Shadewood Trouble the water
59 Posts
Ooc — Tara

Once she had convinced Corra that the keep was a safe place for her and somewhere she could make a new home there was only one thing left to do. She would need to lead the woman to the lands that belonged to the keep. Amaya hoped things would go well, she was aware that even though she'd been able to convince Corra there was still Cry. While she didn't think the he would turn down a wolf in need she also had been away from the pack for a little while. Things could have changed in her absence.

She glanced back to make sure the woman was still following and hadn't slipped off into the forest. The gray woman was trying to think of something reassuring to say that she hadn't already said. Surely this had to he a difficult situation for her, going to a new place and losing her companion. Amaya just couldn't imagine how difficult it really was.

Once they had reached the forest that the keep lands resided she paused. "We're going to be at the border soon. Are you doing alright?" She asked hoping that Corra was and that she wasn't too nervous.

After checking up on the woman she lead the way crossing the distance to the border quickly. It took them more than a few moments but when she finally smelled the scents of home her pace quickened. She couldn't cross for fear the work she'd down would be ruined but it was nice to see home. She waited for Corra to join her before raising her muzzle into the air and calling for Cry.
111 Posts
Ooc — Raven
@Cry & @Minori

Cordelia followed the gray female, Amaya, a short distance northward following the water until a sea of trees emerged along their path. Not much conversation was made. There wasn't too much to be said. Cordelia had been assured that she would have a place where she could be safe and provided for. Until that was proven true other talks would seem insignificant. She yearned for the best and hoped that this female was genuine as she claimed to be. But the words spoken by Dawson hung lingered in her ear, that the wolves in these lands were savage. To perish now meant his death was meaningless, and Cordelia would do all in her power to make it not so.

She received occasional glances from Amaya but not much more. Until the silence was broken and her condition was questioned. Cordelia nodded her head in confirmation and followed behind as Amaya increased her pace. As they neared the border the scent of others became apparent, and many of them at that. This was a proper pack, not a mere grouping of individuals.

Appearances held influence, she thought to herself. She made sure to lift her stance and spike her stride with grace. Her pelt was not as pure as she would have liked, but her standards were unsurpassable high. Her coat remained a consistent clear of white and her freckles showed clear in the light. As her lead halted and lifted her head to the sky she waited in anticipation.
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds. 
She is known by all as Corra.

537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
He watched. 
There was nothing better for the Phantom to have been doing as of late; he had nothing to do with his wife other than occasionally bringing the Huntress food while she brought a lasting life to his spawn. He had no doubt that she was considering leaving, as many times as he had tasted her scent intertwined with their children's skating the edges of the border. He wondered if she committed, how soon did she expect to survive for? If he didn't reach her first, @Kovertol surely would. Gwen would be more a plaything for the gigantic beast than a suitable meal. The children would either be brought back by Cry's paws, or by Kovertol's. 
There was no leaving the Keep.
And certainly no leaving him. 

Glacials traced the familiar form of his Amaya, the successful fae who had brought back home another soul in shackled naivity. One possibly fed the idea that Shadewood was still a home for the lost and broken, a solace for the starved and misunderstood. 
A place of refuge for the wanderers, and a bed for the homeless. 
Cry felt the smile seep clear from inken lips and only just tip the ivories they hid. 

Once Amaya called for him, he allowed a few seconds to sleepily dodge the sudden call before he came to greet his returned Keep woman and her newest accompanying member. Pulling from the shadows as easily as a drop of fallen dew, he was soon upon them in his dark drift to the pair. A gentle nod gave a warmer welcome to Amaya while atlantic iced stare glided to the ivory dappled newcomer. "Welcome home. And greetings to your friend, as well." He wondered who would speak first, who would be the first to give him more information that he hungered for. He chose not to address Amaya by her name in case this ivory was of the Melonii, but her perfume did not hint to such. He wouldn't put Amaya in the way of unneccessary conviction. 

59 Posts
Ooc — Tara
Amaya had to admit the silence between the two women was a bit awkward. She knew that everything that could be said had been. There wasn't much else she could say until they had reached the keep and Corra had been accepted. All she could do was make sure the woman was okay and the journey was treating her well.

When they reached the border she called for Cry, it was him she wanted to see. He had been the one that she had described to Corra and she wanted the pale woman to meet him right away. That way she would know that nothing Amaya had described had been a lie. She hoped that in some way that might give some comfort and help Corra to accept a place in the keep if Cry also agreed. 

It wasn't a long wait before Cry appeared  offering her a welcome home and greetings to Corra. Amaya wanted to greet the dark male properly but she couldn't when she still had a mission. The gray woman had to settle with a polite dip of her head. The gray woman knew she would need to offer an explanation. "Cry, this is Corra. Corra, this is my leader Cry.I haven't come to stay," she stated first, "I am still working on what we discussed. In my preparations I came across Corra. She'd lost her companion and I told her that the keep would be a good place for her. I'm hoping that we can take her in?" She stopped there and looked to the woman beside her to see if there was anything she would like to add before waiting to see what Cry had to say.
111 Posts
Ooc — Raven
As though her call were a true evocation, a shadow colored male emerged before them, mere moments after Amaya's hail. He presented as a strong individual, not of pure flesh, but a balanced physique. A strong contrast to Cordelia. Not truly black, with dark gray underscore. His tone and verbiage was welcoming and as he nodded his head and his gaze drifted towards her, Cordelia lowered her head and subconsciously lifted a forelimb in a curtsy.

Upon Amaya's word, her suspicions were affirmed. This was indeed the head Amaya had spoke of, Cry. Her guide then spoke a certain code. Reminding Cordelia of how the knights in her home would speak in the presence of unknowing ears. Cordelia didn't appreciate the sad story that was told of her, but if pity were to be what convinced him of her required sanctuary she would utilize it.

Opposed to being baggage she added. "An honor sir Cry." she began in greeting. "Amaya speaks highly of your hospitality and affiliates. Along with your values of hard work and kinship. What she speaks is true. I have been left with nothing and seek residency. Though my proportions small, I wish to prove useful in your more domestics needs, should you have them." she wanted to be seen as an asset rather than an additional mouth. Hunting and protection would be of direct use, but other than meager foul and rodent snatching she would prove inadequate, in her own opinion and presumably theirs. Internal affairs would expectedly be most fruitful for both parties involved. Her only fear lay in their need for such things. What more would she have to offer?
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds. 
She is known by all as Corra.

537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
What told him so much was how soon the Corra spoke. It bled over his ears a rain of information to which he had to backtrack the situation in order to process. Taking a mental step back, he brought his orbs back to Amaya, surprised she trusted this woman with her actual name as opposed to an alias. But he assumed she was capable of putting her life in her own hands. Should she choose to leave loose ends, it would be on her own head. Literally. 

A pleased smile and a generous dip of his dark crown gave gratitude to Amaya, as for after all, she knew the Keep needed members just as much as it needed information. He truly wanted to wean off the mission, as he had no worthy soldiers to versus the Melonii, who ironically enough were in miserable shape as they were, but Amaya was capable. And he would have to give her lead on it. “I appreciate this, Amaya. There is fresh food in the Keep for you; it’s close to the southwest edge of the Lagoon. Indulge your hard work, and take as much rest as you feel.” He gave her an opportunity to depart, should she want to rest her fours from the travel and work she had gotten accomplished so far. When she was ready to talk, she would. However, if she rather stay and watch him with this new woman, he wouldn’t object. 

Bringing his attention back to Corra, a gentle smile courted his maw as he regarded her testimony. “The pleasure is mine, though the honor is not needed. I am merely a overseer more than anything. A guardian to the flock whom needs it. If you choose to offer your body here at the Keep, then you too shall have my protection.” Though he usually was a man of few words, most newer individuals did not know whether to cower or pester under such a persona, so he would speak more than what he was personally used to.

She holds a high regard of me, I see. And it only makes her a better Keep member. I am in need of a particular set of skills, less brutely brawn and more...mental. The Keep Watcher needs a Consigliere, an Advisor, who doubles as an Ambassador for this home of ours. It is a very strict trade, and only the most dedicated can hold such a title.” He felt a familiar brush of claws grapple the back of his ruff, hooked talons gripping his nape. The Zone Tailed Falcon has returned to him, and it held a rodent in its sharply hooked beak. Almost as if on cue for a present for the maiden who spoke so clearly and factually. 

A welcoming gift for you,” he angled himself downwards and presented the hawk, who in turn rose his wings in protest and flapped twice before dropping what looked like a fattened squirrel at Corra’s paws.  Of course the hawk hadn’t brought it for her, but Cry used the opportunity for gesture, atleast. The hawk, irritated that he had caught a meal for his master, only for it to be given to a stranger, dug his claws further into the scruff before pushing back off into the skies and seeking another kill. 

59 Posts
Ooc — Tara
Amaya was glad that it didn't take Cry very long to greet them. She didn't want Corra to have a bad impression of the Keep before she even got to know the wolves there. After she explained why she was there and about Corra she was given a sign of gratitude from her leader. It helped her know she had done well. What followed was an offer to eat her fill if she chose to do so. With her mission still underway she didn't know if it would be a good idea to have her fill but a few morsels couldn't hurt. "Thank you Cry. I will see to it later." For the time being she wanted to stay and see how things turned out for Corra.

She'd brought the woman to the pack and thought it best she stay with her until Cry determined if she would be staying. The gray woman stepped back to allow the two to talk and get to know each other a little better. She sat listening quietly to the conversation. 

Surprise crossed her features at the appearance of the falcon carrying a squirrel in its beaks. This was a new sight for her so she watched with interest, perhaps she'd ask about it later.
111 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Upon receiving his gratitude from Cry, Amaya thanked him for his offer of sustenance and declared she would partake at a later time. For now, she sat on the sidelines and Cry addressed Cordelia. She was glad to know she had been ushered in by an outstanding member of the pack. It gave her an initial thread of credibility she needed, and Amaya's continuing presence would serve as a reminder of that. 

Cry was humble as he regarded Cordelia and stated she would have a place here as long as she was willing to contribute. His addition statement of protection settled a few of Cordelia's nerves, as it was what she sought most. It seemed a less physical resident was needed as a position was currently vacant within their ranks. Someone who could act as an advisor and ambassador for the pack. Of course, Cordelia knew that he was not offering her this position currently, nor would she had accepted if he had. It was a position that would require resilience and dedication from her. Things she was willing to give in exchange for sanctuary. 

"Many thanks Cry for your offer of hospitality. I shall do everything in my power to strive and reach towards this station you have presented. It shan't be easy, but nothing worth achieving truly is." she said earnestly before a flash of black and white stole her gaze. A falcon swooping in from the clouds had taken a perch on the back of her soon to be leader. A fine specimen, more capable of hunting fowl and rodent than she. The confidence Cry held with this animal was astonishing and Cordelia was taken aback.

She couldn't help but smile in awe as he gestured for the bird to deliver his prey before her. With shine in her tone, she remarked "It seems I much once again thank you... and your feathered companion, as this is not necessary." she would not eat it here and now, not in the midst of conversation, but it would be a pleasant snack once she found the time to settle in. Looking as the bird flew off she added "A truely remarkable creature you have at your side. You must be a spectacular individual to have domesticated it to such a degree." she remarked still in awe over what she had just witnessed.
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds. 
She is known by all as Corra.

537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
A nod to Amaya's decision was all he gave her as it seemed she was apt to oversee this transition of the newcomer into the home. He was appreciative of Amaya's dutifulness that was lost upon the rest of the blimey members of this unruly pack. Turning his attention back to Corra, he stood apart, stepping to the side and allowing her to walk over the threshhold of the Keep at her leisure. "Then I've no choce but to welcome you home, Corra." A slight smile silked over his dark lips and a waft of an ebony banner signaled his appreciation of this moment. Perhaps things would look up for the Keep after this moment of addition- because surely they needed it. He needed dedicated members for this eclipse time, and should no one but a few members hold up to this mess, he would only have those few to trust.  

Taking the steps to begin their walk into the mysterious junglesque home, he led her into the Keep. "I brought the falcon back as an egg and had a prior Keep caretaker watch over it's hatching and beginning of care while I looked after the sudden splurge of births here in the Keep. Eventually, it was time for me to regain it's loyalty and thus I have. It was trying work, but nothing is truly difficult for the relentless." Oh how true it was. And eventually, soon enough, Corra would find out just how relentless he was. 

"Tell me more of yourself; you are not from here would be so bold to assume, but do feel free to correct me if I am wrong, Corra. I prefer facts over humility." And a graze of frigid blues met her own platinum azures, his even breaths inhaling the maple that was ingrained in her lushly dappled pelt. "There is no need to include your past- your past matters not in a place like this. It doesn't feed you, keep you warm, or lay your future out for you. So if it is a secret you prefer to keep close, I will not ask you to release it." It didn't matter to him where she came from. He didn't care what lineage she held, or whether she was a up and coming messiah somewhere else, or even if she had something as valuable as an oasis of gold in her veins and diamonds as her eyes. She was another body here, and he wanted to learn what her could of her as she was now, not then.

They passed under the first initial canopy that was their home together, birds ceasing their songs in shivering watchfulness both above and below. They knew of the hawk that felw with him beneath it- and it was all it took for them to not relocate on safer terms. 

59 Posts
Ooc — Tara
It was only a moment later that Cry accepted Corra into the pack. Amaya was happy for the wayward woman, she would have shelter now and perhaps a place she could feel safe enough to grieve for the companion she'd lost. That was important in the gray woman's mind so that Corra could move on and make a life for herself.

When they moved to enter the Keep Amaya chose to stay behind. She didn't want to get the scent of the keep on her coat before returning to her mission. As they disappeared she watched them briefly before taking her leave. She would partake in a few morsels from the food that had been offered her. Then she'd be on her way.

~Amaya's Exit
111 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Her words had granted her acceptance into their borders. Now began the journey of proving it with her actions. Earning her right to safety here. She wasn't sure how long it would take for her family to reach out to her and inform her of her kingdoms current state. Perhaps all had fallen, but she didn't believe that. Nonetheless, she would have to proceed as though it had. Continue in this new life till told otherwise. She owed it to herself, her family... and to Dawson.

She followed along at her new leader's side looking up to him as he spoke of his part in the raising of his falcon companion. When his focus was turned to her she readied herself, rethinking the details she had told Dawson. Consistency would ensure how strongly it held up against scrutiny. But his addition made her rethink. He cared little for her past and expressed she was allowed to her secrets. This gave her a level of calm, knowing that she would not need to keep elaborating on her fabled story, but to seem as she had nothing to hide, "That's alright. You are correct that I am not born of these lands, but far north of them. Other than that I  feel there's little intriguing of my past. I was my mothers only child and wanting more for me, set me off to where I am today." surely that would be enough to set a base.

"Myself personally, as I mentioned before am not much for stature... Designed more for speed I find ease in the strategy of ambushing rodent and foul, but understand that those are rather unsustainable when it comes to providing for the masses." she said with a hint of humor and a smile on her muzzle. "Which is why I lean towards correspondence. Conversing with those around me, understanding each piece of a puzzle to see it's strengths and weaknesses, in a strive for unity." feeling as though she may be getting caught up in it all she added. "Though it sounds a bit cliche spoke aloud." she said once again with a light-hearted smile.

Aside from his ability to tame the free, she picked up on the mention of young within the pack. "And what of you and the other within your borders. Is there anything I should know prior to introducing myself around? You mentioned births within the pack, would any of them by chance be sired by you?" she assumed as much knowing him as the leader of this pack. Depending on the ruling breeding was a very regulated manner and only those allowed would spread their lineage. Typically those among high rank, but she would wait till making her assumptions about the wolves here.
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds. 
She is known by all as Corra.

537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
With the several charades and roles he had to play, being a talkative one was never his most favorite. His silver tongue hadn't been quite as polished as Slade's, but he was grateful to the behemoth for giving him those debauchary lessons so long ago. He rememered them all. 

"I see," he commented in polite remark to both her admission and her entailing of her certain qualities and stats. He knew how useful she could be should she simply provide what this pack needed, but the diamond was absolutely flexible she alluded to, and was capapble of surviving despite her dainty musculature. He knew well enough not to assume by sight, and she was no exception. "You would be surprised how many can be fed with the skill of an adept worker, miss Corra. My wife, before she went under labor, would bring in fowl and varmin alike, regardless of how she was conscious she was of the numbers who would partake in her meals. Due to her diligence, plenty who could hunt larger had strength to bring down the bigger meals."  A smile welded onto obsidian lips without much harm. The circle of work was clear in this pack, and he had no objective to it. Especially when they all took care of themselves. He kept his eye on their activities; and much more was known unto him than what he allowed the 'Family' to know. 

"However, I know your vocalities are what bring you such a wonderful allure; and for you choosing my abode to lay in, I am appreciative of it. I only hope we can make progress, Corra. I want progress for this pack, and if you are my key to bringing that about, I can't imagine what level of reassurance that would bring me." He knew eventually he would die- he wasn't too old to fight or kill, but he wasn't as swift as the newer blood in the world. He bulked up quite a bit from his trainings with @Reiner, and often times he wondered what the brute was doing that held his time so long. He hadn't been able to train with him, but instead used what he had learned to hone his ability in being a growing powerhouse.

"I don't believe there is anything of dire importance that would require your attention to detail- we are currently allied by the Melonii, but we haven't had contact with them for quite some time." He considered informing her that Amaya was currently running recon for them in this event, as he opted to be safer knowing who was behind this assault on @Phex, but he considered calling it off since it had happened so long ago. "I am indeed a father. A boy and  girl belong to both my wife and I, and I just wish the best for us all, to be honest."
111 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Hearing his praise of his wife prior to bearing his brew enforced a value Cordeila saw in Cry. That every bit of effort was important and played a role in the overall well being of the pack. Though she was a new member and she wouldn't be expecting to cause great waves in the sea of action within this pack just yet, every ripple would be noticed and appreciated.

He commended her fluidity with words and expressed his desire for it to be the tool to bring this pack into the future. "I believe the simplest way to move forward is to look at where you stand. Truely look and understand. Only then can you see where the next steps should be taken. In truth, I have much to learn about the current standing of this pack. But perhaps a fresh set of eyes free of bias will be more apt to notice any possible flaws preventing progression." she said modestly, still sure not to overstep her bounds as a new member.

After explaining the outer pack relations in regard to allies it was evident to Cordelia that much of her work would primarily be within the border. The lack of detail given showed her how independent she would need to be in establishing individual impacts. 

Upon hearing of the two born of Cry she thought back to her younger brother and sister, the one she now didn't have as Corra. Her care for the young surely wouldn't die but an outlet would need to be found. Cry wished for much of what others wished for their children which spoke to his modesty. "I'm sure being the offspring of those leading a pack would provide the greatest opportunity for them. Assuming their apt to learn and allowed to grow from their mistakes..." she commented "Though never having children of my own I suppose all of what I say should be taken with a grain of salt with that matter." she said again not wishing to test the waters to a great degree, merely dip in her toes.
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds. 
She is known by all as Corra.

537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
Perhaps,” he mildly agreed, his already-knowing of where he stood currently only bringing with it a dark cloud in relations to the pack. He felt as though it were only a matter of time before evidence would arise of his manners and how they were brought about, here. His lack of tolerance and his bittered grace. And he would have to watch the horror overtake her, too. The disgust as it latched onto that sublime face and wrenched it into something that would force him to chase her away, too. 

I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion, so long as it does not attempt to crowd fact. Opinions will not feed you, at the end of the day.” He only wanted so much at once. His prior slip up was his ambition, and he just wouldn’t let that shit happen again. As for his children- “I don’t know too much of their futures; it is up to them to forge their own paths, whether it be greatness or despair.” He wasn’t one to talk about being so great- he was second to many in the majority of his years, and only have just recently taken up any kind of mantle. His leadership qualities were garbage.