Tuktu Weir south
2 Posts
Ooc — :)
All Welcome 
He had been chased away by the alpha male for attempting to couple with the alpha female. It was a tale as old as time, and the man knew it was time he dispersed from the pack. His own mother gone the year prior, it was a half brother who had taken up the lead. His brother had chosen his mate, and when challenged, he had won out.

So it was that the man of four years came this far south. Broad paws brought him past many packs, though it was the less populated area he found himself drawn to. There was a pack here, but it was small. He continued on, finding another small pack to the south. Both smelled of pairs.

The wolf ambled further south.
29 Posts
Ooc — Mai
It was with a rising howl that Nyssa informed the small group that she would be away. Temporarily, of course. And not for long. Meerkat and Njord's cluster was small. And she was curious about what else might be out there. The dark young lady really had not explored much beyond what she now considered her new home.

She wanted to sightsee. To explore this wilderness as her sooty legs took her forward, boldly. Wolves had passed this way recently. None of their scents fresh to warrant any interest.

Except one, now brought to her on chilly fingers of the wind.
2 Posts
Ooc — :)
He sees a charcoal figure ahead; tips of inky black set her apart from others. She is smaller than him, but not by so much that he feels he is towering over her. Curiosity urges him forward, and the wolf reaches his neck out to take in her scent. She smells of others, perhaps one of the groups he recently passed.

He waits, curious if she will return his friendly demeanor.
29 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The scent grew stronger. And then, suddenly, it's owner materialized. A large figure. The near white of his coat breaking up against the contrast of the gray winter scape. Had it not been for his sudden appearance, Nyssa might've taken more notice of the way the land sloped slightly, encompassed largely by water, where many a beaver made their home.

His approach towards her seemed friendly. He had paused, to gauge her own reaction. And it didn't take long. Her demeanor was indeed, just as friendly as his own. She came forth on stiff, dark legs. Tail slightly elevated, sweeping gently with the excitement of meeting someone new. Her amber eyes were curious, yet alert.