Deepwood Weald bouncing baby boy
10 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
Nearly a month had gone by since his entrance into the world. Between draining his mother's milk supply and roughhousing with his siblings, it had been a pretty swell life. He could live with this.

Well. Almost.

There was a world beyond the den and the little clearing outside, and Kitimat knew it. He saw the shifting shadows behind the trees, heard noises above, below, and far afield. He was eager to explore, and yet, whenever he tried to trundle triumphantly past the edge, he was unceremoniously yanked back by one of the adults.

It simply was not fair.

As if to voice his complaints aloud, a Steller's jay landed at the other end of the clearing, just past the trees, and crowed raucously. Sitting on his plump little rump, Kitimat could only watch in open-mouthed wonder as the black-and-blue creature carried on, pecking here and there at the ground. It seemed to be looking for something.

'Spose I'll help, he thought with a sigh, and rolled onto his side, pressing his muzzle downward into the soil. The bird seemed not to notice at all.