Whitebark Stream Our future days, days of you and me.
323 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Surya's absence, unexplained, troubled him. While it was not uncommon for the young wolf to venture beyond Whitebark Stream often, he had proven himself committed to the pack and Artyom did not feel it to be in his nature to disperse without word. His home was there among the pale forest, and a bright future awaited him. 

The golden Alpha, fearful to allow more precious time to tick by, considered his options in sending a search party to source him. That'd been something Surya had volunteered for himself when Aphrodite had vanished. His brother, Satya, would surely be willing - as would the strong and able Germanicus. The ranger prowled his forest that evening in search of either, so that he might discuss a plan with them.
29 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He followed quietly, trailing along after his father several yards behind him, careful on his paws to keep from alerting him. Winter had grasped at the moment of opportunity as Отец slipped away to patrol, as матушка was distracted in attempting to settle his brother. It was unlike him to disobey her, but after Juniper's last disappearing act he could not quite shelf the curiosity he felt to see what all the fuss was about.

His eyes, so unlike those of his siblings in that they still held their sapphire hue of infancy, did not allow the gilded Alpha to stray from sight. He was hardly aware, however, that the adult's limbs were longer and he, as a result, was quicker on his paws. Winter fell behind a little and, eager not to lose the patriarch between the foliage, picked up his pack and ultimately tripped over a fallen branch.

He stumbled, tried to save himself from crumbling, but his effort failed. The sterling youngster landed on his chin with a huffed "oof!
323 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
A small thud on the ground behind him, and Artyom peered over a gilded shoulder to investigate. His pale brow furrowed and the corners of his mouth tugged downward in a frown at the sight he found: a sterling son, not where he was supposed to be. He exhaled in a sigh.

"Zima," he said, earthen gaze cool as it swept over the boy. "Что делаешь?"

He turned then, and made to close the distance so that he could reach with his muzzle to nudge his mischievous cub to his feet.

29 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He remained down in the dirt for a moment, before he shifted his weight in an effort to alleviate discomfort. Not surprisingly, his trip had attracted the attention of his father, who was swift to attend. Winter blinked up at him, silently apologetic, and gave a few awkward little wags of his peppered tail.

"I wanted to see where you were going," he answered sheepishly as the gilded Alpha helped him find his feet, hopeful that he would not insist on his return to the family den. "Can I come?"

323 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
With Winter back on his paws, Artyom lifted his head to better look at his young son. Earthen eyes swept over his sterling pelage, ruffled from the fall, but he was satisfied that the boy appeared unharmed. 

"Alright," he agreed after a contemplative pause, and moved to carry on, "I was looking for someone. How do you suppose we do that?"

29 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
His father agreed that he could tag along, which prompted a cheerful grin to light up his ashen features. Blue eyes glistened happily, and he moved in closer to the gilded Alpha.

"We sniff?" Winter asked, followed closely by an exaggerated exhale. He lowered his head to the ground so that he might test the earth and the grass fir any sign of someone having passed through.

323 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
"That's right," he responded with an amused laugh, dense tail wagging softly at his rear as his gaze followed the young Whitebark boy's movements. 

He seemed to detect something, and followed his nose in pursuit of the trail with Artyom padding along behind him to observe.