Haunted Wood Abbott's babbler
12 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
The babbling of river water played musically on the wood. Birds fluttered down from their lofty perches to peck at the earth, quick to retreat back into the high treetops before being seen by danger. Youth chirped from the top, pleading out to their mother for nourishment. For a time, the bird was content to drop to the earth, pry up a worm, and return to her nest with it. The bright feathers of the bird flickered up to the tree for the last time.

Siskin trotted merrily where the mother bird had been plucking food. His owlish colors were contrasting to the wood’s dismal shadows and looming trees. The gleam of his eyes, like starlight, cut through the forest and toward the sound of running water. The lean figure loped in pursuit of the riverbed.
12 Posts
Ooc — metic
stationed as a floating fish washed ashore the riverbed, the yearling lay drenched, submerged neck down in the gentle embrace of the water's current. he'd been here for half a day, waiting for rainfall to creep higher and tease his lips with sweetened execution. 

the flutter of birds overhead finally drew him from his river casket. he stood, and what little bulk he might have fiend through fur was now glued to reveal the skeletal truth of him. haggard and emaciated, he looked as if on the verge of death. 

and yet with no visible sign of weakness or demise, he shook free some of the droplets that clung to him before turning to investigate what spooked the fledglings.
12 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Like some creature from the lagoon, another wolf emerged from the waters. So surprising was this presence that Siskin felt his heart thunder like a hundred horses hooves within his chest. Long legs were stiff, wary as he drew his ears to a perk and listened for signs of an approaching danger. Water was a draw to all living things, after all. Predators and prey alike would find their thirst quenched by the running river.

Hello out there, Siskin called, shifting his weight until the length of his legs had loosened and he found his head still attached. I do hope I’m not intruding.

Though the appealing sound of running water almost made this a lie. Starlight eyes scanned the reeds, searching.
12 Posts
Ooc — metic
he embodied an oversized, downed rat as he slipped through a thicket of foliage that prickled and teased his ragged side. a few thorns stuck him in the hips as he slithered by, to which he turned to grasp them between his lips and spit them out a few paces away. 

coincidentally, they landed not far off from where the stranger had called for him. 

he poked his fat grin through the last of the water-grass, nose and plaque lined fangs all that was exposed. "yes you do" he let out in a vaporized toxic breath before clasping his teeth closed in a loud clack. he knew nothing of the stranger's desire, couldn't even see him. but there was a great and unmeasurable gratification in riling up others, and so he sought to push the boundary with pins and needles of poisoned words.
12 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The riverwolf was not so easily riled, though he had not gathered the intentions of his visitor.

The grounds leading up to the water had not been marked with claim scent. Siskin had traversed carefully, regardless of his lackadaisical nature. He had no intention of crossing paths with the clacking fangs of those who protected their land. The woodland had been dark and dense and when he had found the river water, his heart had leapt with relief.

Ah, well- Siskin cleared his throat with a cheeky smile. I couldn’t trouble you for a spot of company, could I? I’ve got- He turned abruptly and began to sniff at the ground, hunting for the place he had hidden his treats. The slender figure pulled out a rabbit with fat haunches.

Food. Another smile found his narrow snout.