eyes at the side. How do you think they can see like that?"

He tilted his head to the side as he considered it, a frown spreading across his muzzle. Fish were weird.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
"I don't know. And they live under water. I tried it once and nearly died!"

Which wasn't a lie. She had tried to see if she could. She couldn't.
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He blinked at her, surprised by the statement. After a moment he snickered, assuming it must have been a joke.

"Right, right.. you're real funny." He appeared amused, wagging his tail.

"Did you's think you'd grow gills too?"

With that statement his snickers evolved into a big, boisterous laugh.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
She cocked her head at him, unsure what he thought was so funny. 

"No, fish have those, not wolves." 

Her expression remained flat. At this point, she'd forgotten whose turn it was. 

"I think it's your turn!"
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
His laughter was quick to die down, a bit disturbed with the realization that she was serious.

"I'on think I have any left."

He was lost on what else to ask the she-wolf, he had covered all the bases.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
"Hmm," she said. She didn't really have anything else for him, either. "We could hunt flowers! The one I think you will like is rare!"

She imagined the scent would suit him well. Sweet, but not overwhelming.
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He raised an eyebrow, puzzled by the statement.

"You sure you don't wan'na hunt somethin' edible? That's what huntings for."

Gabby certainly seemed sweet, but he wasn't too sure that she was in the right mind. She seemed to be a bit.. confused.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
"Oh," she thought. "We could do that too! And look for flowers!"
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"We don't got'ta do no hunting, let's look for your flowers."

He had the time, so it couldn't hurt. He would just have to deal with the allergies.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
The tiny wolf's ears shot up, and her tail--which had already been wagging--wagged harder. She lifted her dainty paw and playfully swatted at the grass in front of Beau. 

"OK!" she practically shouted, then shot to her feet, quickly spinning in a small circle. "The dandelions were over there," she said, turning to look in the direction she spoke of, "but they don't suit you." 

She had too many reasons to explain why. She would, of course, if he asked. 

"The one we're looking for is rare! And purple! It smells good, so it should be easy to find!"
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Have you seen em' around here before?"

Looking for flowers was far from his area of expertise, and he wasn't looking to go too far. A purple flower couldn't be too hard to find, right?

He could find something to eat afterwards.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
”Well, no..” she said, ears falling to the side. ”I only just got here. And they’re rare!” she reiterated. ”But I found plenty of them at home, and home isn’t all that far, so I’m sure they must be near!”
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Great... so there was no clue as to how long they could be searching.

"Well, alright then. Let's start the search."

He decided with a flick of his tail. He brought himself to a stand, ready to follow.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Gabby
Sorry for slow replies! I’ve been busy working on a game, and it’s consumed my entire being lmao

”Great!” she exclaimed, entirely oblivious to the wolf’s clear lack of interest. 

She knew the flower grew in shady areas, like that grouping of trees over there! It also bloomed in the spring, and the blooms stayed for some time. They shouldn’t be too late. 

The excited wolf hurriedly rushed to the trees, tail flagging high behind her. She was small, but her strides were exaggerated—they had to be, if she ever wanted to keep up with other wolves. It was learned. 

Her tongue hung free as she panted, dropping off to the side and occasionally being placed back where it belonged when she had to swallow, but it was out again only moments later. 

She kept her pace, but figured she should explain what they’re looking for. ”Calypso bulbosa, or the Fairy Slipper, has purple and white leaves, and it smells sweet, sort of like honeysuckle.” 

Honeysuckles were another exceedingly rare flower. Gabby had only encountered them twice, but she distinctly remembered their sweet smell and even sweeter taste. That said, there was a chance Beau would not know what she was talking about.