Honeyed Pasture take a break
Montagne de Ciguë
26 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
All Welcome 
i am on my way

there's a little surprise before supper,
and it cannot wait

He'd been on the move for two days now.

Not two days straight, of course. He rested and hunted voles and rabbits in between. Drinking when he was thirsty, curling up in a comfortable spot when he was tired. But Kraai was trying his best to follow the scents. He'd memorized Chaudry's, and whenever he smelt something similar, he felt a pang of confidence and raced forwards.

On his way to Viskani, now, he wondered if he'd run into any others before he made it to the mountain range. The vale, Chaudry had said. Oh, he couldn't wait to get there! The message played over and over in his brain: that Chaudry's trip would be taking a little longer than expected. To not disrespect Viskani—not that he'd disrespect anyone.

A bundle of joy, Kraai practically bounced within the pasture, heading east to the mountains.
[Image: xKQOwY5.png]

Nederlands | Common
99 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
After months of wanderings, Waawaashkeshi finally found herself returned to Moonglow. To Nasamiituuq. But short wanderings could not be helped.

Just ahead a man bounced through the pasture. No, not a man, but a boy. She couldn't help but giggle at the sight, wondering just where he may be headed with such clear excitement. He seemed to be moving east.

Held high, her tail waved gently with her eyes fixed upon the stranger as she considered this.
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Montagne de Ciguë
26 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
A giggle sounded from behind him, and the boy whipped his head around, looking behind him with a start. Joy was clearly plastered upon a dark, youthful face. Golden eyes shone from dark, shadowesque markings.

Hallo! Wie ben je? His voice called across the space between the wolves. Oh, but the last wolf he'd met spoke common, though accented. Hm. He blinked slowly, then cleared his throat and gave a translation: Ah—sorry, who are you?

He trotted closer towards the girl, unsure as to whether or not she was of the Vale. She had other wolves smells on her, yes, but did she smell like Chaudry? No, he didn't think so. This was a stranger, then! A random!

He couldn't let his mission be delayed... But, oh, she was very pretty. His face was construed to display a goofy grin as he approached, pep quite literally in his step.
[Image: xKQOwY5.png]

Nederlands | Common
99 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Ah, so the shadow speaks.

Waawaashkeshi was not one to turn away a friendly face, and so the approach was returned. What an odd grin he had as she met him halfway.

"Waawaashkeshi." She responded, her eyes scanning the younger boy. "Where are you headed with such energy?"
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Montagne de Ciguë
26 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
Waawaakeshi, she had said, and the boy blinked away a look of surprise. A long one! But that was okay. She asked him a question soon after her introduction, and the boy was eager to answer: I'm going to the vale in the mountains, he smiled.

I'm looking for a woman named Viskani— Well, Chaudry's surname was de Cigue, so he assumed it be the same for his moeder. —Ah, Viskani de Cigue! Yes, that sounded right. Perhaps you know her? His tone was hopeful. Maybe this stranger could give him a short-cut.
[Image: xKQOwY5.png]

Nederlands | Common
99 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He was going to the mountains in search of a woman. She hummed, considering his question.

Waawaashkeshi had not wandered too far into the mountains due to the forming packs, so she was not aware of the mystery woman. However, she knew the trip could be dangerous. "I do not know a Viskani."

"But I do know that there are two packs in the mountains." She said, looking to the Sunspire in the distance. "They have only recently formed, so step carefully. They may be aggressive."
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Montagne de Ciguë
26 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
Aggressive, she said, but Kraai had a message, so maybe that meant they'd treat him with a little more... hospitality? He hoped so. Okay, he nodded slowly. He'd look from the mountain range to the guldenroede before he clicked his tongue. Well, I have a message for her, so I really can't be kept waiting...

It was clear—he was trying to get going without being 'rude'. He wanted to get some more meters in before sunset. Maybe when he got there and delivered the message, he'd have a bit of a wander. But for now, he was just trying to get from point A to point B as soon as physically possible.
[Image: xKQOwY5.png]

Nederlands | Common
99 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The sunflower offered a simple nod. She too had a destination to reach.

Turning from the boy she began the way back she came, hopping through the grass wordlessly. It was getting late, Nasamiituuq would be waiting.

Carefully eyeing Kraai as she left, she said a silent prayer. He was sweet, Waawaashkeshi could only hope that such an attitude would not be hardened by his travels.
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Montagne de Ciguë
26 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
With a sigh of relief, he watched as Waawaakeshi turned back to where she had came from. He stood there, watching, for a second, two seconds, before he continued onwards towards the mountain. He'd get there soon, he hoped.
[Image: xKQOwY5.png]

Nederlands | Common