Boartusk Heights A key for your shackles, oh Kronos
La Muerte
18 Posts
Ooc — Bone
All Welcome 
just a wee excursion ;) Assuming the kids havent actually really met Nivis yet, correct me if im wrong

Nymphora was putting her newfound legs to good use, but found she could hardly do such a thing stuffed in the royal caverns.

Though she and her siblings were but a month old, none were deaf any longer. She'd heard the whispers of this 'father'. Angry mutters from a returning mother, a scowl upon the face of the handmaiden that tended to them in her absence. Nymph couldn't help but wonder where he was, and so child-like curiosity would worm its way into her mind, and she was struck with a brilliant thought. 

Perhaps she could find him! Maybe it would make mother happy! Maybe he would defend her hide when Valeria or Vincent next bared their teeth. 

And so, with nothing but woeful confidence and good intention, the whelp slunk out of the cavern when the adults were occupied,  she would creep out of the den and onto the rocky cliffside. She was still a quiet thing, after all, so her absence would likely go unnoticed for at least a couple minutes. There was a sharp chill up here, but she braced herself, ears flattened to her head, she would toddle around the rocky shelf, occasionally looking down.

It was a long way down for tiny paws.