Storm Watch Butte A Band of Demons Joined in and it Sounded Something Like This
22 Posts
Ooc — Herod
The rhythmic clipping of hooves resonated through the air, heralding the approach of the pack— a trade offering should negotiations falter: a calf, whisked away from the security of its pasture, its slender ankles scabbed from relentless herding yet otherwise pristine.

A lion and a dove, traveling companions of contrasting natures, flanked each other with a camaraderie forged in a shared goal. Their every step bore the weight of fatigue, their eyes mirroring the vast, merciless stretch they had traversed.

They will set up camp swiftly and shield you from the searing heat, @Elveera. Ensure our gift remains secure.

With a nimble leap, the tawny figure ascended the rugged rock face. As Herod reached the summit, two pouches slipped from his grasp, landing beside weathered grey paws. The alligator hide draped over his silvering, blonde shoulders rustled gently as he adjusted it.

@Ransem. Hawkish golden eyes fixed upon the horizon, a clearing of the throat as the smile fell flatly from the golden face. Our poor lost lamb has been found. Within one pouch, you will discover your payment, accompanied by the flower imbued with your companion, and target's, scent. In the other, the first installment of our dear Masa's compensation. Ensure he receives it, he added, gentle, but with a knowing edge. And do attempt to avoid conflict with him, my boy. He is an ally in this endeavor.
10 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
From atop the butte the new watcher had been waiting. Watching the advancing war band with a lazy eye, although the bleating calf certainly caught his attention. From his post he watched the congregation settle beneath the naturally made plinth, making no moves to assist them.

No, Ransem only rises once the procession's leader ascends the butte to join him. Goldcoin eyes linger upon Herod's back. Little urgency was instilled within him to view the elder man's face. Certainly not when envious eyes glided across the alligator skin. Oh but how disappointing that it wasn't a gift for him. Not yet anyway. Herod spoke of a meager payment in comparison.

Now, Ransem approached the man, stalking to the Founder's side to accept the rabbit hide parcels. He had been turning the flower over in his hand when Herod offered him a rather barbed comment.

Oh and here I thought you believed I was worth gifting flowers to, Ransem's tone feigned hurt, what a shame, really. You could have been the lucky first.

He would have discarded the flower then too, were it not for the valuable information it held. The stem spins between his toes as he lifts the rather beaten thing to his nose. The image of "stop and smell the flowers" is not lost upon him. So faint were the scents it carried, but they were there. He'd have to keep the damn thing for later.

He skirted around the "be nice" instruction. Herod knew how he felt to be assigned help. So Founder of Godsmouth, have you lost so many teeth that you've needed to outsource more? I know it's a problem that comes with age, but, so soon?

Ransem produced his own pouch, glancing at the contents within before stowing away the flower. He briefly glanced over the contents of Herod's payment. More teeth, he grunted softly, more to himself. He then palmed what was to be for Masa, obviously hefting the parcel within his hand, assessing its weight. Nonetheless, he set it to his side, unopened.

Delivery boy, then. Shall I fetch him too? Ransem queried, the contempt in his voice hidden, veiled beneath a veneer of professionalism. Goldcoin eyes turned to meet those of a raptor, hungry to get to the meat of the conversation. Where is our target, Herod?
22 Posts
Ooc — Herod
Well, if you would prefer flowers to teeth, I would be delighted to make that exchange, the old man replied, his voice rich with sly entertainment. A smirk crept across his silvering features. His hawkish eyes, ever watchful, tracked the other's movements with keen interest, as the russet man twirled the bloom.

Remember, that is merely the beginning. Should you locate the boy, the rewards awaiting you will be treasures so immense that one hundred teeth would seem a paltry offering by comparison. His chuckle was low, a rumbling echo of amusement, as he parted his onyx lips to reveal a flash of yellowed teeth. Remarkably, I still possess them all, if you would believe it. This land is vast and sprawling, Ransem, and our party, though determined, is small. More eyes are ever a blessing.

Herod's gaze swept over the crimson-hued landscape, his eyes catching a distant glint. We will set up camp here. There is ample shade, and I can smell prey. Depart to seek out our new bounty-hunting ally. His last message lacked a precise location. Ensure that this oversight does not repeat itself. In the meantime, I will dispatch Eira to the neighboring packs.
30 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the preacherman heard a word.

his paw paused mid-step. 

tall ears turned, now more careful in discerning sounds. sentences.

and his conclusion was interesting.

he pressed himself to the cliff, straining to hear. a manged edge of his lip lifted in effort.

could be a cameo teehee <3
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apophis is rated r for enactment of religious and sexual abuse
10 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
A cold focus remained on Herod as the elder wolf droned on. There is no indication upon his face on the information provided, only a disgruntled chuff and peak of fang beneath his lip as he was, indeed, set upon the route of courier. No further complaint was made as he followed Herod's gaze out to the sands. His nose lifted to accept the scents of the butte, ever becoming familiar to him in the passing days until something foreign pulled a low growl from his throat.

The twisting winds around the stone monument brought to him a creature rank with blight. The festering initially masked the canid scent before he discerned it. Hackles raised, Ransem rose to his paws, a golden eye keen on Herod's back. Herod himself was well-kept, in both his own appearance as well as those of his underlings. So then, this was an interloper.

There is rot below, Ransem rumbled. The one warning an eavesdropper would get directly from the russet man before he made to descend the steep sides of the butte.
22 Posts
Ooc — Herod
Herod stiffened, his silver and gold tail flagging as a wave of irritation coursed through him. The elder turned his attention first to where the bleating calf and mountain woman were resting in the shade, noting with relieved satisfaction that only his men surrounded the pair.

A guest should be properly welcomed. Bring it to me, he chuffed, settling down onto his haunches with a groan.
30 Posts
Ooc — Bees
they'd smelled him.

panic broadened the moons of his eyes, but then the man willed some peace into himself. thought of the lessons of the Good Men.

with an easy step he parted from the wall, to stand in the path of the - he saw now - goliath, in the stance one could equal to empty hands shown palms up.

easy now, head-hunter. was his drawled croak. ain't want no trouble, only wag tongues with that man up there.

he offered a tired smile.

( his heart thundered )
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apophis is rated r for enactment of religious and sexual abuse
10 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Ransem's descent is swift down the butte's sheer slope, a volley of loose pebbles clattering down the stone in his wake. Wide paws hit the earth and goldcoin eyes land upon the interloper. His lips peel to flash his teeth towards the blighted man. A reminder if he should misbehave.

Be grateful then, for he is willing to spare you a word.

Ransem parted from the butte's wall, the route up the rock formation free for the stranger to ascend. In turn, Ransem would circle the man and shepherd him upwards. Ransem would keep several paces back to avoid touching the manged man wherever he could.
22 Posts
Ooc — Herod
The hawkish eyes watched as the stranger's dark form appeared. An amused smile curled upon Herod's lips, his golden irises flicking towards Ransem, commanding him with a silent wait.

Oh, my, my, my, you aren't looking your best, are you, son? Herod's voice carried a chuckle, rich with pity and wry amusement. His piercing gaze traced the contours of the young one's patched body. Please, make yourself comfortable. There is no use in standing awkwardly when sitting will achieve the same effect and is much more agreeable.

The elder wolf adjusted the alligator hide draped over his silvering shoulders, the leather pulling against his fur as he settled more comfortably.

Tell me, do you know this country well, uh-- Herod paused, mouth falling agape as he thought momentarily, forgive me-- your name?
30 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he'd made himself act unaffected as the goliath herded him upwise, but it was - pointedly - before the elder that all of his features lowered, but for the corner of his lip still pushing into a cheek.

he sat.

merrick. he offered, as if this were a more pleasant conversation. forgive my intrusion, sir. smelled a calf and wolves, thought it were hunters i could seek charity from. i sees now...

eyes rowed over the scene.

it ain't quite so simple.

i heard some, what you was discussin'. let me tell you plain, there's but a couple groups in these lands. coyotes way west, but up there-

his paw rose northway.

a kingdom. or a kingdom's outpost, i suppose. not too well versed, but, i do, well, the manged man grinned. have a predisposition to overhearin'.

they call themselves somethin' foreign, and they take in the ill and eager. can attest - last time this malady struck me, i was offered a place.

his smile dropped, and there was a calmer look in his eyes. this man before him was, at some deep level, resembling of the Good Men.

and thus, resembling of himself.

that sound like the right place?
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apophis is rated r for enactment of religious and sexual abuse
10 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
short one to keep things moving, didn't mean to let things get away here

The stranger yielded to his directives. Well, that certainly made things easier. He might have had a surge of confidence if the relief wasn't short-lived. Oh no, it wasn't short-lived, it was tainted.

It was disappointing wasn't it? No struggle. Nothing to sink his teeth into. Oh, but that could change with a little time now, couldn't it?

Up, up, up they climbed. Nail clicking up rock as the ascended to meet the founder of Godsmouth.

Herod met his eye and Ransem stationed himself at the access route. This Merrick would only leave when Herod dismissed him. Ransem's eyes bore into the man's back, waiting.

How would Merrick leave? Down the footholds? Or over the edge?

Ransem could only wait and see. Listening all the while.
22 Posts
Ooc — Herod
The elder listened with growing interest, leaning forward with pricked ears as the boy continued to speak. It did seem like the right place.

Herod, deep in thought, let the silence linger for a moment before speaking, his tone thoughtful. This is truly remarkable information you have shared with me, Merrick, remarkable indeed. You mentioned that you came seeking charity? Then it would be my honor to repay you. A leg of doe and a poultice to ease your ailment should suffice, I believe, The man’s voice trailed off, his thoughts momentarily turning inward as he called over the side of the butte for the requested items to be delivered with all due haste.

The elder’s golden eyes remained steadfastly fixed on the boy, even as he leaned back in one comfortable, unhurried motion. A paw rose to rest beneath his chin, the gesture one of deep consideration, his mind sifting through the layers of Merrick’s account.

Now, boy, you say you were offered a place in this outpost. Can you tell me of their leader? he inquired, his voice smooth and conversational.
30 Posts
Ooc — Bees
pupils spread as the gifts were shown. slight sway of his tail as they were brought nearer, then given. the manged man looked incredulously from them to the elder - leg of beast to his chest, packet of medicine in the crook of an arm - awaiting the proverbial rug be pulled from under him.

no such finish.

a small smile, for this man who he trusted as much as any other of his kind, then got to dropping and arranging the items in a way best for carrying.

the question perked his ears.

lips pulled back in an expression that seemed first to shape into a grin, then became a grimace.

hebsut. emphasized by an angry roll of eyes. y'know what tongue that is, sir? a bad one. mizraim.

he hunched, not looking at his conversation partner, but across the expanse of the lowlands, towards the cenote.

they're pharaoh-people, with ten thousand lil' gods. who knows what goes in their lands. but, again, i remind y'all - they'd accept me into the fold.

the items were arranged, yet as the manged went to take them into his jaws, he paused. looked up.

anythin' more y'all need from me, sir?

his grin was stiff and painful.
[Image: 1a8230a1e0276e4b2873413a6c3fb50f82be59c5.gif]
apophis is rated r for enactment of religious and sexual abuse