Hoshor Plains stinging nettle
Wild Fauna
23 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
maplesmoke kept watch of the plains. he saw wolves dispersing throughout the day and night, and now watched some silhouettes moving west against the sigh of winter.

he would seek each cardinal direction and then count, and stomp, and so during irregular intervals he could share with the mares the number. the last of them were on their way — to this he gave a triumphant bellow.

the bison watched all of this with little interest. some would snort. a few felt cajoled in to stomping too, in mockery of the long-necked man.
16 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
A bellow from a great big beast, with violent steps that made the earth feel as if it shook. He felt his knees grow shaky and loose, the wobble of them collapsing and splaying as he haphazardly tried to relearn his steps. He felt his hear galloping through his chest and his stomach coming to a fall unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. The cover of the grass protected him. He stayed in it, legs curled and neck hidden.

It was then he could see the monster he'd heard, could see him stomp and prance in a way so mighty, Winston knew he was small.

When he spoke, it was a whisper to himself. Fear took over him. "I don't think Mallow is looking for that man..
Wild Fauna
23 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca

he would listen for the call of fancy or another mare, as their numbers were growing steadily; and whether one came or not the stallion would continue his pacing and his numbers until he saw no more sign of wolf.

the plains would be free of them. he would know this when the bison herd became more relaxed and so maplesmoke learned to keep an eye on them, to watch them as often as he studied the retreating shapes of the wolves.

he was focused, so much so that he failed to account for the deer whose scent drew along the grass and was so obvious. maplesmoke was distracted.
16 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Outstretching his neck tall, he tried to look beyond the big man! Tried to look at the herd beyond him, and with nervohs jitters of his ears, his wobbly legs tried to move. He had to ask for Mallow! Though, his instincts fought him.

A bleat suddenly fled his mouth! Ducking his head back down, he cowered from the surprise of it and gasped. 
Wild Fauna
23 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
an ugly sound burst from another direction and maplesmoke's ears thrust forward immediately as he heard it, and he swung his attention in the direction it came from, seeing a golden body that looked almost coltish stood there. it was a wonder that maplesmoke had not noticed him before; but now that he did, he paced towards it and saw it was not a foal at all, but one of the fragile wild ones.

he snorts and the breath billows from his flared nostrils. staring at the creature, he deliberates over what to do - and not for long, either, as was his way. the stallion's head moved to lower, so that his shoulders were above and he looked almost draconic as he moved closer.

where is your mother, little one?