Blacktail Deer Plateau catch a hot one!
<span style="font-size:8px;line-height:8px"><font color='#CC4100'>I</font><font color='#C43D00'> </font><font color='#BC3A01'>A</font><font color='#B53702'>M</font><font color='#AD3403'> </font><font color='#A53104'>H</font><font color='#9E2E05'>E</font><font color='#962B06'>A</font><font color='#8F2807'>V</font><font color='#872507'>E</font><font color='#7F2208'>N</font><font color='#781F09'> </font><font color='#701C0A'>S</font><font color='#68190B'>E</font><font color='#61160C'>N</font><font color='#59130D'>T</font> <br/><font color='#CC4100'>D</font><font color='#C63E00'>O</font><font color='#C03C01'>N</font><font color='#BA3A02'>'</font><font color='#B43702'>T</font><font color='#AE3503'> </font><font color='#A93304'>Y</font><font color='#A33004'>O</font><font color='#9D2E05'>U</font><font color='#972C06'> </font><font color='#912906'>D</font><font color='#8C2707'>A</font><font color='#862508'>R</font><font color='#802208'>E</font><font color='#7A2009'> </font><font color='#741E09'>F</font><font color='#6F1B0A'>O</font><font color='#69190B'>R</font><font color='#63170C'>G</font><font color='#5D140C'>E</font><font color='#57120D'>T</font></span>
153 Posts
Ooc — Madison
joining thread for @Dawa and @Tenzin to post first and then asking for @Hawkeye ;> Any others of BDP are welcome to pop in I guess tho if they are curious

A beast, lurching, first appeared over the edge of the plateau. Dark fur crested the rock and then came ears, and face, and the rest of his hulking form. Behind him, two others; they kept their distance, as though the beast emitted some forcefield to hold them at bay. The sun was high in the sky, just past its zenith as it shed its afternoon warmth. A respite from the winter cold; despite this, he could breathe out and see steam still wrap from his lips and tongue into the air. Not that the cold really concerned him. His skin was tough, an impenetrable hide that bore scar and debris alike. It would seem that his pelt shook with each step; the hairs were long and oily, hanging from him like an old rug. Raheerah had never traveled such distances before, and they took their toll on him. Like his companions, he was tired, and he was hungry.

A grunt escaped him as he leveled himself on the very edge of the plateau. Before them, plains and a distant forest cropped up from the rock, bathing in the pristine afternoon sunshine. A single eye narrowed, hot like flame; it rose from the plateau to the cerulean skies yawning above them, and his upper jaw followed, leaving behind his chin. His mouth parted and a bellow rang from his throat. It was hardly a canine cry at all; a roar, hardened with age and malice, spilled up into the sky and called for whatever mortal called this place home.

His companions were eager to find shelter. They'd asked for paradise, and though this place was furthest from it, it would have to do. Raheerah could travel for days more, but Dawa could not. Their paws were all scathed and bleeding, their muscles sore, stomachs empty. If the creatures that crawled this plateau would not accept them, they would starve. Either that, or Raheerah would be forced to make a meal of the tedious monk behind him.

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" width="187" height="35"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="scale" value="noscale" /><param name="salign" value="lt" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashvars" value="mp3_url= Player!" /><embed src="" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" wmode="transparent" flashvars="mp3_url= Player!" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="188" height="36"></embed></object><div style="margin-top: -10px;"><font style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11px; margin-left: 5px;"><i><span style="color:#447294;">h</span><span style="color:#4a7899;">e</span><span style="color:#507d9f;">a</span><span style="color:#5583a4;">v</span><span style="color:#5b89aa;">e</span><span style="color:#618eaf;">n</span><span style="color:#6794b5;"> </span><span style="color:#6c9aba;">g</span><span style="color:#72a0c0;">o</span><span style="color:#78a5c5;">o</span><span style="color:#7eabcb;">d</span><span style="color:#83b1d0;">b</span><span style="color:#89b6d6;">y</span><span style="color:#8fbcdb;">e</span></i></font></div>
46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
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Warmth from the afternoon sun seeped into him and made him feel relieved. It was better than a rainy, dreary day and he'd take the sun over an overcast sky at any chance. Though the sun was warm on his back, the air was crisp and chilled. Unlike the Dragon who had fur and skin as thick as bone, Tenzin prided himself in temperate training among his many other duties to train for. He prepared for everything and could withstand the coldest night and the hottest day. Monk life wasn't all that awful, though; he learned a great deal from the Gods and holy grounds of home. It had been so long since he had seen a sign or gift from them that he began to wonder if they'd ever truly find their paradise. He had dreamed of it, but he was certainly no prophet.

Though the man grew weary he showed none of it. His endurance and self-discipline were top notch, and he had to keep himself strong for Dawa. At the thought of her, the man craned his neck around to make sure she hadn't started crying blood or anything from their extensive travels. A warm smile broke upon his lips as he saw her following along behind him with his tail gently held between her teeth. It was something he had grown used to but it wasn't entirely strange for him. As a monk, he made many weird accommodations for others. Speaking of which, the holy man focused his attention back onto the Dragon who had been leading the way. He paused, so Tenzin did as well and jerked his tail to signal to Dawa they were stopping.

As the monk turned to check on their prized companion, the Dragon let out an awful sound that shook Tenzin all the way through to his bones. His fur bristled and he turned slightly to eye the hulking beast as it stood and carried out its horrendous attempt at a howl. "Gods, 'Brug. You certainly are no wolf," the man said under his breath as he moved closer to Dawa to inspect her. "Dawa, dear, how are your legs?" He gently nosed her neck and shoulder to comfort her while taking a moment to squint his eyes at her paws. Her legs weren't in the best of shape after the Dragon had greatly disfigured her, and Tenzin was always particularly worried about them on their journey.

51 Posts
Ooc — Java
I accidentally deleted this post. X_X
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
Hawkeye hesitated when she reached the edge of the plateau. Three wolves? Only one had called, and three being present made her slightly uneasy. She walked on tall, though, and stopped a safe distance from them.

She quickly inspected each of the wolves with her precise eyes: a soot-colored male with a deformed face and a single molten eye, with greasy looking fur; sad teal eyes set into a lean, fit body that matched the color of snow; and an odd-looking female with a reddish pelt and eyes that said blind. What an odd little troupe.

"I am Hawkeye, Alpha of these lands." She looked across the wolves, from red, to white, then resting on charcoal. "What is your business here?" Her voice was calm but commanding, her eyes sharp and full of presence.
table by houkie
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
It only made sense that the alpha not be left to handle 3 wolves on her own <333

It didn't require much effort to ascertain the over abundance of stranglers loitering upon the borders...especially with the dramatic cry that rose over the silence of the afternoon. Its voice was thick, mangled, and all at once his nerves were on edge with the tentative thoughts of whether this beckoning came from friend or foe. Hawkeye, he noticed, was not well known for making nice beyond the sanctity of the borders and he was understandably concerned by the unknown rouges who now waited for her sole interception.

Groaning mildly to himself and the ridiculousness of it all he rose from his resting place...assuming a trot that quickened into a canter to usher him into toward the gathering.

They were a battered bunch of wolves but their presence, namely the hulking beast at the forefront, made the pale wolf's audits flatten with unease. A few feet beyond the alpha's flank was where he sat...settling with a silence that gave the certain impression that he was there as support alone. He was quite and dutiful; a perfect complement to Hawkeye's assertive nature that spilled forth upon her questioning.

set by Emy

<span style="font-size:8px;line-height:8px"><font color='#CC4100'>I</font><font color='#C43D00'> </font><font color='#BC3A01'>A</font><font color='#B53702'>M</font><font color='#AD3403'> </font><font color='#A53104'>H</font><font color='#9E2E05'>E</font><font color='#962B06'>A</font><font color='#8F2807'>V</font><font color='#872507'>E</font><font color='#7F2208'>N</font><font color='#781F09'> </font><font color='#701C0A'>S</font><font color='#68190B'>E</font><font color='#61160C'>N</font><font color='#59130D'>T</font> <br/><font color='#CC4100'>D</font><font color='#C63E00'>O</font><font color='#C03C01'>N</font><font color='#BA3A02'>'</font><font color='#B43702'>T</font><font color='#AE3503'> </font><font color='#A93304'>Y</font><font color='#A33004'>O</font><font color='#9D2E05'>U</font><font color='#972C06'> </font><font color='#912906'>D</font><font color='#8C2707'>A</font><font color='#862508'>R</font><font color='#802208'>E</font><font color='#7A2009'> </font><font color='#741E09'>F</font><font color='#6F1B0A'>O</font><font color='#69190B'>R</font><font color='#63170C'>G</font><font color='#5D140C'>E</font><font color='#57120D'>T</font></span>
153 Posts
Ooc — Madison

In waiting, he could hear the shifting of wolves behind him. The two moved next to one another, while one of them concerned with the other's health, and the blind trembled in her wordless response. Raheerah only twisted back an ear to listen to them, ignoring the words of the monk. They were useless to him; they bore no sentiment of worth. Only when the tiny female quietly questioned their presence here did he speak up. Ignorant to the fact she'd directed her words towards the monk; he was eager for her attention, and let his drawl drip slow and precise from his lips. "To reegain our strenngth. Lham." He rumbled without shedding a glance in her direction.

He remained silent after that, until two figures arose from the plain and appeared before them. The first one, fur black as night, eyes like emeralds - she stood with some sense of authority, purpose, and stared at them. He felt judgment under her gaze. The second came not long after and he was pale. He seemed meek. Raheerah ignored him. He cocked his head and let his single eye focus on the one who he perceived to be leader, the female. Raheerah inched forward and swung his head into a low, if overly emphasized bow. "Wee have come seeking respite within your good land, my lady Hawkeeye." He began, his voice slow and roiling, and brought his head back to its usual position. Still, it hovered below Hawkeye's, and he put careful attention to warping his posture into something respectful.

Raheerah then side stepped and began to gesture to the others behind him. "This. Is Yaasuo Tennnzin. Monk." The beast flickered his gaze back towards the white wolf, and then to the feeble girl behind him. "Dawa Haritiii, the cleric." Raheerah then resumed his former position and looked back upon Hawkeye. "And Iiiii, their guard, Raheeeeerah." The name was spoken with the undertones of violence, the promise of carnage; he left out his title for good reason, and would smite the monk should he see fit to mention it. Concluding his introduction, the beast sucked in a breath and momentarily flicked his gaze to the pale wolf seated nearby Hawkeye. It was merely a second's glance, and his burning stare returned to the Alpha. "Weee each hold merit to which weee shall bring your pack, if you shall haave uusss." And as he spoke, he cracked his lips into a toothy smile, although it was foreboding, and far from warm. With the hope that both Dawa and the monk would remain silent, Raheerah was more than prepared to handle this introduction on his own - it should play into his hand if his two companions spoke little, if at all.

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" width="187" height="35"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="scale" value="noscale" /><param name="salign" value="lt" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashvars" value="mp3_url= Player!" /><embed src="" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" wmode="transparent" flashvars="mp3_url= Player!" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="188" height="36"></embed></object><div style="margin-top: -10px;"><font style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11px; margin-left: 5px;"><i><span style="color:#447294;">h</span><span style="color:#4a7899;">e</span><span style="color:#507d9f;">a</span><span style="color:#5583a4;">v</span><span style="color:#5b89aa;">e</span><span style="color:#618eaf;">n</span><span style="color:#6794b5;"> </span><span style="color:#6c9aba;">g</span><span style="color:#72a0c0;">o</span><span style="color:#78a5c5;">o</span><span style="color:#7eabcb;">d</span><span style="color:#83b1d0;">b</span><span style="color:#89b6d6;">y</span><span style="color:#8fbcdb;">e</span></i></font></div>
46 Posts
Ooc — CJ

As Dawa let him inspect her paws, he frowned at their cracked and bloodied state. His were the same but it was irrelevant. He muttered a praise for her patience and kept himself close to her, sitting just in front of her with his back to the Dragon but his chest nearly against hers. He wasn't sure how cold she was but he was thankful for the sun on a day like this. His ear twisted back to catch the arrival of one—no, two?—wolves. His head turned gently just to peer over his shoulder to confirm the number. He turned back to Dawa and quietly whispered to her, barely audible, "The alpha is here and she is brack wolf with emerahd eyes. Her name is Hok-eye. That who 'Brug is talking with. She has companion who white but he not impressive compared to 'Brug. We will be safe." His accent was thicker as he tried to talk with a hushed voice.

He kept himself close to the mangled cleric and turned his head gently to view the alpha. "Bow now," he said to Dawa in a small whisper as he dipped his head respectively but remained seated in front of the cleric. Though the Dragon was between them and the alpha, Tenzin felt more relieved having himself as an extra guard against the strangers. Raheerah spoke with his elongated sounds that always pricked Tenzin's hairs in a bad way. He turned away from their company to keep an eye out behind Dawa to make sure no extra members of the alpha's pack came up to surprise them. Not that he expected it, but it made him feel better to have his chest and face close to hers should she want to feebly whisper anything.

"We in pretty forest," he commented quietly, trying to give Dawa a picture to think of as they sat aside from the happenings behind the monk. Whatever needed to be talked about, the Dragon would take care of it. He had his way. Tenzin measured his breaths and kept himself at a steady, rhythmic pace to help keep the cleric calm. When Raheerah introduced himself, he left out his title. Wolves from Jokhang and surrounding areas (or what they hadn't conquered) knew the mark on his face. But these poor strangers... Tenzin turned his head with a narrowed eye but held his tongue. Crafty serpent, he thought to himself with a grunt.

51 Posts
Ooc — Java
Her question was answered by a different voice than what was expected; but it was a familiar voice nonetheless. The Dragon's rumbling voice did not make her shrink down or away, the way it might have made another. Dawa was uncertain of him. Her stomach plummeted, an unpleasant sensation, but the girl had little way of knowing that it was fear and revulsion that instigated it. She was then soothed by a more enjoyable voice - the whispering of the monk, who Dawa relied upon most desperately for everything.

His words, although muted, garnered a slight widening of her eyes. There were strangers here, and who knew if they were trustworthy? Their scents reached her moments later, after Raheerah had introduced each of their party - and then Tenzin told her to bow, quick and quiet once again. Without realizing it, Dawa moved in unison with the white male; her little face bobbing low, and then gradually lifting. Cold air drifted from her nose in small puffs that she could not see, only to vanish again as Dawa inhaled; seeking out their crisp new scents, and the smells of the forest around them. Without anything else to do, Dawa sought out the warmth that Tenzin's body afforded. She nestled herself against him, leaning her slight body against his, and stole a little of his heat.

set by Emy

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
The dark female acknowledged the presence of her companion with a nod and a drop in her stomach. Nausea almost consumed her for a moment, for she had said nothing on the way home from her little skirmish in Neverwinter Forest, and neither of the two had spoken since; she sighed quietly, thinking that after this little event was over that she should pull Ariston aside and speak to him.

Hawkeye looked over the wolves more carefully this time as the greasy-looking male went over the names. She felt as if his intentions weren't exactly genuine or saintly, but figured that he could do no harm to her while he was on her lands. An entire pack of wolves would be there in mere moments if either her or Ariston called, especially if it was one of desperation.

"Hello, Raheeeerah," the dark charcoal she-wolf spoke, elongating the "ee" sound as he did; she figured it was just the way he spoke (since he had done the same with her name), but she wanted to have a little fun. "What is this 'merit' you speak of?" She looked sideways to the blind woman in front of her. "If I accept you, I expect you to hold your own. I have another blind wolf in the pack and he is held to the same standards as everyone else here, no pity or special treatment." Hawkeye mostly felt this way since she had her own disability, but she did not disclose this fact to strangers. Only a handful of people knew this about her, those she trusted.

She gave a look to Ariston (with a raised eyebrow), as if saying "anything to add?" He was one of her higher ranking wolves, and figured that if she missed anything important to mention, he would be there to back her up; another reason, though, was she did not want the wolves in front of her thinking that the fluffy male was weak in any way. They were the ones the three were requesting food, shelter, and protection from the world, not the other way around.
table by houkie
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Unlike his alpha Ariston felt that this rag tag trio could do a lot of damage regardless of whether they were inside or outside the territory. He grew more suspicious of the behemoth with each hissing word that slithered betwixt his lips...but his distress was not focused on the disheveled wolf during his introductions. Tenzin and Dawa did not appear in any way hostages of their leader; he wondered why two canines that had favorable - for lack of better terms - presence would willingly pad behind a shadow of malice.


Tenzin's focus, which had either been on the battered femme or directed at Hawkeye, flicked to an entirely different direction at his commander's introductions. He look uncomfortable...which was of stark difference to his apathetic composure just seconds before. There were snakes in their midst.

But which one was the head?

Hawkeye's continued formalities were evidence enough that she either didn't notice the subtle cue or wasn't entirely concerned by it. Ax's lips pressed together to keep his opinion about the event to himself. But when the floor opened to him to elaborate further on the alpha's terms he figured it would be better to provide opportunities to the vagabonds rather than irk tempers by denying them. "We could use skills in hunting, healing, and interpersonal relationships most," he advised with careful consideration to each wolf's physical attribute.

He did not like them with a single iota of his being. But seeing as he was not running this particular rodeo he felt there was no other choice than to play nice.

set by Emy

<span style="font-size:8px;line-height:8px"><font color='#CC4100'>I</font><font color='#C43D00'> </font><font color='#BC3A01'>A</font><font color='#B53702'>M</font><font color='#AD3403'> </font><font color='#A53104'>H</font><font color='#9E2E05'>E</font><font color='#962B06'>A</font><font color='#8F2807'>V</font><font color='#872507'>E</font><font color='#7F2208'>N</font><font color='#781F09'> </font><font color='#701C0A'>S</font><font color='#68190B'>E</font><font color='#61160C'>N</font><font color='#59130D'>T</font> <br/><font color='#CC4100'>D</font><font color='#C63E00'>O</font><font color='#C03C01'>N</font><font color='#BA3A02'>'</font><font color='#B43702'>T</font><font color='#AE3503'> </font><font color='#A93304'>Y</font><font color='#A33004'>O</font><font color='#9D2E05'>U</font><font color='#972C06'> </font><font color='#912906'>D</font><font color='#8C2707'>A</font><font color='#862508'>R</font><font color='#802208'>E</font><font color='#7A2009'> </font><font color='#741E09'>F</font><font color='#6F1B0A'>O</font><font color='#69190B'>R</font><font color='#63170C'>G</font><font color='#5D140C'>E</font><font color='#57120D'>T</font></span>
153 Posts
Ooc — Madison

Though his attention was focused on the two pack wolves before them, Raheerah had twisted an ear aside to listen to the hushed tones issued by the monk. He described the situation as he usually did to the woman, a circumstance that he found rather unfortunate. But, he supposed, sight was a small price to pay for immortality; perhaps she saw beyond the physical realm. As Hawkeye spoke his name, practicing the same prolonged vowels as he had spoken, he couldn't tell if it was out of mockery or a sheer lack of understanding his drawl. There didn't appear to be any humor on her face, but Raheerah wouldn't let himself be fooled; nor would he be annoyed. With her pronunciation, he could only let the corners of his mouth twitch into an amused grin.

She practiced the inexorable need for some definition of their merit. For a moment, Raheerah didn't quite know how to explain. What needed detailed further? The monk did as monks did, the cleric could heal, and fix. The guard protected. Those were their jobs. Had he not already clarified this? He kept silent as she turned her attention to Dawa and spoke the conditions by which they would treat her blindness, and he almost wanted to rip into her with a snarl, correct her. Dawa was worth so much more than that. Deserving. But he could not shatter his companions chances at a place to stay with his own anger, and he had learned to hold it down. Still no trace of expression crossed his face save for that haunting, ghoulish smile, and he turned his ears to the pale male once he finally spoke.

Healing and interpersonal relationships - those were jobs for the petty, for the quiet. And yet, no duty worthy of the man's experience was listed in addition. Only hunting, which he presumed the pale wolf would ask of him. A slightly more feral task, but it was mortal none the less. Raheerah was capable of doing far more than that. "A huunnter I can beee." He rumbled, dismissively turning his head from Ariston and settling his gaze on Hawkeye. "But. I am faar better suited to the practice of waaar." Raheerah added. "I shall protect your borderss from intruuusion. I caan destroy those who staand in your way." His words came with promise once more, although there was no attempt at deceit. Raheerah forged his honesty for the very purpose he would join the ranks of this pack in the first place. An excuse for blood shed, to kill with purpose. "And." He paused and looked back at Ariston. "I will feeeed your legion."

He finished, and held his gaze upon the pale wolf for moments longer. Of course, his intention had been to speak on behalf of the entire group, though when it came time to further define one's skills he could not speak for the monk or Dawa. Truly he held no knowledge of their skills beyond the magic that Dawa enticed with her plants, and the futile pacifism that the monk could preach. And to be quite frank, Raheerah thought the monk was useless enough that he likely couldn't explain his merits even if he tried. With that, he encouraged with his silence his companions to speak for themselves.

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" width="187" height="35"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="scale" value="noscale" /><param name="salign" value="lt" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashvars" value="mp3_url= Player!" /><embed src="" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" wmode="transparent" flashvars="mp3_url= Player!" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="188" height="36"></embed></object><div style="margin-top: -10px;"><font style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11px; margin-left: 5px;"><i><span style="color:#447294;">h</span><span style="color:#4a7899;">e</span><span style="color:#507d9f;">a</span><span style="color:#5583a4;">v</span><span style="color:#5b89aa;">e</span><span style="color:#618eaf;">n</span><span style="color:#6794b5;"> </span><span style="color:#6c9aba;">g</span><span style="color:#72a0c0;">o</span><span style="color:#78a5c5;">o</span><span style="color:#7eabcb;">d</span><span style="color:#83b1d0;">b</span><span style="color:#89b6d6;">y</span><span style="color:#8fbcdb;">e</span></i></font></div>
46 Posts
Ooc — CJ

Tenzin kept his back to the alpha and her companion but kept an ear turned to listen as they spoke. When Hawkeye drew out the Dragon's name, the monk gasped and turned quickly to make she had survived that bit of play. Raheerah hadn't moved, so Tenzin lowered his head a bit and sighed with relief. That was close. They need a place to stay and the Dragon's newly found patience was certainly welcome. When she began to explain that Dawa would receive no pity or special treatment, Tenzin let his ears lay back as he worked up a way to excuse her from anything that would bother her. Though she couldn't see, the girl suffered more serious issues than being blind.

The white wolf spoke up about what they could use within the pack. Each position detailed that of they would have done in Jokhang which put Tenzin on edge. Did this wolf know them? His eyes narrowed. The monk did not have the ability to judge others, but should he have had a choice in profession, he'd likely not trust the white wolf. Tenzin simply smiled at the fact that there was a position for each of them. The Dragon began to talk first, as was expected, and explained that he'd not only be able to hunt for the pack, but also kill for it. When he stopped talking, the monk waited a moment before taking the Dragon's silence as a cue for him to speak.

"Ah, yes. He is good killer of all things," Tenzin said wisely, nodding his head as he spoke. "As monk, I can help with relationships. Much good advice you could learn from monk, many proverb to be told," he said, accent not as strong now that he was focusing on speaking. "Monks hunt too, can also help with hunting. 'Br-uhh, Raheerah better suited to fight and kill enemy, might rip flesh of food too much. Could scare food into ambush, though?" While trying to find a proper place for 'Brug, he nearly slipped the nickname out but instead used the beast's actual name for once. He couldn't exactly call him derogatory names in front of others that wouldn't know of them.

He didn't move from Dawa's side and was still seated facing her. He pursed his lips for a moment and nodded, as if finishing a conversation in his head. "Dawa blind, yes. Obvious. Dawa is cleric, heal good. Good with plants. Knows lots of them by smell and texture, but also is apprentice. I help her. We learn together, though she know more than me. I heal mind, she heal body." Nodding again, the monk tapped his toes trying to think of other things to say so Dawa wouldn't have to speak or be questioned. How much should he actually say? "Dawa special. Has ailments. Not for fighting," he added on. "Warning: not to be touched." Whether Hawkeye and her companion took the warning seriously or not, the Dragon surely would kill any wolf who touched her and caused her pain. Tenzin still didn't know why that happened. It hurt him to be so helpless. If he couldn't cure her condition, he and the Dragon would certainly find her a paradise to live in.

51 Posts
Ooc — Java
There was very little for Dawa to do, as they were questioned. Like Tenzin, she expected Raheerah to display wrath in some form to the Alpha who spoke his name; although she did not tense like the pale man, her nose found it's way in to Tenzin's fur for a brief spell of time. Raheerah did nothing. He behaved, giving them a chance to a home after all. Dawa felt as Tenzin's body relaxed and she withdrew her tiny touch from him; but it was a momentary thing. His voice then rose as a response to the Alpha, and added to what the Dragon had rumbled earlier; pointing out every little thing that could be of use to these strangers. Dawa knew he was doing this to avoid having her speak. It was good he understood her issues, but at the same time, the small creature wanted to speak. She wanted to prove that her body, although irregular in it's appearance, could be just as useful as any other's.

But, she did nothing. Dawa sat and waited for the voices to cease instead. The Alpha - and the stranger who had spoken next to her - would see them all as useful members of the pack, eventually. Dawa was more concerned with the Dragon - just as Tenzin was, she suspected - as the two civilians were bringing a warmonger, murderer, and psychopath in to their home. Tenzin had wanted them to find paradise and maybe this was their paradise; maybe it was enough to curb the Dragon's bloodlust and rage; to fix the hybrid's broken body. She thought of these things in a state of blank silence, her eyes roaming over each individual despite not seeing them.

set by Emy

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
Hawkeye finally took a moment to look to Ariston. She examined his features, and saw that he was in distress. Her mouth parted as she looked back to the three wolves, and then she took a deep breath inward.

"I am sorry Raheerah, Tenzin, and Dawa, but my ranks are full at the moment. But, do not fret: there are many lands that provide food nearby, and in a small pack of three, I am sure you will flourish. You all seem determined; if you ever need assistance, call for me and I will see what I can do." She felt bad not letting the three enter her pack, but it really was filled to the brim, and she had to trust the feeling that she got from Ariston; she truly had to speak to him after this encounter, and would ask him to stay before he ran off.
table by houkie
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Oh lordy I fail -grovel-

His interaction with the strangers was severely limited given the circumstances. He offered only words...and an attentive ear to catch the volley of responses. But it was Hawkeye, leader of this land, who remained the centered focus of the gathering. He said his bit and then refrained from interfering further; the slow turning of his head following the two males as they spoke and then finally on the alpha as she established her decision.

Of all the replies he'd braced himself for the refusal of the newcomers was definitely not one of them. He froze in mid thought and looked hard at his alpha; it was the first time in his life that he'd seen recruits be declined. And for population control at that! However he felt at ease knowing the beast and his snake wouldn't be granted entry...a feeling that made his stiff shoulders deflate somewhat before a small knot of dread dropped in his stomach. would they take it?

set by Emy

<span style="font-size:8px;line-height:8px"><font color='#CC4100'>I</font><font color='#C43D00'> </font><font color='#BC3A01'>A</font><font color='#B53702'>M</font><font color='#AD3403'> </font><font color='#A53104'>H</font><font color='#9E2E05'>E</font><font color='#962B06'>A</font><font color='#8F2807'>V</font><font color='#872507'>E</font><font color='#7F2208'>N</font><font color='#781F09'> </font><font color='#701C0A'>S</font><font color='#68190B'>E</font><font color='#61160C'>N</font><font color='#59130D'>T</font> <br/><font color='#CC4100'>D</font><font color='#C63E00'>O</font><font color='#C03C01'>N</font><font color='#BA3A02'>'</font><font color='#B43702'>T</font><font color='#AE3503'> </font><font color='#A93304'>Y</font><font color='#A33004'>O</font><font color='#9D2E05'>U</font><font color='#972C06'> </font><font color='#912906'>D</font><font color='#8C2707'>A</font><font color='#862508'>R</font><font color='#802208'>E</font><font color='#7A2009'> </font><font color='#741E09'>F</font><font color='#6F1B0A'>O</font><font color='#69190B'>R</font><font color='#63170C'>G</font><font color='#5D140C'>E</font><font color='#57120D'>T</font></span>
153 Posts
Ooc — Madison
Im sosososo sorry this took so long. Mobile post :(


He waited in patient silence after the words left his lips. Next to speak was Tenzin, explaining their merits in greater detail. Raheerah paid little attention to his words, though it wasn't of ignorance - more so disinterest, dismissal. Only when he had fallen silent again did the beast give his attention. The blazing eye embedded in his skull fixed on Hawkeye, as though he were blind to the presence of the white male beside her. The male was of no use to Raheerah - only the dark furred female and her pending decision.

...And soon it came, and the beast couldn't help but feel a swell of agitation. Followed by disappointment, and then another wave of anger. He failed to let it show on his features - only the cool calculating of his stoic visage would betray that he was still processing this information. What then - what would happen? Raheerah would be forced to continue his search, and Lham and the monk would starve as they waited on him, hiding in the shadows. No rest for the dragon who worked endlessly on behalf of his promise - he wouldn't lie, he was drained. It just made their rejection worse. Raheerah ushered a quiet snort from his flared nostrils and straightened, the fur on his spine elevating slightly. "If yooouu are unwiilliiing to offerr yoouur assistaance now, thenn yoou will not be of uuuse to us in the future." The beast drawled. Like distant thunder creeping across the sky, he shifted until he had to crook his head down to peer at the woman. His stare was hard and illuminated with unsettling amusement. "Hooope that yoouur bustliiing hierarchyy serves yoouu weeelllll."

The creature then swung away, stepping away from the woman and her packmate. His gaze cast to the monk and Lham. "Coommme." He uttered a single word in dismissal of this mishap. Then, he moved away, presumably with his companions in tow, and began his descent of the plateau.

(Exit raheerah)
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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
month fashionably late

As they waited for an answer, Tenzin truly was not expecting to be refused. But perhaps the Dragon was too much for the wolf and her companion, for he was quite a sight if one hadn't been used to seeing him. Before the monk could say anything, the Dragon hissed to Hawkeye and Tenzin let out a quiet sigh. As the beast turned and left, Tenzin chuffed to Dawa before nudging her gently. He moved before her and waited for her to grab his tail, holding it near her mouth so she wouldn't have to search far. As he did this, he stole a glance to the departing Dragon and then turned to Hawkeye with an apologetic smile.

Thank you for the consideration, Hawkeye, he said quietly, though he knew the Dragon's hearing was otherworldly. Despite our friendly beast, I do hope we meet again in the future. Until then, he began to lead Dawa away while smiling warmly at the two others. May peace find you, he concluded, a common goodbye he used for people he did not really know. Slowly, he began to descend the plateau with Dawa, helping her along the way as they found their footing behind the Dragon. If Hawkeye did not believe they fit into her pack, then it was for a greater good. There was somewhere else meant for them and Tenzin quietly gave thanks to his gods as they moved on. Perhaps their paradise was yet to be discovered.

51 Posts
Ooc — Java
In silence Dawa listened to things as they unfolded. While she was physically tired and well worn by their travels, she did not mind having to find another place to live. There was no capacity to hold a grudge towards Raheerah or the female Alpha which prevented them from rooting themselves here; she just accepted it. With a quick word of thanks from Tenzin - in which moment Dawa gave a humble nod of agreement - the girl was herded back to the monk's side. The trio departed as swiftly as they could, with Dawa holding carefully to Tenzin's tail tip and Raheerah once again flanking them. The mountains were a difficult thing to navigate but with the help of her comrades, she would make it. They would find a home and everything would work out.

set by Emy


<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
ooc: powerplaying Ariston a small bit since he is no longer in the game and the thread needs to be finished

Hawkeye looked to Ariston, unfazed by the words that Raheeeerah spoke. There was never a time, while ruling the plateau, where she had felt threatened, especially not now.

"Good luck," she spoke in a hushed voice to Tenzin and Dawa, hoping that, at least, the two would be more forgiving and gentle. It seemed to be their nature.

After watching them leave and disappear into the distance, Hawkeye sighed. "Well, I suppose we should get out of here." She and Ariston walked deep into the plateau, making small talk about the three visitors, Hawkeye telling him that his hesitant look was what made her turn them away. The Alpha wanted her subordinate to know that his opinions matters.

They split ways a short time after the conversation, Hawkeye heading back to the den, thinking hard about the characters she had just met.

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