Hoshor Plains limestone
Wild Fauna
78 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
@Mallow? :o open also to fancy & maplesmoke <3

the stallion ranged ahead. selenia followed more slowly along the riverbank, eventually descending with little grace to paw at the ice along its edges.

a small crack surged in the flat surface, and in the next moment she had broken through.

she drank deeply, lifting her head at intervals to glance around.
wild like a daydream
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Tag for reference!

With @Winston as her company, Mallow had kept to the outskirts of the plains, where she felt it was most safe. His company had been a good distraction, but she had begun to reminisce and wonder about her family; where had they gone?

She stood upon a hill, noticing the wolves' withdrawal from the area and the nearby bison herd. Her eyes were soon drawn to the river, and eventually, she spotted a familiar figure. Without hesitation, she set off towards the other horse, kicking up snow and debris as she galloped.

Selenia! she brayed as she ran, overjoyed to see a familiar face. I did it! I found you!
Wild Fauna
78 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the river soon brought her a familiar sound, and selenia raised a dripping chin to whinney at the rapidly approaching figure.

she herself found energy for a canter that carried her toward the younger mare; she rumbled and huffed, exploring the others mouth and mane as her tail flicked in relief.

she smelled of deer. had mallow been with them as selenia had been with the bison? "it's so good to see you," she gasped desperately, delighted in spite of herself. "it's not just us here either."
wild like a daydream
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Mallow did her own investigating once they reunited, sniffing her sister's mane and alone her round flank, checking for any signs of further injury. She was relieved to find nothing.

And it is so good to see both of you, she said, regarding her unborn niece or nephew with a cant of her head. Mallow looked around when she mentioned they were not alone. Her attention returned to her older sister when she did not spot anybody familiar. Who else did you find? she asked,  voice eager as she stamped the ground with a foreleg.
Wild Fauna
78 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"an older mare. like mama. and — a stallion."

her ears flicked back as she said this; she still did not trust him despite his acceptance, protective maternal nature quite evident as she regarded the swell of her sides.

selenia glanced back down the river as she spoke, watchful. "where did everyone go? how did you get here?"
wild like a daydream
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
LMK if I’m assuming anything wrong. <3

Although she was pleased that another mare was with them, Selenia's mention of a stallion put her on edge; her sister didn't need to be around any men in her condition. She huffed, clearly displeased by this, and would stick close to her sister, who needed her most right now. And he's behaving himself? she asked, her tail whipping from side-to-side.

Mallow briefly followed Selenia's gaze down the river and spoke once she had assessed that there were no threats.  I don't know, she answered honestly, loathing that she didn't have any more information. When we all scattered, I tried my best to keep up with you, and that's how I found myself here. I followed your hoofmarks through the valleys and the mountains, and I am so glad I finally found yah, she said, reaching out to gently brush her sister's mane with her nose.
Wild Fauna
78 Posts
Ooc — ebony
all good! <3

while she was pleased in a sisterly way that mallow had followed her, she could not stop her worry over the rest of their band; mama, grandma. swallowtail. her skin shuddered; she sidled close to her sister. "he's behaving."

but there were no females in season, and that is when stallions tended to show their aggressive colors.

"well. you're here now, and so am i. have you been staying with deer?" she asked, starting to lead mallow back in the direction of where she had seen the others.
wild like a daydream
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
While she was also concerned for the rest of their band, she relished the temporary relief of finding her sister. She pressed herself close, pleased to hear that the man was behaving himself.

The mention of Winston brought a smile to her face, and she nodded as she followed Selenia. I have—not for long, though. He helped me find better-tasting grass, and we've been hanging out since. she searched the hills for him, expecting him to materialize somewhere in the background. I haven't seen him this morning, though, she added with a shrug.

And I know I smell the other horses ... but do I also smell bison on you? she asked, lifting a brow.
Wild Fauna
78 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the way mallow talked about the deer, selenia sensed fondness in it and was not sure what to make of that. 

"i stayed with the bison on the plains for a short time, before i was found." her desperation had been so steep.

"i was ready to give birth in that herd too, just so i would be protected." never did she want to feel that way again.
Wild Fauna
58 Posts
Ooc — --
She lowered her head to sniff at some fresh deer droppings. While it was a relief to see that other herbivores thrived in this area, it also meant that eventually, they would draw the attention of wolves; winter made them desperate and foolish, more willing to take risks and target larger prey in an attempt to survive. Fancy grazed constantly, ripping up short, dry grasses and lifting her head to scan the plains as she chewed. 

Selenia had been keeping some space to herself- and had been in sight a moment ago. The sorrel knew that she had likely just gone to the river, and yet she didn't like the idea of letting the pregnant mare out of her sight. If they were divided, they were weaker. She preferred to keep the band closer together when they had yet to get the lay of the land. She would trust Maplesmoke to assess the area, and search for routes to take if they ended up being chased- but for now, it was her job to make sure that their little herd remained intact. 

She sauntered up the light rise, and as soon as she caught sight of not only Selenia, but another horse, she snorted in surprise. The other- a grulla- looked like a yearling, and by her demeanour, she was well known to the shy buckskin. At first, Fancy guessed this might have been the foal she had dropped last year, by the way she held tight to the mare's side. 

Another young mare would be a welcome addition, she thought; but it would still be best if she was in the know about such things, so she moved forward to interrupt their reunion, but with gentle interest on her features.
wild like a daydream
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Mallow's heart hurt for Selenia; how she couldn't imagine the fear she must have felt! She leaned over and nudged her neck, blowing hot air onto her mane as she lingered. You are safe now, she promised. Mallow only pulled away when they were joined by another, and she pulled back and looked at Fancy with a questioning gaze—was this the other mare that'd joined Selenia?
Wild Fauna
78 Posts
Ooc — ebony
selenia returned the whuff of warm air, tugging playfully on mallow's forelock. her jaws parted to say something else, but then the sorrel mare was joining them, her step as confident as it had been that first day. there could be no mistaking her role, especially when selenia deferred as she came near.

"fancy. this is my sister, mallow." her tail flicked against her flanks affably. "mallow, this is our lead-mare. maplesmoke is our stallion."

the use of 'our,' she hoped, might reinforce their sense of equine community. even if mallow did not want to bend her head to a stranger, their strength was in togetherness.
Wild Fauna
58 Posts
Ooc — --
The yearling moved to give space- an acknowledgement that Fancy appreciated as she moved forward to touch noses with Selenia. She turned a calm, brown eye toward the young grulla, nodding once as she was informed that this wasn’t one of Selenia’s foals, but a sister. 

She guessed them to be a few years apart- a sign that Selenia and Mallow came from good breeding stock. They would make handsome foals, she thought; and again, she felt a flicker of envy that she pushed away.

She moved then toward the yearling, ears forward and her muzzle outstretched so she might greet her as she had greeted her sister. Health was important to her; she exhaled softly, so Mallow might know her, as well. 

Yearlings could be unpredictable- but she seemed to come from fine stock. If Mallow was turned away, Selenia would likely go with her- the wise choice, then, seemed to be to welcome her. 

”Stay with us if you would like, Mallow. It is only us few, but Springtime comes; there will likely be more.” One, at least, as long as Selenia dropped a healthy foal. She assumed Maplesmoke would look for more to add to his band, steal them if he could- so that the next year they might grow again.
wild like a daydream
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
As usual, Mallow deferred to Selenia's judgment; Fancy and Maplesmoke were now a part of their herd.

It's nice to meet you, Fancy, she said, her tail swishing at her hocks as she turned towards their lead-mare and greeted her by touching muzzles. Although it felt strange following another, she knew their chance of survival increased if there were others. With Selenia's foal about to drop at any minute, they needed all the support they could get; she would not leave her sister. I will stay, she said, informing both horses of her decision.
Wild Fauna
78 Posts
Ooc — ebony
fancy was kind with her invitation, and selenia's head bobbed in relief and joy as her sister made the decision to join them. had the younger mare refused, it was as fancy thought; selenia would have stayed with mallow.

reassured by the lead-mare's touch, selenia shook out her mane and pranced sideways in delight. her foal would have an aunt close when the time came for them to be born, and mallow had much to teach.

the buckskin glanced off in the direction of where maplesmoke remained, still unsure of him but instinctively wishing to return closer, to where his teeth and hooves could be employed in defense.
Wild Fauna
58 Posts
Ooc — --
Matters settled, Fancy checkered at the Selenia’s sideways jig, a light chuckle if nothing else. A light smile pulled at the loose, wrinkled corners of her mouth. She gestured for Mallow to move as well, and began to stride back up the slope. 

”Let’s get back up this hill,” She said. ”I found some good grazing up there that the bison haven’t been through yet.” Fancy had a sharp eye for good nutrition- and right now, Selenia would need as much of it as possible.
wild like a daydream
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
With matters settled between the mares, they followed Fancy up the hill. Mallow stuck close to Selenia, nosing her often to remind herself that her sister was here, well, and alive; it was a good day, and it'd end with good food.
Wild Fauna
78 Posts
Ooc — ebony
last for me!

happy that mallow was with her again, encouraged by fancy, selenia quickened her pace up into a trot, eager for the tender grass and the sisterly sessions of coat-grooming that would happen when they had been fed and warmed.