Horizon Ridge Come Sail Away
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Thistle woke and licking each of her babes and getting a paw in the nose by Tveir she rose and covered them gently with the deer hide and other pelts and quietly moved towards the den mouth. Laying half in and half out with an ear turned back towards them she soaked up some early morning sun, since Ragnar was off doing patrols and she knew he had to make more rounds she decided to get her own sun for the time being until he could come back and she could escape completely out of the den.

She hummed a small song to herself as she enjoyed the rays on her face and pelt her white paw tapping against the ground as well as her tail. She wondered if anyone would venture this way or if they would all stay away for sure until the rite of passage was done for the three little vikings.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
You get my 100th post!!!!!!!

Julooke had tried to go by Thistle and Ragnar's den often to bring fresh food to the new Mom, and to see if she was out and about. She usually wasn't. However, Julooke never called for Thistle, thinking if she disturbed her too much, she and Ragnar might get upset. Still, she always hoped for more time with the couple. With Thistle's knowledge of herbs and healing, and Julooke needing Ragnar to learn about his culture, it was difficult for her to stay away from the pair. There was just so much she needed to learn from them! She wasn't exactly scared that Ragnar would mad at her for her frequent visits, because she did respect his traditions of not seeing the new pups until they were a month old- which seemed like forever away! She had never tried to even sneak a peak, and made sure not to even look inside the den itself.

Today, she had a plump, juicy rabbit between her jaws, and was trotting briskly toward Thistle's den. She slowed to a walk as the clearing came into view. Her gaze settled on Thistle, and her ears softly folded on her head as her tail wagged, happy to see her friend and mentor. She walked over and placed the rabbit beside Thistle before backing up a few feet to give her some room. She lowered her body to the ground, her tail still waving back and forth. Hey, Thistle! How are you? Julooke had a bad habit of sticking herself to people who may not have wanted her company. She always tried to be as polite as possible, but she was so gun-ho about the pair that they must be tired of her by now. Not that the thought entered her mind.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Thistle was extremely appreciative of the meet that Julooke would often bring and she knew it was her as her scent was on it. She wouldn't have minded if the female had called to her once in awhile. The pups were not allowed to be seen, not her. As long as no one tried to see the pups she didn't see how it would be bad if she had some friendly conversation every once in a while.

Thistle smiled at her friend and the rabbit finding that she was still always hungry. It was a full time job feeding these babes of theirs, and one she took extremely seriously. Hi Julooke! I am well, tired and hungry but good. How about you? have you spoken to Verrine yet? (I apologize if I spelled that wrong.) Truthfully Thistle was not tired of Julooke she was glad to have her.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen

If Julooke had realized Thistle wanted the company, she would have come calling so much that Thistle would have grown tired of her and sent her away. Her mind was always brimming with things puppy and herb related these days, and Thistle was one wolf who could help her with both of those subjects.

Her friend seemed happy to see her, and the rabbit. Julooke shook her head side to side, but smiled, Not yet, but it's just because I haven't had the time since we last spoke. I'm not so scared anymore, though. More excited, she added. It was true. Sure, she may still have had reservations about Verrine's response, but it was no longer holding her back. She just needed to find the right way to tell him. Do you think maybe I should, like, ask him on a date first? She asked Thistle. She hadn't really thought out how she was going to tell him yet.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Well Julooke the ritual should happen in just a week or two, and then you can see the pups too. She was in the mood to share good news. She loved that the pups were getting larger, at the same time it filled her with bittersweet emotions as they were no longer her babies and soon they would not need her as much. Her mother had told her, that was the way of mothers.

Thistle chuckled a date. Well when Ragnar asked me to be his fourth wife I was on my way to look for herbs and he was accompanying me, so I don't think you need to have a date necessarily to express your fondness and when he told me he loved me the first time I was stripping large chunks of his hide from him with sharp words and angry retorts. So I think anyway you see fit, I am all for the unconvential. She teased the last part, she had never thought of dates really, her and Ragnar had come together 1. because he was insanely jealous man and he yelled at her about it, stubborn man. 2. It was a matter of need, she needed a father figure for her pups and besides he had her as well as Crete so he had a certain responsibility. Love came last unlike the two, one of which stood before her.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Julooke smiled, her tail wagging at the thought of the ritual that would finally allow the rest of the pack to see the pups. She was eager to begin helping out with them, teaching them Ragnar's culture, and generally playing with them. I'm so excited! Will they be allowed to socialize with... the rest of the pack after that? She asked gently, her eyes and smiled hopefully expressing her underlying meaning. Would she be able to socialize with them?

Julooke chuckled, Ragnar told me you two were fighting when he said he loved you. While it worked for you two, I hope Verrine and I aren't fighting when I tell him, she responded. They never really fought, anyway, though they occasionally disagreed on things, like many wolves would do. I'll think of something... Maybe I'll just take him to a nice spot, like the beach, or something. Or maybe the privacy of their den. She wasn't sure yet, but, in the end, it didn't really matter where she told him. It would happen no matter what, she was determined.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle nodded her head and spoke softly I actually think the whole pack is to be in attendance, but even if not then yes after the ritual anyway can see them and play with them and teach them if they like. They will still need me for a little while yet of course, but sooner than I would like they'll be weaned and off on their own adventures. She smiled then a little sadly, but also happily. It was saddening to know her babies were growing so fast, but at the same time it made her immensely happy to see them happy and healthy and developing their own personalities.

Thistle chuckled that would work nicely and the beach is always beautiful or a small wooded spot, and if you like there is a private garden behind our den right near a little water inlet, it's beautiful and if you tell me I'll make sure that that Nerian and I are not there that day. But only if you want ot go there. Thistle was excited for her new friend, finding love was an amazing adventure all it's own.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Her tail wagged at the news that after the ritual, she would be able to see them. Nodding, she smiled, They're going to need you forever, Thistle. There were still days that Julooke wanted to go to her Mom and Dad, but the only way to feel them was to look skyward. Once they started growing, Julooke hoped Thistle realized just how important her role was in their lives, and that she could never be replaced.

It was exciting to think how she would tell Verrine, and what his response might be. She had so much hope now that he would feel the same, and they could continue their lives together, only as mates instead of friends. Thanks, I appreciate it! I'll let you know if I want to use it, she responded. Then, thinking a moment, she asked, Are you and Nerian good friends? Julooke considered Thistle a pretty close friend these days, and while she wasn't generally the jealous type, she wondered who was close to each other in the pack.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle smiled warming at the other girls kind words. She liked that she was trying to make her feel better, and maybe they would need her forever and she wouldn't mind. However, she knew to not get her hopes up just in case her children did not need her, especially her boys. Thank you Julooke. That makes me feel a lot better.

Thistle wanted to snarl at the next question but she didn't it would not do to be jealous in front of her friend though she couldn't really help it so she spoke. I had hoped we would be, but I don't think we can be. I am not comfortable around her, truthfully I am afraid I may hurt her. I do not trust her around my husband she is in love with him and told him so. He does not understand why this bothers me says I should'nt worry, but well its a matter of principle really you don't profess your love to someone else's husband. Maybe she was wrong in this right and maybe Julooke would tell her so, and if she did maybe it would allow her to ease some of the jealous thoughts that plagued her on a daily basis, especially when she had nothing but that to dwell on day to day.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Julooke smiled, glad she could make Thistle feel better. While she didn't have the motherhood experience to know, she was empathetic to her friend. It must have been hard to have puppies only to worry about the day they may not necessarily need you and go off and live their lives. She hoped Thistle would not stress too much about it in the coming days.

The cheerfulness in the air changed just slightly after Julooke asked her question, and she understood why when Thistle explained the situation. Julooke could not help her eyes bulging out in surprise that Nerian had told Ragnar she loved him. Julooke was not experienced in the love department, yet, but she tried to give her friend some solace. Well, um... She must know by now that she mistakenly thought her feelings might be returned, she replied. I'm sure Ragnar didn't give her any reason to think that they would be, though, she added. With a wicked grin, she lowered her voice, But, if you ever want to make sure she doesn't make that mistake again, I got your back. It was a joke inspired to lighten the mood.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
"I am trying to work on my grammar so if you see anything please let me know so I can fix it :D,"

Thistle would not voice it, not ever. But it was true, she did rue the day that her children would no longer need her. It was merely because she worried. She worried often that once they didn’t need her anymore, she could not save them, before, before they made mistakes. There would always be mistakes; it was the way of life. It was often how one learned. However, she being a mother, with a mother’s heart she wanted to spare them any heartache. She knew this was an unattainable goal, but one she would have liked to achieve all the same, if she could.

Thistle sighed Ragnar told her, at least he told me so. I was not there though. I trust him though, but the simple fact is though I love him. There was a time that my dear husband, my dear heart was a libertine man and he loved them and left them often. So I can understand in a way, why she would think this was okay. However, at the same time I cannot imagine telling someone else’s mate I was in love with them, without expecting my face to get chewed off. Which I have thought about unfortunately. Thistle did not like to admit that she had thought of violence, when she was a healer by trade. However, she had and she could not change her thoughts, she could just refuse to act on them. Thistle laughed then a rollicking, deep from the belly laugh. You do my heart good Julooke, and Thank you if I need you; you expect that call. She chuckled again then, her blue eyes shining with mirth.
Realizing that she wanted to change the mood, she spoke of simpler things. So, Julooke have you been studying the local plant life? Do you have any questions of me about them? She wondered if there was anything she could teach her friend today. She wanted to offer her remedies and her experience to her, she really did.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
I usually try to disregard grammar mistakes, but, since you asked, I'd be more than happy to look it over for potential mistakes. I'll send you a PM when I'm done with my post. :-)

Julooke couldn't really understand, either, why someone would tell a wolf they loved them when they knew they were taken. A slight sense of understanding became her when Thistle explained Ragnar had not always been a long-term relationship kind of wolf. Still... It's very disrespectful of your relationship for her to take the liberty of telling him that. If she was any kind of pack mate, she would have respected their relationship, no matter her feelings. On top of personal disrespect, it makes for pack conflicts, too. And that was never good.

Julooke laughed along with her friend, happy she was able to cheer her up a little. She nodded, I'll keep my ears open, she responded. When her friend asked if she was doing some self-study, she nodded. I've been trying to identify the ones we've talked about, like Bergamot. It was pretty easy to find because of its purple petals. I practiced smashing them on a rock to get the oil from them. At first, I used my paw, but the oil just got all over it. Then I tried putting a rock on top and smashing it, and that worked, but how would I get the oil from the rock to the wound, though? she asked. She hadn't been able to figure that part out.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thanks :) and it helped

Thistle nodded her head, Yes you are right. I am not a violent wolf, I pride myself on my genteel nature, but I would be lying if I told you I hadn't thought of violence when he told me that. She sighed, she was actually rather ashamed that she had been so angry, but at the same time, she felt that she was justified in her anger. I find that at the moment I cannot be around her, which is terrible really, she is actually a very smart wolf that I could learn from. I suppose i'll have to work through my issues and hope to get past it.

Thistle chuckled at the question, she had forgotten to tell her what she did to get the oil. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you what I do, I should have. I keep the root and petals myself and I do not crush them until it's time to heal. Then I will either smash it in to their wound, like my husband who is far to impatient to stand still. Or I will smash it with my paw right before I apply it. And he was far to impatient to fight with and make him stand still, it was easier to get his wounds dressed as fast as possible even if it hurt him.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen

Thistle admitted to having violent thoughts about Nerian upon learning what she had done. She seemed really upset by them, and Julooke tried to comfort her. I don't think you should fault yourself for those thought. We're both pretty gentle wolves, and neither of us like conflict, but that doesn't mean we won't stick up for what is ours. It's natural to want to defend your relationship with Ragnar, especially against such blatant disrespect. Julooke was by no means a fighter, but that didn't mean she might not have those same thoughts if she found out some hussie was trying to move in on Verrine. Never mind the fact she hadn't told him yet she loved him, and they weren't a couple, but those were just technicalities to Julooke. What matters the most is that you haven't acted on those thoughts- not that I would blame you if you did. Could anyone blame her? Maybe you should have a talk with Nerian, she suggested. Let her know you know what she did, that she was out of line, and you expect that it doesn't happen again. If it does, there will be serious consequences. Like Thistle would rip out her jugular. In time, maybe you two can become cordial and you can still learn from her.

Thistle explained how she got the oil from the petals to put on the wound, and it did make more sense to do it like that. However, smashing it into the wound sounded a little painful to Julooke. Smashing it into their would doesn't hurt? she asked. It didn't take much for the oil to come out, but any type of pressure on the wound might hurt the wolf in question. Ragnar, though, was tough, and she figured he'd rather have it over and done with and get on about his way. Smearing in on the wound with a paw sounded a little bit more gentle, though. But, Thistle was right. For a wolf who didn't want to sit still, there had to be alternatives. For poppy seed, I just busted open the plant, but I didn't think to do it onto anything I could carry them with. Was that right or what way do you do it? she asked. The tiny little seeds had gone everywhere, and Julooke didn't attempt to round any up. She didn't want to accidentally ingest any.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Julooke is adorable i kinda want to hug her, but i feel bad that Thistle is just using her for a dumping ground at the moment :)"

Thistle really didn’t like the violent tendency of her thoughts lately, especially where Nerian was concerned. Her husband obviously didn’t like her thoughts either, since he had made it known that he didn’t want her acting on them at all. Which made her wonder all over again why? But that thought made her want to throw up and her heart hurt so she kept it quiet. She snorted in agreement, it was disrespectful to speak so candidly to her husband, but in away was it disrespectful of her, to be talking about their dirty laundry so to speak to another? Granted she needed a confidant, she had no close relationships with anyone other than Ragnar.

Thistle smiled feeling a little better that she wasn’t alone in thinking that it was okay to have them, but not to act on them. Her next words though caught Thistle unawares and she growled slightly I can’t say anything to her, Ragnar told me not too and besides he defends her, makes me wonder if maybe he is fond of her slightly. It’s complicate….Nerian was his slave in the cove and for some reason even though she could have liberated herself, she came back anyway and refuses to admit she is no longer a slave until he frees her, and he won’t. He says he needs her, Whatever that means. She snorted again in discontent, but then she sighed and looked at Julooke I’m sorry Julooke, to be dumping this all on you, I just have no one else to really talk to about it, if I had been home it would be my mother, but alas she isn’t here. She shrugged sadly.

Thistle chuckled Yes it does hurt I imagine, but Ragnar is too impatient. I love the man, but when it comes to healing he is quite frankly in sufferable and he wants it done as quick as possible. I feel bad for his former healer Floki, who I imagine got the brunt of my dear husbands temper when hurt, he tends to be cranky. She laughed at that a small little laugh, the love for her husband obvious, even his temper and his crankiness endearing to her.

Thistle frowned I try very hard not to collect so much Poppy just because I do not like to use it. However, I will carry the whole thing back and when I do break it open I use a shell to collect the seeds in, or you could use a pelt from a squirrel or a rabbit perhaps to carry it. Of course the pelt would have to dry in the sun for a few days so it was not gunky and bloody. Another plant I really like to gather is Rose hips, it is so easy to use and it has no harmful side effects even if used in excess, though it is not a pain herb.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Aww, it's alright. Julooke is just happy to have a girlfriend!

Julooke's ears went flat on her lowering head in submission when Thistle growled. She had obviously said something wrong, and was quiet as Thistle explained that Nerian had been Ragnar's slave and he refused to release her to be free. I'm sorry, I didn't know that, she confessed, trying to ease the situation. I wish there was something I could do, she added honestly. She would do anything to take the anger, confusion, and hurt from her friend, but she had never been in this situation before. It was confusing as to why Ragnar admitted he needed Nerian and refused to release her as his slave. And why did he need a slave in the first place, anyways? He was a strong, independent wolf. He didn't need anyone to do anything for him. Thistle apologized, and Julooke extended her neck to touch her nose to Thistle's in a comforting gesture. Oh, it's alright. You need a friend, and so do I. Sometimes, we're here just be ears for frustration, she replied softly.

It seemed Ragnar was not so calm and collected when it came to being injured. Julooke chuckled at the images in her head. She went on to explain that she tried not to collect poppy seeds so much because they could be dangerous. She still explained how to transport them though, and Julooke listened, nodding her head in understanding. She then told her a little about Rose hips. What is it used for? What does it look like? Julooke made a mental note to try and find it later. She liked to know where they were and what they looked like so she could find them in case of an emergency.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle likes having a friend :)

Thistle felt awful as she saw her friends reaction to her growl. Leaning forward she bumped her under the chin and licked her nose, I’m sorry Julooke, that growl was not meant for you. I am just frustrated with this situation and the more she is among us the more uneasy I become I cannot help it. Perhaps it is simply jealousy, or an irrational fear, I do not know, but it is there. Thistle enjoyed the small gesture of friendship and support Thank you yes Julooke and I am glad you are that friend. She offered a small smile.

Rose hips are a red berry like plant. They do a lot of things, they help a wolf who is old to move better (arthritis), they help and keep a cold at bay, they stave off infections and fevers, they boost your body so it can fight off infections better and it helps with diarrhea. Thistle knew that Rose hips helped a lot of things and she always kept some on hand, she imagined they didn’t taste to bad either compared to some herbs and plants.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
^_^ So does Julooke

Julooke's tail wagged at the show of affection, and the growl was all but forgotten. Julooke wasn't one to hold a grudge, after all. Thistle tried to explain that it could have been jealousy, or just fear, but Julooke just understood that her friend was in pain and there wasn't much she could do except offer an ear or a shoulder. Or her digging skills if Thistle ever confronted Nerian. She'd need a place to hide the body. I may not know why Ragnar does just let Nerian go, but I do that he loves you, and his pups, and he wouldn't jeopardize that. She knew they may not be his biologically, but they were still "his." He was the Dad, even if he wasn't the sperm donor.

It seemed Rose hips were a very versatile plant. How do you store all your herbs? she asked. She hadn't yet seen Thistle's stock, and was a little interested in starting her own, or maybe even helping Thistle with the upkeep on hers.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle listened and twitched an ear, she hoped with her whole heart that love was enough to sustain her husband, she really did. She did know if he ever left she'd be a broken woman. She shook her head to dispel such terrifying thoughts and nodded Yes he does and he told me as much. She let the matter drop she was tired of talking about such heavy things and she turned her mind and heart back to the matter of healing.

Thistle smiled a conspirator grin and nodded her head at Julooke's feet, Why don't you dig down a little ways and see what you find. She laughed then happily, she hid herbs everywhere, normally she would put them in niches in the wall, but as of yet she had not had a chance to dig any, and they did fine buried in leaves and seaweed. I have them wrapped in seaweed to keep them moist, those that need moist I change it when I can. When I find the time I will dig small holes in the walls of the den and put them in there, I also have some buried in the den, and there is some planted that way and I also keep some hidden in a rotten log. She had caches everywhere, they were everywhere she never knew what she would need or where she would be when she needed them, so she kept them everywhere. She did not even think her husband knew of her hidden caches, and if he did he had never told her so.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Julooke wasn't experienced when it came to mates and love, and honestly didn't know whether or not it would be enough for the pair to get through this, especially when Ragnar admitted he didn't want to let Nerian go. It was a very complicated situation and all Julooke could do was try to provide some comfort to her friend. She wished she could just fix the situation, but that wasn't how reality worked. She sensed Thistle didn't want to talk about it anymore, and let it drop, as well. She knew it was difficult to talk about where there were no clear solutions.

Her ears perked when Thistle suggested with a smile that she dig. She looked down at her paws and the earth beneath them, then back up to her friend. Thinking, why not? she did so, her claws digging at the dirt and eventually unearthing a few herbs. Her tail wagged and she smiled up at Thistle, who admitted to having them stashed just about everywhere. Wow, that's a lot of caches for herbs, she responded with a laugh. How do you keep track of them all? she asked, thinking her own memory wasn't nearly good enough to keep them hidden in so many different places. I was thinking I'd keep them all in one spot, but maybe I shouldn't? The end was posed as a question, seeking Thistle's expert advice.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle was certain that she and Ragnar would get through this, even if she had to ignore the fact that it upset her. She wasn’t about to let the love of her life go away, simply because she was a jealous woman. Granted yes it was not an ideal situation, and yes it would bother her, but she would do her best to make sure that it didn’t make her react badly to him or anyone else. She would think on it, when she was alone and by herself and bit her lip, and then around others she would push it back to her mind as quick as she could.

Thistle chuckled and nodded Yes it is, and if I had the space in my den, that is where I would put them, but I don’t. I do like to have some in other places though too just in case, I have to wrap a wound within a certain time frame. It is entirely up to you, I would certainly keep most of mine in my den if I could, but it is your choice.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen

Thistle said she would keep them all in her den, if she had the space. With herself, Ragnar, and now three pups, even a large den could get cramped. Well, you know I have a lot of energy. I could help you extend the den, or even make a new one right next to it just for your herbs. She considered Thistle a very good friend, and was always willing to help her out, especially if it made her life a little easier.

Julooke didn't know yet where she might keep hers. She supposed she could widen her own den to make some room, or make an entirely new den, or even a cache somewhere. She might even try out a few different options and then decide which one worked better for her.

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle chuckled and spoke softly I may have to hold off on taking your assistance, as we will have to move to a rendezvous den soon enough. As soon as the pups are a month old actually, we will move. Where that den is I don't know, but we will find one soon enough. She hadn't realized that her husband was already working on one for them.

She smiled at Julooke, she would have to pick her own way eventually. She could do different options and decide which worked best for her. Well you can try different ways and then choose what works best for you.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
One more post from you, then archive? I've LOVED this thread!! <3

Julooke nodded in understanding. They would need a larger den when the pups got too big for their current one. She got why they couldn't be moved until their first month birthday, too, since they rest of pack wasn't supposed to see them until after that. It would be hard to keep them away from prying eyes if they were being moved. Especially away from Julooke's prying eyes.

She nodded, thinking about the places she could keep it. I think I'm going to go start on those. She tried to nose her friend's shoulder affectionately. Catch ya later? she said, smiling. Turning, she made her way towards her own den, her mind lost in thoughts of herb caches, or holes in the wall or floor of her den, or a hollowed out log, or... There were so many choices!

I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle chuckled and took the nose okay and you tell me which one works for you yes? She watched her friend walk away and pushing herself to her feet, with a lighter heart she turned and headed towards the den and the children that called to her very heart.

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