Suggestion: Change Gender Drop-down to Custom Field
she was a forest fire by design
68 Posts
Ooc — vae
hiii. teensy sugestion.

i can only speak for myself and no one else, but i am very uncomfortable with the drop-down gender menu. i fully understand and support the reason that assigned sex at birth (ASAB) plays in reproduction on wolf, but i feel like maybe there's a happy medium so it isn't so... binary or forces people to identify their wolves in terms that may be uncomfortable?

as of right now, i don't feel comfortable bringing my trans or nonbinary characters onto wolf, because calling my trans female characters "male" or my trans male characters "female" just really, really does not sit well with me. i am morally opposed to it, personally speaking.

that said, could we not have a custom field where we could put whatever we want for gender? nonbinary, trans female, trans male, agender, etc.

being that this site is geared toward adults and responsible-minded teenagers, if the issue of fertility or the ability to carry/sire pups comes up, could the membership just be trusted to be consistent or honest with how their wolf falls or doesn't fall into those capabilities? i feel like this membership is very honest and responsible, even after only being here a short time.

all i'm asking is for the site to consider this, please! i'm suggesting because you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so here's my attempt.

thanks for listening. <3