98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
Joining thread. Sorry if it's poop. I'm so tired but I wanted to get this up so the activity check didn't remove him tomorrow morning. xD

At some point a light rain had began to fall and Sumayl felt his ears flatten down to his skull in morbid disbelief. The day so far had been chilly, an unwarranted warning that autumn was here and winter would be breathing down their necks soon — as if he couldn't tell that fall was upon them. The leaves had begun to change colors, and there was a spicy sort of autumn scent that clung heavily to the air. The agouti colored Ostrega was not having a good day. In fact it was downright awful and the rain wasn't doing anything to make matters any better; not that he had much hope for it improving. He could have always stopped to count his blessings for the fact that at least it was a light rain as opposed to monsoon pouring, but even then Sumayl doubted it would make much of a difference. Rain was rain and he would get soaked either way. Light rain merely prolonged the process, making it take longer to achieve the goal of looking like a medium-sized, lithe drowned rat. He didn't even have the usual lightheartedness to add 'handsome drowned rat' on the end of it as a narcissistic after thought.

Soft snort was given as he kept up his pace, figuring it was too little, too late to bother stopping to seek shelter. He might as well make as much from the day as he possibly could, holding out the small hope that there was some part of it that was actually still salvageable. Pace slowed as the scent of a pack assaulted him, cautionary steps taken to avoid stepping into their claimed lands. For a moment he turned his golden gaze further, part the spiraling mountain side that stretched before him, considering upon the idea to keep going. Something, however, held him back and stayed his step. He rationalized this decision by deciding that he had to start somewhere. If not here, then where? He could keep going but would he ever, truly stop? It was with that consideration in his mind that he tipped his head back and let his presence be known by the wolves that inhabited the pack, and stood, patiently waiting for someone to come and greet him.

<p style='text-decoration:italic;font-size:10px;'><I>Got nothin to lose but time</I></p>
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
and a response! Because mud sliding is awesome fun :D
Figure she can call have or ame to have the final word but greet him at least!

While the other wolf might have been miserable, Vienna was having the time of her life! She had discovered that the mountain slopes, under the influence of a little rain, could turn into some of the best slip n' slides she had ever found. While she was careful to avoid the ridges and drops (that she was starting to learn rather well in all her galavanting about), she was currently making her way down the mountain in this unorthodox fashion, running starts lending her the momentum to careen, laughing, down muddy slopes and come to a sliding halt where the ground leveled.

It was this such activity that she was partaking in when she happened to, in a stroke of bad luck, choose a path that would almost take her on a collision course with the now unbeknownst to her stranger. She was too caught up in her game, and by the time she looked up to see him, inertia had set in. "Woah, look out!" She called as she dug her paws in, attempting to slow down. She wasn't sure if she'd hit him but figured the decent thing to do would be to warn him. Happily she was picking muddy areas, avoiding the rocky terrain and harder ground that would surely tear up her pads if she wasn't careful. Normally wolves would stay out of such mud... Though that was no fun at all!
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
There might be some power-play here. I'll gladly edit anything. :-)

Sumayl didn't have to wait long which was, in and of itself a good thing, and at first, the Ostrega was pleased by the swiftness in which the wolves of this pack had been able to greet him. Sumyal was not, initially, able to make sense of the scene that had begun to rapidly unfold before him. Brow furrowed over golden gaze, damp tail giving a soft wag before it occurred to him that the creature nearing him wasn't walking but rather sliding. A deep breath was drawn into the Ostrega's black, leathery nostrils, the crisp scent of rain buffered out by the tangy scent of damp earth and mud as the wolf kept up the rapid approach. Ears slicked back to his skull as he realized, about the same moment that she looked up and noticed him that she was on a collision course, and he hadn't left himself any room to react. She sent out a warning, which seemed too little, too late to Sumayl as he made to leap, attempting to dodge her, though it was futile attempt.

In the end, the woman slammed into him, sweeping Sumayl, in the very literal way, off of his feet as their bodies collided and he tumbled over her, trying and failing to gain his footing in the slippery mud she had trailed in her “mud-sledding” activity. Sumayl let out a loud grunt upon contact with her, and groaned when he fell back to the earth like an ungraceful infant trying to take it's first steps. In that moment, that was exactly what he felt like. An gangly infant who couldn't even find his footing, rather than a man grown who had at least two years to get used to his body. Mud slung up along his chin and the Ostrega couldn't help but pull a face as he pushed himself to his paws, slowly this time, thinking that, perhaps, he had considered the fact of “nothing else could go wrong” far, far too soon. He didn't even make an attempt to shake the sticky mud out of his coat, instead letting it drip off of him in gross globs as he set his golden gaze upon her unsure if he wanted to laugh or scream. Or both.

“Well,” He drew in a breath. “You certainly know how to sweep a guy off of his feet,” He told her staring down at his mud streaked legs with a soft frown.

<p style='text-decoration:italic;font-size:10px;'><I>Got nothin to lose but time</I></p>
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
That's fine! I wasn't sure if you wanted them to collide or not so I left it vague =D

The uncertain nature of their collision swiftly became clearer, and as it did so, Vienna began to try harder and harder to halt her motion. Hitting a particularly slick patch, though, her paws scrabbled ineffectively and she wound up careening into him regardless. The air left her lungs as he stumbled over her, and she slid to a stop a few feet away. She turned quickly, trying to regain her breath, and was glad to see that he seemed unharmed.

Her laugh came out a bit breathlessly still, but her eyes danced as she looked back at him. It appeared he wasn't to miffed by her recklessness, thank goodness. "I can't say I'm unhappy to be running into someone new, though I didn't think it would be in literal terms." He looked pretty silly with mud covering him now, though her own state was likely much worse. Mud coated her paws and legs, spattered her pelt and her face as well. Completely ignoring how unpresentable she probably came across right now, she sat, smiling. "Sorry about that! So, what are you doing in the mountains on a day like today?" It wasn't exactly ideal weather to be taking on the rough terrain if you weren't used to such things.
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
The thought occurred to Sumayl that perhaps, just perhaps his day wasn't entirely ruined after all — never mind the fact that he was covered in mud on top of the fact that his agouti coat had already been damp with the soft rain that had started to fall. Sure, colliding into some one else wasn't, exactly, the epitome of a good day but for some odd reason it had made his day better as opposed to worse. The woman's laugh came out of her lips sounding breathless and as if on some kind of reflex Sumayl drew in a deep breath, letting out a soft chuckle. “Life works in mysterious ways like that,” Sumayl spoke with a soft smirk tugging at the edges of his lips. “Pack Real Estate shopping, I guess,” Sumayl said, his ears slicking back to stand at half mast against his skull. “Trying to find a pack to join, really.” It was awkward, not knowing where to start. It was his first time in his short two years of life that he'd been trying to find a pack on his own. He hadn't really had intentions of leaving his birth pack but here he was trying (but not really succeeding) in finding his own place in the big, wide world.

“I'm Sumayl, by the way.” He introduced giving her his name despite the fact that she hadn't asked for it. “You live here?” He inquired curiously, with a cant of his head in the direction of The Sunspire.

<p style='text-decoration:italic;font-size:10px;'><I>Got nothin to lose but time</I></p>
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Vienna could have just about jumped out of her fur when he said that he was pack searching. OMG. WAS SHE ACTUALLY GONNA GET TO RECRUIT SOMEONE LIKE A REAL OUTRIDER!??!

"You could join the Sunspire!!! We are looking for more wolves, and you'd be perfect!!!" She couldn't be more excited! "The spire's great, it's gorgeous! You'd love it, I'm sure!" It didn't matter that she didn't know this guy, or what he liked. How could he not love it?

"Yep, I live here! It's nice to meet you, Sumayl. I'm Vienna!" He had a nice name and a nice face, so she immediately took a liking to this guy. It would be so neat if they could be packmates, but she'd have to call Jace or Amekaze first if he bit on the offer. One of them would have to do the final decision making.
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
The mud caked woman's (though he was no better) demeanor seemed to lift even more — if that was at all possible when he admitted that he was looking for a pack to “settle down in”. Sumayl wasn't one to really ponder the cosmos but if, at the end of the day, this worked towards his advantage then who was he to question the Fates or whatever? Her suggestion that he could join The Sunspire was less of a suggestion and more of what Sumayl would have considered a revelation, and followed up by saying that they were looking for more wolves and that apparently he'd be perfect. He considered being sardonic and asking her how exactly she could know that when they'd only just met but decided that he probably shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and said, in a only partially jesting manner, “That's because I am perfect,” A laugh followed it so she didn't think he was an entire narcissistic butt especially considering she seemed to be pretty excited at the possibility of recruiting him. Not that Sumayl had any intentions of saying no to an attractive female even if she was covered in mud (to be fair he was too so he had no room, really). “The pleasure is all mine Vienna.” While the day had not, decidedly, started off on a good foot it seemed to have redirected itself and pushed him down a much better path and Sumayl wasn't about to complain.

<p style='text-decoration:italic;font-size:10px;'><I>Got nothin to lose but time</I></p>
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
His humor delighted her, and even if he had responded with a bit of ire, she'd have brushed it off as she did most things. Grinning impishly at him, she responded in kind. "Psht, isn't that what I just said? Though I've always found perfection a bit overrated. Haven't you ever heard that the beauty's in the flaws? Now me, I've got flaws galore!" As he could probably tell from the state she was currently in.

It did not escape her that, in jesting, he had completely neglected to respond to her offer. "So, Sumayl, what'dya say?!" Please say yes please say yes please say yes. She (surprise surprise) liked this guy a lot already, a not uncommon happening but for her but important still. He was a good one, she could tell. And even though she didn't have the final word, she felt he had a really good chance of doing well for himself here.
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
“I was just confirming,” Sumayl responded to her impish grin, her tone taking on a coquettish edge, unable to help himself in the presence of a female who was not only pretty (even covered in mud such as Vienna was) but who was also willing to brush off his arrogant humor. “In case it was ever questioned.” Sumayl shot Vienna a wicked little, toothy grin that might have given the devil a run for his money. To the Ostrega, it seemed that girls either delighted in his personality or they hated it, there was truly no concrete middle ground — and if there was the shades of grey were so close together that he couldn't tell much of a different between black or white anyway. A soft snort of laughter left the Ostrega when she spoke that beauty were in the flaws. “For everyone else, maybe,” Sumayl teased her. “When you got it, you got it, you know?” He paused and drew in a soft breath. “Flaws are cute, though. They just don't look good on me at all.” Never mind that he was exposing what was likely one of his biggest flaws to her right at that current moment. Sumayl tried to play it off as joking and in a sense he was but he wasn't entirely jesting either.

Vienna reminded him that he hadn't, actually, gotten around to answering her proposal and for a second the Ostrega let the silence settle between them as he deliberated his options. It was true, he knew next to nothing about her pack but then again he wasn't exactly in any sort of position to be picky. Beggars couldn't be choosers, after all. “If you really think the leaders will accept me then sure, I'll give it a try.” A small part of Sumayl thought that it might be a tall order, accepting him, narcissism and sass included but he wouldn't deny that he would make a good addition to their Spire, if they'd have him.

<p style='text-decoration:italic;font-size:10px;'><I>Got nothin to lose but time</I></p>
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
"Hah, nice save. You better believe it!" She shook out her mud-covered fur in an attempt to splatter him with some nice goo. "Absolutely flippin gorgeous!" She laughed. Vienna didn't care if he was being serious or not... if he had a high opinion of himself, that was not necessarily a bad thing. After all, she had plenty of confidence in herself. Sure she was shy around others at times, but she didn't kick herself for it. Instead she put herself out there more to try and become better. Confidence let a wolf try to improve instead of giving up immediately because they didn't think they were good enough.

"GREAT!" She bounced enthusiastically as he agreed to try and join, elated. SUCCESS! She'd recruited someone, well, almost at least! The next part was not up to her. Lifting her muzzle, she sent up a melodic howl, a summons for @Jace or @Amekaze to join her and size up their new pledge.
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace lifted his head from the small stream that flowed down the mountain top. He perked his ears forward as water dripped down his black muzzle and fell to the ground in small shining droplets of jewels. He shifted his weight and shaking his head he began at a small lope down the mountain, only to increase his speed with only a slight limp until he made it to his sister's side. Wide eyes took in the mud mess of both of them and he burst out laughing. He stared at Vienna and then looked at the mountain and spoke softly Vienna let me guess you were sliding down the mountain? And you didn't invite me? He gave her a teasing grin and and a small nudge to the side of her shoulder.

Then turning blue eyes on the male in front of him he studied him for a moment trying to figure out who he was and what he was wanting. You Stranger What do you need?
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
Sumayl gave Vienna a cheeky little grin when she complimented him on his save, noting that he enjoyed teasing her, glad that instead of finding his narcissism and humor as something that put her off she embraced it. Sumayl turned his head away from her as she shook her coat out, feeling big, fat droplets of mud splashing against him, coating him even more in goo than he had previously been. The soft rain washed a small amount off of him but it wasn't raining nearly with the harsh consistency that Sumayl needed to rid his coat of the sticky earth that clung to him in awkward places. Places, even, that he had never really wanted mud. A freezing swim in a nearby lake or something would get it right off Sumayl knew and planned, whether this ended well or badly for him, that he would be immediately seeking one out. She pranced with her excitement at his agreement to give her Sunspire a try, her words loud and fevered. Sumayl stood there as she sent out a howl that mirrored the one that she had, likely unintentionally, responded too and within a few short minutes a black male appeared.

The man, presumably a leader of Vienna's Sunspire, took one look at the mud coated state they had both taken too and before them bust out into laughter. Sumayl quailed a bit visibly but shook it off, only able to imagine how comical the two of them looked coated and dripping mud. The way that the unnamed black male talked to Vienna was with notable affection, and golden eyes flitted between the two of them drawing the absolutely incorrect assumption that they were an item. After all, they didn't look anything alike and Sumayl was no mind reader to be able to tell that they were, in fact, siblings. For the Ostrega, the nudge of the girl's shoulder only further proved his suspicion and Sumayl considered that perhaps his subtle attempts at flirting with any pretty girl he stumbled across should have been better thought out. “My name is Sumayl,” The Ostrega introduced himself, finding that being called 'Stranger' got under his skin a bit. “And the lovely Vienna here managed to convince me to join your Sunspire, providing that I truly do prove to be perfect for it.” He sent a devilish little grin towards the woman in question.

<p style='text-decoration:italic;font-size:10px;'><I>Got nothin to lose but time</I></p>
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
You guys can skip me if you like, Vienna is just gonna hang out in the background

When Jace came up laughing, she answered with a laugh of her own. "Of course! And next time, I promise!" She gave him a small affectionate lick on the cheek, probably unknowingly cementing Sumayl's conclusion. She had wanted to seek him out to play as well, but seeing as he was still healing, she hadn't wanted him to hurt himself and be out of commission even longer. Soon though he would be back to 100% and then they could run like crazy together.

"I think he'd make a great addition!" She said after Symayl introduced himself. She grinned at Sumayl, then stepped back to let the two of them sort things out.
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace chuckled again under his breath and smiled at his sister his blue eyes glowing with mirth. It was time for business though and he turned back to the mud splattered canine in front of him. He tilted his head and studied him. Well met Sumayl. My sister has good instincts. After all she's been putting up with me since birth with grace. He shrugged his shoulders and then studied the male, it was hard to see any musculature definition or anything under the mud. So he didn't know if the male was sick or not, but he didn't seem to be.

I am Jace. So tell me, Sumayl what would make you a good addition to our ranks? What does my sister see in you to make sure you stay? How can you help us?
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
Sumayl wasn't sure if he should look away from their awkward (to him) public displays of affection or if it was okay for him to stare at them like they were aliens that had suddenly shed their normal skin in favor of something foreign to him. It relieved Sumayl slightly to learn that they were not an item but rather brother and sister. Sumayl wasn't sure why it was relieving — other than he was glad not to be casually and subtly hitting on another man's girl. It wouldn't have been the first time, and Sumayl rather enjoyed confrontation of that sort of nature what a not-so-little homewrecker for no real reason other than he tended to be a bit assertive around other males. This was especially true if he thought he had a high advantage over the one that he was confronting, which was usually always. The ebony beast introduced himself as Jace, and asked what Sumayl knew to be the usual questions: what made him think he would be a good addition, what he was good at, et cetera. “I'm a damn good tracker and hunter. I've trained for both since I was old enough to go for an apprenticeship. I can fight and I'm swift, thanks to my coyote lineage.” Some wolves though that being a coywolf was a sin that should have never happened but it couldn't be disputed that the speed they had on a wolf coupled with the powerful build of a wolf made for power and speed. Sumayl had never been ashamed that he had coyote in him, not that he could hide it anyway given that he had the coat of a coyote and Mexican wolf.

“As for what she sees in me it's not my place to say.” Modesty had never been one of Sumayl's strong suits but even so he wasn't going to coat his abilities when he knew he was good at something, especially if modesty ran the chance of costing him a place within their ranks.

Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace did not know if this male was assertive or not, but it would not do well to become assertive in front of him or to him. The male would have a serious reckoning to pay then, simply put Jace was a brawler and he wore the scars to prove it. Jace gave one small warning growl, but spoke softly Please do not curse when there are ladies present His father had taught him that growing up, never curse in front of a lady. Unfortunately even Jace had done this on occasion and he always felt guilty for it, as if he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar so to speak.

Jace tilted his head BUt why should I choose you? I can hunt with the best of them My sister can track with the best of them. Both Vienna and myself our runners. Have you done anything notable with those skills? Jace was not trying to give him a hard time, he was just trying to make sure they were a good fit. After all, they had puppies to take care of and each other.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
I feel like Sumyal is going to shove his foot in his mouth and end up being chased off, aha. Oops. :x

Sumayl only just avoided giving Jace a flat look when the ebony male growled at him and then chided him on saying the word 'damn'. If he thought that was cursing then clearly he had the ears of a virgin because that was hardly the most vulgar word Sumayl had ever used; and if that was the case the Ostrega would have the ebony man blushing like a maiden, bothered by the crass words that fell easily from his lips. Sumayl supposed he could have boasted his skills in a much more tactful manner probably but why pretend to be something that he really wasn't? That was deceitful and Sumayl was a lot of things but he'd never considered himself to be a liar. Sumayl wanted to tell Jace that he had no right to chide the Ostrega like a child but resisted because, evidently, he already looked bad. The Ostrega shot Vienna a sidelong glance having the feeling that, while he hadn't planned on letting her down and crushing her hopes or anything, that he was going to bomb this.

Jace persisted by asking why out of all the wolves he had to choose from — which Sumayl didn't see any other wolves gunning to be apart of this pack aside from himself (and really gunning it was a bit of a stretch). As if to make the point he looked around him as if trying to see what others Jace had to choose from. The way he entirely picked apart Sumyal's skill set had left the Ostrega feeling annoyed. If that was how he treated all potential joiners it was surprising they anyone actually stayed around after that. Sumayl didn't know about anyone else but he didn't particularly enjoy or take a liking to having Jace basically say that his skills were nothing. “What does it matter what I've done with my skills? You basically just made them seem like they don't matter. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I have skills that I don't just because I think it'll impress you. If my skills are so insignificant to you then fine. Tell me you don't need me and I'll leave.” It would seem, today, that Vienna's “good instincts” failed her and while Sumayl felt bad about it he also wasn't going to stand there and have this man tell him that his skills were shit because he and Vienna could run with the best of them and didn't need him. Sumayl might not have been tactful but neither was Jace looking very tactful in that moment, either.

Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace wasn't worried about the curse words for his own sake, it was that his sister was there. She was a female and thus deserved the respect of her gender. Jace shifted his weight and didn't say anything until the other started speaking and then his hackles rose of their own accord and he lifted blue eyed gaze and met the other male head on. It was clear that his hair trigger temper was a hair away from triggering.

The growl was crystal clear this time and he stepped forward with bared teeth, but he wasn't about to start a fight over something as trivial as word choice. He disliked the disrespect he was being given. I did not say your skills were crap I merely asked you if you had done anything notable with them. Anyone can tell me they are a tracker or a runner or a fighter or what have you. It was question, you don't have to be rude about it. I can't go about accepting just anyone into the pack, if they aren't going to be a good fit or their not going to protect our family. Because that is what we are here Sumayl we are a family.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
<p style='text-decoration:italic;font-size:10px;'><I>Got nothin to lose but time</I></p>
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Quick interjection, carry on lovelies <3 I'm enjoying this lots

Vienna listened, perfectly happily, as Sumayl listed his skills, certain that he would measure up to the pack standards. After all he was strong, healthy, and hadn't bitten her head off for plowing him over into the mud. What more could they want?

Her ears flattened, though, when Jace growled at him for his language. She looked at him sharply, opening her mouth to protest, but before she could get a word in they were off. Boys.... she thought, pursing her lips and looking skyward as they argued with one another as to whether his skills were good enough to be considered.

While she understood Jace's concern, in many ways she was no longer the young girl he had known before leaving. Being out on her own, she had met many, and heard many things far worse than the words spoken out of the male's mouth. It wasn't as though her ears would fall off from the shock. She was a big girl, older than he, and though her youthful innocence had remained she didn't feel, in this particular instance especially, that she needed protected. All covered in mud, she was hardly a lady anyway. She didn't need coddling, despite her feminine persuasion.

God they weren't understanding each other. She didn't want to undermine her brother, nor did she want to tick Sumayl off anymore than he already was, but this was getting out of hand. "I think what my brother is trying to ask," oh so elegantly, she thought, exasperated, "is whether or not you have any experience in a pack. What sorts of roles you've taken up, how you've aided and such." She thought his skills sounded just fine, but again, it wasn't her call.
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
The stare off between the ebony male and the golden Ostrega reminded Sumayl of a western gun fight at dusk as both the sheriff and the outlaw paced their traces and dramatically spun to stare at each other as all the quietly horrified and fascinated townsfolk watched from their doorways wondering who would be the lucky one to draw first and win. It wasn't hard to imagine who was who in that little fantasy scenario and in reality, Sumayl didn't mind being the outlaw. It didn't necessarily make him a villain it just meant he was willing to bend laws in the name of what he believed. Sumayl's lips mashed into a arduous line when Jace defended himself. Sumayl would have vocally disagreed with that defense because comparing Sumayl's skills by saying that Vienna and him ran with the best basically had been brushing Sumayl's skills under the carpet as if they didn't matter. Gaze went to Vienna when she interjected explaining what she thought her dense brother was trying to ask for. Sumayl thought that saying that he was a good hunter and tracker sort of explained it all. Did he actually have to state that he was a Hunter and Tracker when he'd already, basically said it? That was entirely redundant.

“And anyone can lie about their accomplishments, too,” Because how could Jace call them out on a bluff when he didn't know them at all? He couldn't. “The fact that I held the titles of Hunter and Tracker was pretty obvious but if you want me to be super specific then fine. I led and organized the hunts of my previous pack when I became old enough and I spent many days tracking the movements of the herds,” Sumayl felt that all of that had explained itself by his previous statements. “I also served as one of the Guardians. I protected the borders.” Just in case the word 'Guardian' wasn't specific enough. His annoyance was beginning to bubble to the surface at this point not truly caring if he was accepted or not. It wasn't like this was his only option, after all.

And if this, as he felt it might, didn't work out he'd apologize to Vienna for costing her, her recruit and move on with his life because that was what Sumayl did best: he moved on. He'd done it when his parents had been killed in the forest fire and nothing could compare to hardship that had created for him and his young siblings.

Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
it was funny this stare off, because frankly Jace had not been in any way trying to be rude or mean. He just wanted clarification and details, after all he had an entire pack to help Amekaze look after. He had to be able to read people, and make sure they had the skills the spoke about. He couldn't just let anyone pass into the borders. And he was merely asking the other not to swear in front of ladies, it was just mannerly. He shifted and rotated his shoulders a little irritated now, but now just wanting it all to be over with. This was why he disliked other wolves, and preferred his own company. He always messed up in some way, shape, or form.

Jace dipped his muzzle to his sister, That's all I wanted Sumayl, was details. You will make a fine addition. If you could start hunting right away, I would appreciate it. We have puppies in our midst. However, in this pack body posture and respect is everything remember it well. he turned and looked at his sister. For today Vienna he is your responsibility. Give him a tour, show him the borders and then please do some hunting. I'll check in with you both later. Sumayl hopefully another day we can meet on better terms. Then with that he turned to leave, but held an ear backwards to hear anything said.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
Last post for me! :-) Also, slight powerplay — which I will gladly change if need be. :-)

Sumayl didn't really see the point of pain staking specification given that the skills more or less spoke for themselves but if Jace was willing to be civil about the whole thing the golden Outlaw didn't see why he couldn't be civil as well. The Ostrega was silent at Jace's suggestion that he beginning hunting right away, though he nodded to show that he understood. Sumyal peeked a glance at Vienna when Jace then turned to her and handed over the responsibility of showing him around. Though Sumayl understood what Jace was trying to say it made it seem like Sumayl was a child that needed to be kept an eye on. Not that the golden male had any intentions of complaining about sending further time in Vienna's presence but still. Sumayl dipped his head in farewell to Jace, not really sure what else to say — there was nothing for him to say — before he turned to Vienna and gestured for her to go first. “Lets get to it.” He spoke simply pausing only briefly to scratch at his mud covered side before he stretched and followed eagerly after Vienna when she took the lead.
<p style='text-decoration:italic;font-size:10px;'><I>Got nothin to lose but time</I></p>
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
last for me also! We should have another soon! :D

Vienna was sincerely glad that her brother took no offense to her interjection. She'd have felt terrible if it had made the situation even worse. It seemed they had gotten off on completely the wrong foot, a fact that made Vienna rather unhappy. She buried it, though, determined not to let it ruin her day. As Jace left, however, she gave him a light touch on the shoulder to show her appreciation.

She, unlike Sumayl, thought of herself more as an orientation counselor than a babysitter. Excited to show him just what she had meant when she spoke of this place's beauty, she nodded. "Let's go!" And led the way up the mountain. Soon she would need to find a stream to clean off in, but that could probably be one of their stops. Especially since he likely needed it as well, thanks to her.

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