Horizon Ridge Even Roses have Thorns
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle pushed herself out of the den yawning widely her gait uneven and ungainly. She was extremely large for her size knowing that the pups were going to be strong sturdy little things. She tilted her head as the bright morning sun hit her eyes and blinked.

She sighed and pushed herself to the little inlet near her home and lay down beside the water, anxious to be out in the sun and hear the sound of the bubbling water as it traveled over the rocks. She sighed in contentment her blue eyes slowly drifting closed, but she was not sleepy she was just enjoying the sunshine and the day.

She did not know where her mate was probably patrolling. She was immensely glad that his delirium was gone as was his fever. She had thought about taking his mushrooms and just throwing them all away, but then she didn't want to face that wrath or have that argument so she left them alone and besides he didn't use them constantly only when trouble beckoned at their door. And it was a way of life for his pack, and who was she to mess with someone else's traditions.

She shifted again and lay in the morning sun soaking up the rays and wondering briefly if someone would stop to chat with her today.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Some did stop by, someone with Rangar's scent upon her.
Nerian recognizing Ragnar's scent heavy upon her, she also recognized the scent the pregnancy, these heathens never ceased to surprise her, how could the royalty allow one of non royal blood breed. She held her tongue it was not her place to question these ... beings.

It bugged her that she was still being surprised by these 'wolfs' soon may haps she'd understand, but perhaps she didn't want to, she had to cleanse her mind somehow and trying to understand them further was not going to her her.

Her steps were even and graceful, as she nearly floated across the ground, stopping to the side of the female and standing still, waiting for the female to acknowledge her, it was not her place to talk to a wolf of higher rank unless spoken to first.
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A sixth sense cautioned Thistle to move quickly as she sat up quickly startled by another's form. She must have dozed off without meaning too. She looked around blinking hard trying to clear the cobwebs that had settled in her mind.

She turned her head to find a female standing near her with graceful looks. It made Thistle feel large and ungainly in proportion. But it was okay she had every reason to be big at the moment.

She tilted her head and spoke softly I'm Thistle Cloud. You smell like my husbands former home. Who might you be? A sister? A mother? One of his many dalliances? Thistle found that she really was far too tired to care if she was one of his dalliances normally jealous would eat her alive, but today today she was just exhausted.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
The pregnant she-wolf introduced herself as a wife, therefore equal to Ragnar she wondered if Ragnar would consider her just as much Thistles as she was 'his'

Nerian didn't know weather to mock this female or tell her the truth, in the end she was tired of her 'sinning' and so she lowered herself into a bow. A crudely woven Marigold necklace/wreath wrapped around her neck would be visible then, The female has used it hoping for the blessings and protection it could offer in it's minute degree. anything was better then nothing surrounded in this culture.
After a moment she stood back up keeping her head low and her tail dropped, proving to the femme before her she was no threat at the very least, but other then submission she offered no other emotional cues. Her eyes were neither hard nor soft as she spoke, if she harboured resentment none would be able to tell.

I am Nerian, a Cleric Preistess, enslaved to Ragnar.
She offered no other information, for she was not asked, and she had only wanted to see the wolf that smelled so much like Ragnar yet she had nothing else to speak of, not that she was much for words anyhow.
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
probably best not to mock her Thistle is a hormonal mess right now lmao.

Thistle Cloud looked at the wolf and felt distaste fill her mouth. She was finding the more wolves came from hre husbands land the more upset she was becoming. She was fine with the fact that he had dalliances before she had never expected them to follow him here. It irritated her to no end. She was sure most of it was probably the simple fact that her hormones were in disarray right now.

Thistle's eyes went wide and she stared at the wolf breathing harshly through her nose. Slave she was a slave Thistle wanted to rage at her husband. She knew he kept them but why not set them free when he left. "Why are you here? Why didn't you leave? Why in the world would you follow someone that enslaved you? Understandable it's his culture, but why not leave when he left why stay a slave and seek him out once you did leave? Thistle was thinking fast could she set the poor wolf free. She really did not care if it made her husband mad at the moment right now she wasn't even thinking straight her mind foggy with hormones and exhaustion.

Exhaustion won out and she felt like her body was going to droop. So she sat down quickly. I apologize I find as this pregnancy progresses I am tired more often than not.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Nerian tipped her head to the side as the she-wolf plopped down and shocked her head. wait a moment, please

She turned and loped off, her gait was clean and elegant as she disappeared, 5 minutes may have past before she returned and placed a black stone upon Thistle's feet. Nerian lay down that and whispered to the stone then she flicked dirt upon thistle's feet and the stone before backing up three steps and nodding satisfied.

Carry that with you and it will help, It's blessed Hematite. It's a grounding stone it restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, which your body is redirecting to the babes within you. Hematite also stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells, and helps cramps, anxiety and insomnia.

She knew she'd yet again have to answer the same questions Ragnar asked but she was tired to speaking having just verbally vomited the meaning to her actions. Nerian sighed and looked into Thistles face, her emotion now hidden behind a guarded plain mask. Her expression not one of frustration or anger but one of calm collected detachment, something she certainly didn't actually feel.
She repeated the same thing she told Ragnar, maybe this wolf would understand her plight more then a block-headed male. I cannot return home unless I am a free wolf and cleansed of all sins.

Nerian knew that she had changed much in the time since she been taken from her home. So much had he changed that she was doubtful she would ever be free enough from her sins that she could ever dream of returning.
Even her inner most personal thoughts mocked her; sinful thoughts.
She was unsure of how to regain the wolf she once was, unsure how to purify her mind and body. Though she did not appear this outwardly, she was a mess. A shell of a former priestess.

much of this was taken from the post with Ragnar, but Thistle asked the same questions and her answers have yet to change
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle stared down at the rock unsure if it would help but rather than offend the she wolf she pulled it towards herself. She smiled at the priestess, Thank you Nerian this is kind of you especially since my mate is your master. The last part she frowned at, she would have to get used to it she supposed as he was probably going to implement the same things into another pack if he gained the following and a leader position.

Thistle listened and she puzzled out what the other said. Did she mean that she needed to be free of her sins and free from her master or free in her mind and such. "So you mean you need to free yourself from your sinful thoughts as well as be completely free? Thistle was trying very hard to follow the conversation. She felt that she was right, but she was not 100% sure so she figured she would ask. Have you tried Meditation? I have found that my garden as well as the forest are very good places to collects one's thoughts within the silence.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
The rock might actually make her feet feel heavy, sleeping with it touching her would help the wolf awake with a more thorough sleep and more rested. I need to help you especially since your mate is my master her lips flickered in a smile and then she guarded her emotions behind her perfected mask.

Mediation can not untainted what has been tainted, though it is a good start and where I have already begun, Thank you Her head dipped softly in deference, if there was any exasperation or annoyance she felt in having the obvious pointed out to Nerian she didn't show it. Her voice was a smooth as her gait was, and her face pleasant to look upon though revealing nothing of her internal struggle. she wanted to scream at Thistle Don't you think I tried???

a garden peeked her interest she needed more plants, not that nature yielded to her prayers much anymore. Where is your garden? perhaps I could help tend to it in thanks for your allowing me to mediate there.
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle looked at the priestess for a moment and spoke softly "no Nerian you don't need to help me because Ragnar is your master. You can help me if you want too, but you don't have too. She did not know if she could handle the slave part of a viking life, she would probably be too nice of a master or something. Master she couldn't even fathom being master over someone.

Thistle sighed and shifted I'm sorry Meditation probably seems so simple, but I don't know what else would help you get rid of your sins as you put. Except maybe to forgive yourself, it wasn't you fault you were put into such a situation. Thistle did not think her words would help any, but being the healer that she was she wanted to help another as best she could. Especially one who had been nice to her and tried to help her.

Thistle smiled I can take you or I can tell you which would you prefer? I have to warn you though I do not walk fast and i have ot take frequent breaks.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Nerian bowed her front end slightly, i'd be honoured to help tend to it, if you would allow me to allow me to add my own plants to it, should I need to, I would be in your debt she added so as not to offend the pregnant wolf, she didn't want thistle to think she found the garden lacking. Nerian choose to not respond to the other statements, she would serve thistle as she would Ragnar but she was not allowed to speak of it for the hybrid ruled here and not Ragnar. Ragnar was to submit to the hybrid bitch and knowing this Nerian could force Ragnar to give her, her freedom but she would not, for she wanted to earn it.

A nice lazy stroll would be just what the soul needed on a warm day such as this Nerian offered her a smile hoping to be accepted rather then shunned. Having to search for it on her own would be a pain and then learning how things were set up would take time and then she'd feel less free to add to it
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle smiled at her Of course you can, it's really for anyone to use if they want too. I am the only that works with Flowers as Ragnar would put it the insufferable man anyway. She shrugged not even realizing what she had said, he knew he was insufferable so she didn't mind saying it with slight affection she really didn't mind that he called them flowers it just gave the two of them a teasing posture. "You know about healing then? or are you plants more ritualistic? Thistle found she was infinitely curious about the priestess.

Thistle pushed herself to her paws rather unladylike and ungainly and slowly started at a rollicking waddle towards the garden and the little inlet. It's right this way, theres actually a little water inlet right beside it that is beautiful I think you will appreciate it, Nerian. have you found the ridge to your liking thus far? I'm sure that it will have nothing on your home, but it is pretty none the less. Thistle knew very well what it was like to miss home and to have sights that just weren't the same though still pretty in their own right.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
she fell into easy step beside Thistle matching the pace perfectly adjust easy stride as necessary her rhythm perfect. used to traveling beside other wolves and keeping pace with the corner of her eye while staring straight ahead. Everything I do is more then ritualistic it has meaning and is supposed to heal or more.... Nerian sighed, and continued but God has not granted me the gifts he once had, it feels more ritualistic then not anymore She frowned glad for the change in topic

this place is not home, but it is nice, soon I will have a fitting den that will remind me of home Somehow now she was not sure that was a good idea. but she'd continue her ministrations until it was perfect she wanted to cleanse her sins and decided to start there.

she wondered if there were sweet grass and bracken fern in the garden but shed have to wait and see. truthfully she was very interested to see what this wolf considered valuable
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle listened to the Priestess as her husband called her. Truth be told she wondered about the two of them, but she kept her worries to herself. She would not treat the other any different nor would she treat Ragnar. What would happen would happen and she would have to take the good and the bad. She thought about what she had said and then spoke quietly Nerian perhaps I overstep here, but have you thought about maybe still following your God? Just not as a priestess. Now hear me out. I understand that this was your life before and that unfortunately it was torn asunder and let me apologize on my husbands behalf for that, though I think he did the best thing for you he could at the time. Anyway, have you thought about that, perhaps you could still follow him, just not as a priestess. Do the same rituals and all the of the above except have a family and the like. My own mother had a religion and circumstances out of her control changed that but she still honored them in what way she could. Thistle hoped she did not upset the other. However, Nerian if you wish to continue the way of things. I will do my best to help you get there that is a promise.

Thistle smiled Dens are very nice when they remind you of home. Mine does not yet, but it will some day. Though Ragnar has made it as comfortable and nice as he could for me. Even making me some things I can use for decorations. I also collect small things to put around seashells, shiny stones the kind of things I like to look at. Reminds me of my mother.

Thistle spoke quietly yet again. I have a variety of different ferns in the garden, rose hips, some black berries, there are some bergamot, and yarrow leaves and other such things. I hope you can use it. And anything you want to add please don't feel like you have to ask just add it, but be sure you tell me where it is so I don't accidentally tramp on it. I try and come out once a day to tend it, sometimes every other day. She soon grew silent feeling like she was simply filling the air with nonsense, but she was a friendly femme by nature.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
when the conversation turned back to her god she felt herself getting angry even though she didn't allow it to outwardly show, she face was serene as she traveled next to Thistle cloud. She chose not to speak or respond to the advice Thistle offered her,

when she continued to speak Nerian found it hard to concentrate on her words, suddenly there was a word she really picked up on, plant names, and she kicked herself back into the conversation.

To start I'll add just Marigold and goldenrod and sweet grass once I get those going then I will inform you of what else I may add. I hope that's not to much She hoped the goldenrod when mixed correctly would help Ragnar come out of those self induced deliriums he put himself in faster, She was excited to see that Thistle had some things she would have already gotten for herself like the Bergamont

Have you hear of Vervain? after the pups are born should you have trouble lactating for them you would want to get your paws on that Nerian worried about things like that and wanted to be fully prepared but it was not her place and time was to short now by the looks of her 'mistress'.
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle relizedx swiftly the other had blocked her out and for a mo9ment she felt young and stupid. She knew this simply because the other didn't speak. IT irritated her a bit but not enough for her to say anything.

no those are fine I can use them too and no need you can put what you like just make sure to tell me like I said so I don't trample it. she led her past the small water inlet to the garden that grew there. here we are
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris

Nerian's eyes gazed over the garden, it was better then she could have hoped for comming from these heathen's er.. wolves, Nothing like her gardens at 'home' but then there were wolves who devoted their entire lives to maintaining the gardens. So this was the best she could hope for here.

Wow Mistress Thistle, you have done well; it will be my honour to help you up keep it. If I add a new row I will mark it with stones so that you may see if I don't get to talk to you first. Have you devised an easy way to water it?

Nerian had her ways; she had watched the garden wolves back home, but she was curious as to how thistle did it here.
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle smiled at her praise thank you I do my best. She tilted her head and sat back to her haunches. Looking over the plants with a practiced eye, some had already been here she had just improved upon it. It was primitive at best, she was not human she lacked the opposable thumbs, but she enjoyed it and she did well.

She sighed the water was a problem it took awhile, usually she tried to let the natural weather take care of it, but occasionally she had to water it. She pointed towards a few rocks. I have some shells hidden behind those rocks. I carry it from the little inlet there. She pointed towards the small stream of water that ran down into a larger body. It takes time more than anything, but that is how I do it.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris

Nerian stared at the inlet then at the garden and finally along the ground between the inlet and the garden she was contemplating something seriously. I think I can help fix that She said while not looking at thistle and sounding clearly distracted. She was about to get up and wander away toward the water when she remembered her manners

Leave your garden to me Mistress Thistle and I will see to it you will not have trouble watering it again Nerian bowed her front end then gracefully stood and made her way toward the inlet to examine it and the shore line

Fade Nerian
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle smiled at her and with a nod of her own head she waddled back towards the den, she wanted a cool place to take a nap and Ragnar should be coming by to check on her soon and if he couldn't find her, she feared he may go a little bit crazy. She chuckled to herself imagining her husbands words for her when he couldn't find her. She shook her head and kept on doggedly towards the den. She really couldn't wait for these pups to be born.

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