Ravensblood Forest Here I go again (on my own)
66 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Asara let nothing stop her. For the benefit of her brother she would give one shout out at least so anyone around knew her whereabouts. "GOING HUNTING OKAY BYE!" She ran as fast as she could towards the pond, no one had stopped her before, she doubted anyone would stop her today. She skirted the pond with ease, her legs were growing longer and stronger. she was finding it easier to run for even longer now.

Her nose to took over, there were so many scents in the forest that it took a minute for her to decide which one to follow. She wasn't even sure what she was following. She hoped it was a hare. She had seen only a few, but Vale had mentioned her birds don't have a lot of meat, and she was hungry today.

Her trail led her through bushes, under fallen logs. She went around these obstacles, deciding they were above her of course. She kept to her trail with minimal difficulty, it began to grow stronger. Encouraged, she began to move faster but quieter until she saw her prey. She moved into some bushes close to it so as to observe it. She laid down and wait, showing uncharacteristic patience. She had never seen a hare this close after all.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Paws pounding the ground Vagabond ran through his patrol as quickly as he could, as always, trying to get home so he could spend time with his family. His pups were growing more and more eager to learn, and he had plenty more to teach him. He stopped dead when Asara's scent hit him on the wind. He was on their eastern border. He called out for @Violante who was surely out doing the same and would have to pick up where he left off. "Ending patrol early, east border, Asara."

With no other scents other than a hare, he knew exactly what his daughter was doing and approached slowly and calmly so as not to startle her query. "Hello my wayward one, please, carry on." He winked at her.
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
Vale heard the shout and he scrambled up from his attempted nap. He raced after his sister, heard his dad give a call to their mom, and then came up, panting, behind the pair of them. He saw his sister eyeing a hare, and he crawled forward to whisper advice in her ear.

"Hares are super fast, and they zig zag a lot. Chase it away from it's den, if you can, cuz it'll run right for it." He hoped it would be enough. He slipped off, scenting the ground — he thought he could smell another hare close by. Vale stalked into the foliage, tracking his own quarry now.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
66 Posts
Ooc — Aero
She had already been observing for some time now, she had watched as it nibbled on berries and grass, and overgrowth in the area. She had heard her dad call of course and knew he was coming after her, but didn't hear him approach. She was startled when he spoke, but smiled at the words he said, "Carry on".

She began to creep forward when Vale arrived out of breath, he was quick to give her advice which she quickly connected with what she'd begun to observe. Sometimes the hare would disappear underneath a small opening under a tree that she would never be able to fit in. Don't let it in there or you're done for! Got it! She thought to herself.

Smiling, she'd thank them both later of course. She crept slowly towards her prey, her body low to the ground, ears flat to her skull. Nearly ready to pounce the hare's nose began to twitch. Asara charged, knowing her cover was blown.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vale had arrived not soon after him, completely winded. He had advice for his sister, when he saw his that he had already arrived. Vagabond smiled proudly at his son. He'd thank him later for his support of his sister, he could tell that it meant a lot to her.

He would stay with his daughter today, while Vale busied himself, he took to a scent trail of his own his son was out of his sight.

Asara was making all the right moves, she seemed to have learned a lot in her completely out of character for her. Wait-and-watch approach. He hoped she'd remember it in the future, it seemed to be doing her justice, he thought. Up until she charged her prey.
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
On his own again, Vale took off through the underbrush. He could hear Asara and their father off in the distance, and he hoped she was doing well on her hunt. He had tracked his own hare to a frequently used trail, evident by the droppings of bits of fur clinging to the bushes. Ahead, he could see it grooming itself. Vale carefully stepped forward.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
66 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Asara charged towards the den, cutting the hare's path off. It darted the opposite direction, she pounced, but it had already ran the other direction. It was fast, but so was she. It darted again, so she ran and pounced again. She was starting to get frustrated. She growled, running after the hare as fast as she could, but then it darted again right as she went to grab for it, she followed it close behind as it ran.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vale's advice had done his sister good. Although her lack of parental guidance had not. She didn’t seem to quite realize what she was getting herself into. Vagabond felt a pang of guilt at having not been more available for her. Maybe if I’d been around more for her she wouldn’t have had to resort to sneaking out all the time. He smiled as she pounced all over the place. He quickly stood as she gave chase and followed close behind.
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
It hadn't noticed him. The young hunter crept forward, scarcely daring to breathe. A twig snapped underpaw, but as soon as the hare looked his way, Vale had fallen upon it with a mighty growl and a leap. He let out his victorious cry, picked up his kill, then headed carefully back towards the others.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
66 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Asara was getting closer and closer now. She put on an extra burst of speed and with one last pounce she was atop the hare. Both front paws holding down it's body as she bit her teeth into its neck. It stopped moving. She looked up at her dad with her head tilted. Blood staining her face, she had never tasted so much blood at once and the shock of it was plain on her face.

She wasn't sure what to think. She didn't mind the taste, but the mess of it was something that she definitely wasn't prepared for. She supposed she could get used to it eventually but really would have appreciated some warning. "Hare bleed more than birds." She told her dad.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vagabond heard Vale's victorious cry and knew he'd soon rejoin them. He smiled and returned his attention back to Asara.  She had finally caught her hare and already ended it's life, then look to him. She seemed puzzled, almost shocked. Hare bleed more than birds. He burst out laughing. "They certainly do kiddo, but they have a lot more meat on them too. Your brother is on his way back too. Eat up my little tornado."
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
This time, Vale was not going to eat his kill — he intended to bring it back for someone else, true hunter style. As he came upon his father and sister, he grinned and wagged his tail. Around his hare, he mumbled, "Mm takin' thith home." He would wait for Asara to eat and then he would lead the way back home.

last from Vale!
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
66 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Asara turned back to her hare, she quickly took her father's advice and began tearing into her hare. Of course it took her much longer than it would have an adult wolf, her teeth not fully developed, but they were efficient enough to help her devour her hare.

She was messy but she'd clean up in the pond on the way home, maybe she'd find a way not to be so messy as she got more practice. With her tail held high, in a practical prance, Asara led the way back home.