Hushed Willows Suis ton Berger, mon Petit Mouton
Montagne de Ciguë
86 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
All Welcome 
Careful steps and calm breaths, Viskani moved through the willows with ease. Claws gripping the ground beneath her and her tail swaying behind her, she was keeping her spirits high.

As promised she had left the vale to recruit wolves, however she had her own selfish reasons as well. Allowing herself to be alone for some time took a weight off her shoulders and allowed her to relax. She needed it.

She questioned whether or not she would have any success. It felt as though the other's were growing frustrated with their slow-growing number's, but recruiting wolves was no easy task. She could be charismatic, she could be friendly - but no amount of people pleasing guaranteed a pledge. Not everyone was ready to make that sort of commitment.