Swiftcurrent Creek Anagram
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Preferably someone Tuwa hasn't met :3 Shortish casual thread anyone? I need to break up my massive IC posts haha

A lazy afternoon was always best spent off-duty, Tuwawi pondered to herself as she loomed beside the creek watching water bugs flirt atop the calmer pools. It was warm today, and the forest buzzed with life and new growth. Persistent sprouts edged through the soft loam as song birds chattered noisily. Even the woods seemed to be in a better mood, happy to become enrobed in fresh buds once again.

However a new sight caught the cardinal wife's attention, an ethereal tree which had started to bloom with pale flowers. It was stout in size, not nearly as intimidating or as stalwart like a pine or spruce, but quite jolly and ever so fragrant. Tuwawi's nares twitched curiously as she circled it, enticed by the delicious aroma, going so far as to attempt to climb it (and failing miserably). She had never seen a crab apple tree before, but found it quite exotic and alluring in its own way.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
Me! :)

Loneliness haunted her. This was not the kind of pack she was used to, and Bazi was starting to wonder if she had made a mistake by pledging her allegiance to this motley crew of vagabonds. She had gone the entire morning without seeing another wolf - the entire morning - and was itching for any kind of interaction. At least winter was starting to pack its things and move on; the air was pleasantly warm, and every tree she saw looked busy with preparations for spring.

The newcomer found Tuwawi attempting to climb one such tree, and felt a rush of relief so strong that she thanked the spirits out loud. She genuinely had to check the urge to sprint over and tackle the other female; they were strangers, not family. Not yet. Instead, she announced herself with a woof from a distance and closed the gap at a trot, tail wagging (an understatement - it was a white blur) low to the ground and body language hovering between submissive and neutral.

"I'm Bazi!" she announced breathlessly, stretching her head forward to offer Tuwawi the first sniff.
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Thanks for waiting for me TT__TT

As Tuwawi gazed at the tallest boughs of the sweet tree, wondering how to ascend it, small footsteps pattered across the clearing. A young, alabaster she-wolf scuttled over to where Tuwawi stood, expression happy and excited. Her tail wagged with a rare vigor, voice barely able to keep the volume on her introduction. I'm Bazi! the blue-eyed girl proclaimed, body overly submissive and low. It would by a lie to stay Tuwawi wasn't overwhelmed by the display; equally pleased to see the young wolf defer to readily, but a little confused about her sporadic nature.

The red ember's expression was concern at first, having never met the stranger before, but her visage was quick to soften as she regarded the youthful Bazi with a careful scrutiny. She appeared able-bodied and wholesome, with a certain joy comparable to the pirate girl, Bones. "Hello," Tuwawi said, voice a bit clipped due to the sudden interaction thrust upon her, "you are... new here?" she queried, deducing this to be true. For the time, Tuwawi abandoned the crab apple tree to inspect one of their newest members. She approached to, as wolves often did, inspect her by scent. Swiftcurrent had not yet made a strong mark on the youth, but it certainly would it due time.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
That's alright! How's work? I'll assume that this is still set when it's set - as in, when Bazi first joined.

Bazi allowed herself to be cataloged, obviously thrilled to have found company - her tail swished rapidly against the ground, flattening the grass and frightening insects into action.

"Very," she confirmed, breathing Tuwawi's scent in whilst she was close. The scent of the fields was on her - a warm, grassy scent intermingled with the silty mud smell of the creek. "Fox and Jinx brought me in. I haven't seen many other wolves since.. have you been here a long time? Are there many others?"
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Still crazy... but finally the project I am on is finished. I am actually at work tying up some loose ends right now x_x Yeah, let's keep this thread backdated and then we should start another one right away :o I have a feeling Tuwa & Bazi are gonna be BFFs

"Oh?" Tuwawi murmured quizzically as Bazi explained the brief back story about how she had been assimilated into Swiftcurrent's life. Fox and Jinx were like two sides of the same blade; both fiery and fiercely protective... just one happened to be much smaller than the other. It was wonder, sometimes, that they let any new recruits near the borders. Although, they were both ambitious wolves and it was certain neither would deny the opportunity to strengthen the packs blood. It was curious that such a white puffball would be allowed to feed amongst them, however. Perhaps this girl had some skill they desired.

"I take it they put you through their paces," the fireblood mused with a grin, knowing full well that their alpha and beta were prone to hazing their inductees. Tuwawi certainly had been, at least. It was then she inquired about her own time in the valley, and it made the red woman realize she was now one of the more senior members here... and perhaps the oldest woman, which made her inwardly cringe. Tuwawi had never fancied herself a denmother or matron, but the years had softened her rather prickly attitude, and left the brazen youth with a more well-rounded take on life. This did not mean she was soft or pliable in any way... but rather, more level-headed and perceptive to the ways of the world. "A month or two," she responded with a snort, forgetting how much time had actually passed since Njal had escorted her to this land, "but one of the more longstanding members, I suppose. There are a handful of us. But we are strong." Swiftcurrent was still in its infancy, and soon to be cast into a time of unrest, although few were aware.

"I am Tuwawi, by the way," she added, forgetting to provide her own moniker for a proper introduction. At this, she leaned over to amicably nibble at Bazi's crown, blessing her time amonsgt them in her own way. "Who else have you met?" she asked, curious as to what impression the other wolves had made upon the serendipitous yearling.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
Fo' sho'! I'll blaze through. :D I think this is set after the cougar attack..

Bazi nodded. Jinx had been particularly harsh, but made fair points; every wolf in the pack had four legs and a nose - what made Bazi a better scout than, say, Njal, who was both larger and more experienced?

But Tuwawi knocked the thought out of her mind with a gentle nuzzle to the top of her head, which Bazi accepted with a cat-like purr and a deferent flick of her plush ears.

"Lecter," the youth replied, wrinkling her nose at the memory of their crusty shaman's musty odor. "And Bones - she's a sweetheart. We dragged that.. " Pause. Bazi bit down hard on her tongue. A raw, prominent scar marred the left right side of Tuwawi's face, ruining her lip. The cut was deep and violently inflicted - most certainly not the mark of another wolf. The newcomer's eyes flickered awkwardly between it and the more established female's eyes. "We dragged the cougar corpse into the river," she finished (at speed), "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. It looks well healed."
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Tuwawi's skull nodded briskly as Bazi sounded off the Swiftcurrent members she had encountered. Lecter's name was met with a disdainful expression, however it was righted by the mention of Bones. True, they were vastly different in every way -- an old scheming doctor and a scurvy urchin barely within adolescence -- but each held a particular, and important, niche within the pack. Bazi's words seemed to trail off as her list continued, glaucous gaze wandering. Her elder regarded the youth, a bit perplexed, until she realize that the yearling gawked at the tight, blistered flesh which marked Tuwawi's cheek and maw.

The red woman couldn't help but break eye contact, somewhat abashed by the mention of her marred appearance. Some wolves viewed scars as medals of war to be worn in pride, while others only saw them only as a mistakes. Tuwawi was of the latter, though in retrospect it could not have been helped. She was the smallest of Tartok and the cougar had marked her for death. Even now the memory of the lion's fang did not fade with time, though her skin had stitched itself to the best of its abilities. Outwardly, it had never nearly been a point of contention. Her pack had helped it heal, and often failed to mention its presence. However, he ember's self conscious would not let her forget its existence. Njal did not seem to love her any less because of it, though she sometimes wondered if he thought it ugly or hideous.

Her tongue top rolled through the notch in her lip as she sighed, eager to forget these simple, cosmetic worries. "It is nothing," she said accepting Bazi's apology as she traced the girl's flawless complexion with stormy eyes. It was good news to hear the corpse had been fed to the creek, disposed by those who had not felt its rage. "Swiftcurrent's cougar did not cause this wound," she started, feeling compelled to warn her junior of the cats' ways, "it was made by another, when I was apart of a different pack. That one had caused a great deal of suffering as well." She grimaced, remembering the gashes inflicted upon Miyako's chest. "Each time I have encountered one, my pack has not left unscathed. Fox was badly wounded, Njal... my mate... completely bedridden, and Jinx..." Tuwawi's words faded, not wanting to press farther into the subject of their beta's miscarriage. "Well, if you see one... stand your ground and summon the pack. Do not run, because it will chase you; and do not attack alone, because one wolf is no match." She paused, considering this grim advice. "In fact, it is better to just scare it off the grounds and leave it at that. No death is worth competition over prey."
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
The scarred female averted her eyes, and Bazi felt terrible. What kind of wolf brought attention to a physical flaw within minutes of meeting someone? It wasn’t as if Tuwawi could do anything to disguise it, nor did it have any impact what-so-ever on her physical competence. Recent memories of her own pristine reflection in the still waters of Duck Lack came to mind, and Bazi gritted her teeth against the urge to say something else - ”you can hardly notice it”, which was a lie, or ”it tells your enemies that you’re not to be messed with”, which it did, but who wanted a reminder of past battles etched into one’s face?

Thankfully, Tuwawi was gracious enough to let the blunder slide, and shared a snippet of pack history alongside her warnings. Bazi nodded, eager to move on. ”I’ve never had a close encounter, but that was my mother’s approach, too - strength in numbers, better to ward off an enemy than sacrifice a limb. I’m not much of a fighter,” she admitted, but that much must have been obvious from her size and lack of scars.

”So have you and Njal...been together for a long time?” These were waters unsailed for Bazi, whose experience with the vast and wonderful world of dating and mateship was limited to observing her parents. Shar-Kali was private and reserved, and their interactions in public did little to communicate that they had been a mated pair for over six years.
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Wow chatterbox Tuwawi

Some small semblance of comfort was found in Bazi's gracious expression. The female was polite to let the topic of her mark pass, if not to save her own conscious. Memories of Tartok still planted themselves vividly in Tuwawi's mind, even though its golden era beneath the Issumatar, Siku, upon the Eastern Mountains had passed. The familial roots still rapidly grew, however, and there was no doubt in her mind that the surname still flourished. Important skills and lessons had been learned during this phase in her life... and it caused small mirth to bloom in her chest when Bazi accepted her wisdom easily.

It seemed the white wolf's family was of a similar mind, heralding the pack over individual strength. The way it should be, Tuwawi thought to herself. "You mother is a smart woman. She taught you well," the ember agreed, but a sigh interrupted her sentence. "I always fancied myself a warrior... but it has become clear I was not destined for that role." Both Kindred and Tartok had pushed to sculpt warriors from all their members, despite their physical shortcomings, and urged each wolf to trial by fang. A younger Tuwawi yearned to posses the skills equal of her leaders Sterntooth or Siku. However, with each mouthful of dirt she ate it became clear her body was better apt for a different vocation.

She thought to ask what Bazi's skills included, but the younger woman queried about her mate instead. Her chin tipped, a bout of pride fluttering in her breast, evident by the glimmer in her eyes. "We have," she affirmed, though in retrospect perhaps the union of other wolves was longer lasting. A year and change was practically a third of Tuwawi's life, and to her it felt like a lifetime. "We met when I joined the ranks of Kindred, the first pack I was apart of... but we didn't commit to one another until after that group was no more. A flood wiped it out," the memory of a drowned Windrunner Plains was grim, though new life always seemed to find itself after the worst tragedies. "Then, we became separated when the herds move from Chinook to Teekon, and lost each other for a long while. When I joined Neverwinter I thought I saw him near Greatwater Lake and eventually I tracked his location to Swiftcurrent." Pure luck had brought the Northerner and Southerner together once again, and hopefully for good.

A small smile pressed her muzzle, temperament becoming chatty when a subject of her interest was raised. "Have you met him before? He is a warden here, though currently off-duty." Her words paused, considering his status and expression turning quiet once more, "Swiftcurrent's cougar did a great deal of damage... it bit him clean across the skull. He has been feverish since... though shows improvement little by little. Mm... but let's not talk about that beast anymore." Tuwawi purposefully exuded the information that death has circled her husband, though she felt he was out of the woods, by now. Hopefully the fertile times of Spring would help him heal, as well as bring new joys to the Valley.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
I'll open this up to fading now, so we can go back to talking about ...

[Image: 4933031684a7302450617l.gif]

..in the thread with Bones! ;)

"You mother is a smart woman."

She's certainly that. Bazi had mixed emotions regarding her mother. On the one hand, Shar-Kali was a woman to be revered - undisputed alpha of her pack, ruthless and disciplined. Punishments were harsh - but once earned, her loyalty and trust were like a mountain. Unmoving and eternal. The Creek wolf often compared herself to her mother, mostly on a subconscious level, to measure her own successes and shortcomings. Amon, by contrast, was just an accessory. Kind and loving, but inconsequential. His sweet face was an ever dimming blur of common features and sad, watery eyes.

"Then we can be not warriors together," Bazi chimed in, and settle down to hear the story of Njal and Tuwawi.

They'd had their fair share of ups and downs by the sounds of things, and their love spanned great distances. Bazi breathed a delighted gasp when the separated pair found each other again - by some incredibly fortunate coincidence, Bazi guessed (correctly). Fate, a lost voice whispered in her ear, but she discarded that thought with a swift flick of her ear. A story can be just as beautiful without fate and magic and silliness, she thought to herself. Somewhere, Shar-Kali must have felt a strange surge of pride.

"I haven't yet," the girl replied, ignoring the part about Njal's injuries. "Maybe you can introduce me when he's be-" A yawn hijacked her sentence quite suddenly, so fierce in its insistence upon itself that the hairs on Bazi's neck stood on end and tears pearled in the corners of her eyes. "-etter. Whoops. When he's better," she finished, looking sheepish. "I might have a little snooze - just here!" The little wolf flopped into the fresh spring grass and spread her limbs into a wolf version of 'starfish'. "I don't think there's anything better than spring."
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
The budding she-wolf appeared to be rapt with attention by Tuwawi's romantic anecdote, and it satisfied the senior to entertain an audience so interested in her extensive history. In only three short years countless events and milestones riddled the red woman's timeline as she was thrust from pack to pack by variables beyond her control. From her birth in the wilds, to her adolescence in Kindred on Windrunner plains, into Tartok's mountains, and beyond to different lands like Chinook and Teekon, it was impossible to say Tuwawi was any less than well traveled. This made the scope of her reunion with Njal all the more extraordinary by even the tallest measures.

"For sure," she agreed, though it was almost certain Njal would bump into the porcelain yearling first. Her husband was a dutiful guardsman and avidly patrolled the borders. They were bound to have run in once he resumed his normal responsibilities. "And perhaps... we can exchange our tales. I have much to share, as I am sure you do as well, " Tuwawi added, wondering if this would pique her interest. It was rare for another wolf to care to listen to an oral recite of one's past, which was often found dull and uninteresting.

As Bazi's jaws spread in a large yawn, and she sprawled onto the first grass of Spring, Tuwawi decidedly placed herself at the base of the crabapple's trunk. Creamy paws curled against her belly as she nestled into ball. "Mm, me too," she said, agreeing a small nap with be quite pleasant in such a serene and fragrant place. However, though her lids would close, Tuwawi would not rest in order to keep a diligent watch over her new acquaintance.

Fade Tuwa
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
It was Bazi's first natural interaction in months - two girls, sharing stories and troubles on a sunny day. In their territory. The fact that she was able to say that with confidence made the little girl smile where she lay, basking in the afternoon glow. Tuwawi lingered, curling into a ball at the base of the apple tree she had been inspecting. If she was keeping an eye on Bazi, the younger wolf did not notice, and it wasn't long before she was soundly and happily asleep.