Swiftcurrent Creek oh dear, the soup is burnt
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
For somebody Fox hasn't met personally, or hasn't seen in awhile. If @Tuwawi is back from absence, that might be cool. <__<

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Fox was feeling rather warm in the afternoon sun, and so the girl made a beeline for the creek. Panting heavily as she trotted toward it, the yearling could only imagine the relief the cool waters would bring. She was careful to choose a spot where the creek widened, not wishing to relive the previous Alpha's fate. Once she had arrived at one of the slower-moving portions of Swiftcurrent, she stepped a single front paw into the water to test it. The water was brisk, which was just what she had been hoping for.

With a grin, the yearling dove in, hopping in so that she was elbow-deep in the creek's water. The wet coolness of the water touched her belly, and she sucked in her breath at the sensation. Sticking her muzzle just below the surface, she exhaled, watching the bubbles from her nostrils float to the surface. It was a silly, childish thing to do, but she supposed since nobody was watching, there was no shame in doing whatever she wanted.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
:'D I am so behind... gotta keep things vague!

Finally, Spring was in full bloom. Promising buds decorated the boughs of the forest which surrounded the creek like tiny baubles, and lush carpet of verdant grass coated the woodland floor. Tuwawi enjoyed this season, not cold and not yet hot, especially since they were located adjacent to Wapun Meadow. The Swiftcurrent wolf often found time to make trips out to the vibrant valley, always carrying back the most colorful wildflowers to decorate her den with. Her trips had become more numerous the past few weeks, since Njal was away on important pack duty to deliver a message to a land by the sea. She worried about him... about his injury. Her husband's departure felt so sudden... she hadn't even the time to announce the news that Fox had granted them opportunity to bring new life into the creek. However, soon he would be home... perhaps earlier than she realized, and her busy mind would find peace at last.

For now she found comfort in leaving patrol duty to those better suited, such as Haunter and Fox. Ever since her brash encounter with Xi'Nuata, Tuwawi felt less apt for that particular role. Taking stock of the caches and inspecting the wealth of the territory occupied most of her time, these days. In fact, just that morning she had discovered a hidden thicket of strawberries down by the most southern part of their expanse. It felt good to be useful in other ways, though she still searched for her true calling. Perhaps Lecter could offer more insight into the healing properties of herbs.

A distance splash interrupted the fire wife's train of thought as she jumped into a brisk trot down a well worn path sun-dappled by a lofty canopy. Tuwawi looked down the bank to see none other than Fox, playing in the calmer streams. Her subordinate offered a soft chuff to announce her approach as she slid down the embankment, amused at her leader's antics. "Having fun?" she jested with a bright light in her eyes. Everyone needed to relax now and then.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
For a moment, Fox froze at the sound of a voice, but when she whipped her head around to catch a glimpse of Tuwawi, she immediately relaxed. If anybody was going to catch her in the act of being a doofus, her friend-twin was the best possible option. Bouncing excitedly at the sight of her, Fox wagged her tail, flinging droplets of water in every direction possible. “The water is excellent,” she replied, her muzzle wet due to her bubble-blowing antics. “Won't you come in?” Fox offered.

She was briefly reminded of Njal's weird display a few days before, but since she had thought it was only a show of dominance, she did not think it important to note. Squabbles like that were not unheard of, and Njal had submitted as soon as he was challenged, so Fox did not worry for her place at the top. If anything, since the departure of Jinx and her followers, Fox felt stronger than ever. It meant new blood could fill the hole that they had left, and Fox did not wish for her ranks to be filled with those who did not want to be here in the first place.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
A vivid smile creased Tuwawi's muzzle at Fox's tangible joy. Quickly, the pair were becoming fast friends, helped along by the alpha's attention to her underlings. It was rare for a commander to be so involved with her subjects. Usually most preferred to rule from a higher place, demanding every shred of submission their subordinates had to offer. However, the young woman always had a penchant to do things her own way... and the method by which she led was refreshing and effective. The proof was in the pudding: the creek had endured many hardships in its infancy, from a cougar attack to the departure of their Beta, and still their numbers grew. Opportunity had favored Fox's new take on leadership, and it was easy to see the fruit of their labors.

Tuwawi lifted a paw to shield herself from the rain sent her way as she stood along the water's edge. "I'm afraid I'm not much of a swimmer," she mused playfully, tail wagging in an uneven cadence. The ember was the opposite of her mate, who was quiet adept at both fishing and swimming. Even so, she crouched to inspect the current's surface, unaware she flirted dangerously within Fox's grabbing range.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Tuwawi stepped closer, though she seemed reserved as far as actually coming in the water and having a really good splash. Fox, unwilling to take "no" for an answer, crouched for a moment before she leapt toward Tuwawi, bringing buckets of water with her. She stopped just short of the fire-woman, lowering her front half in a playful bow. “You don’t have to know how to swim to jump around in the shallow parts,” Fox enticed.

“The water’s refreshing!” she added, sticking her nose in the cool liquid to show off this point, exhaling so she blew bubbles in the water again. She had learned not to breathe in while her nose was still in the water. That led to rather frightening experiences of drowning and discomfort.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Short post, haha... what am I still doing at work?

Tuwawi sprang back, as if she had just been electrocuted, when Fox doused her with a large splash. Immediately her red, windblown hair went limp, wilted by the water's effect. She appeared very much an unamused, drowned cat as Fox bid her to play, a wry look twisting her features in feigned disgust. The farce didn't last for long, however; broken when she flung herself towards Fox, eager to grasp to opportunity when Fox was distracted with the bubbles. "That's it!" Tuwawi shrieked playfully as she grabbed the alpha by her trunk, plunging both wolves into the shallows, certain to become completely soaked through.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Before she had time to react, Fox was dunked underneath the water, sputtering and spitting as she managed to right herself and breathe in fresh air. With mock anger, the tiny red alpha flung herself at Tuwawi, soaked from head to toe, but no longer caring about staying dry. The spring sun would dry them off quickly once they exited the water, and Fox was not worried about catching a cold.

The fireball bounced her way out of the water, stepping onto the shore and pausing to shake her coat of as much of the water as possible. The yearling took a few happy bounds away from the water, did a one-eighty, and then came barreling toward the creek with vigor. She flung herself at the edge, doing a belly-flop in water that was just deep enough so that she wouldn't hurt herself in the process, hoping to give Tuwawi a good ol' splash in the process.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
High pitch growls of delight giggled forth as Tuwawi wrestled Fox like a crocodile in the creek's gentle wake. She struggled to keep her contained as, sure enough, the foxwolf escaped from her assailant's grasp like a slippery fish. The ember's posture dipped as sooty paws slapped the surface, daring her friend to reclaim the pool for herself. Not needing a catalyst, the smaller woman eagerly dashed back into the fray,a heinous glimmer in her eye.

Fox performed a boorish leap, landing on the water with a loud smack. Great waves practically drowned the Sveijarn as she yelped pitifully, doused by her leader's sly attack. As is to play dead, Tuwawi rolled onto her side and sank into the water, holding her breath. Surely, Fox had killed her this time. One wolf could only take so much!
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Mild powerplay with Tuwa resurfacing. Hope you don't mind!

Tuwawi went under shortly after Fox's tsunami, and the yearling cocked her head to one side, stepping toward where her lookalike was currently submerged. In a moment of panic, Fox thought that something had happened to the Iota, and her heart pitter-pattered like it had never pitter-pattered before. However, after not too long, the other girl was forced to resurface, and Fox let out a sigh of relief and shook her coat to ward off the bad feelings.

“I thought I’d lost you,” she said in a slightly-panicked voice. “I don’t think I could stand for that.” Although Fox had learned at an early age that death was inevitable, she did not want to witness one of her dear friends pass before her eyes.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All good! :D

A wide grin was painted on Tuwawi's soaked face when she emerged from the depths, however her friend did not look too amused by the act. I thought I’d lost you, I don’t think I could stand for that, Fox said nervously as an air of sincere worry drifted about. The ember frowned, feeling a bad for having played the part of a dead body so convincingly. She lightly cuffed her playmate with a brush of a ruddy shoulder. "Me? Drown in a kiddy pool? It'll take more than that to dispatch this wolf. You should know me better than that, Fox!" she teased the leader, hoping to lift her extinguished spirit.

"Besides, you're stuck with me for good." Tuwawi pushed her snout into Fox's ruff as they shared a moment to nibble at the smaller woman's damp hair. She felt the weight of the statement, but its presence was good. Truly, Tuwawi had become a loyal follower and fast friend to the fledgling alpha, and once those bonds had been crafted, they would remain intact. Tuwawi was a convicted woman who held fast her own ethical and moral compass, and it was unlikely she would waiver unlike a more noncommittal wolf.

Perhaps it would be best to take a break, now, she thought as she leaped onto the shore. The Sveijarn shook her body vigorously to rid her pelt of heavy water. The want to frolic and play had not yet been fatigued, and she found herself dipping into a bow to try and persuade Fox to participate in another game.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
You can either fade here or we can keep going!

It really was irrational, but Fox could not help herself. It was just one of those moments that she had realized how much she truly cared about Tuwawi. A goofy grin planted itself on Fox's face when Tuwawi spoke. It was true that the thought of her drowning in such shallow water was unlikely, but Fox was not always the most rational thinker. She was still young, inexperienced, and learning her way around the world. That had not stopped her from taking over the leadership responsibilities in Swiftcurrent, but it did become apparent often enough.

When Tuwa leapt to the shore, Fox followed soon after, shaking her coat and sending water droplets spraying in every direction outward. The yearling then pranced over to her friend, pausing for a moment before darting away, coercing Tuwawi into a game of chase.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)