Oystercatcher Tide Pools I thought I heard its resonance
8 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Dated for May 5th
Seclusion; the ultimate goal of their journey, finally found after months of searching. Star was always busy lately, always occupied with some task to turn their refuge into a true home. The beach was not the most welcoming place. But it was what the gods had given them, and so Star thanked them for it each night as he gazed at the heavens.

Tonight, something was different.

@Lorekeeper was different. This was something Star had never encountered, did not understand, yet he followed the scent of his companion all the same. Instinct guided him.

His eyes sparkled with gentle curiosity as he came upon them. Lore...? His voice was soft. He lingered with distance still between them, watching her, wondering.
8 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
The travelers search for seclusion had bought them to the furthest ends of the earth. To the ocean; a far cry from the place they hailed.

Though its vastness was intimidating, and there was little to do to not feel so exposed, Lorekeeper learned to find comfort amidst it. It was here where she was in complete view of the eyes of her gods and the watch of her companion.

Starwatcher. Where was he now? He'd been a constant subject of her thoughts since they woke, and they could only go so long without seeing his face now.

They left the shoddy cover of their den with haste, only stopping when the two crossed paths.

Starwatcher. Had he sought her out too? I feel... strange.
8 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He dared a soft step closer, ears tilting as he took in the sight of her. Strange? Star echoed softly, hearing his own voice as if from far away. Strange... how?

Another step closer, but he lingered this time. Some part of him knew instinctively that he could not get too close, not without her permission. Whatever happened next would be up to Lorekeeper — all of it.
8 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
He expects words to flow as easily as they always do. Instead they are buried deep within their mind, and Lore struggles to unearth them.

I don't know... Star brought a wave of warmth in his movement, and she was caught in it's path. Perhaps I am ill.

Picking at the stems on the surface, but he could not find purchase at its roots. The canine lowers his furrowed gaze with a pondering hum.
8 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Ill. He stepped closer, tail swaying slowly, hesitation in his eyes and his posture. Do you want me to stay? Star asked softly, ears tilting back as uncertainty overtook him.

He hoped for a yes — or did he? Some part of him prickled uncomfortably with a knowing he could not put to words. A feeling that their lives were about to change. It was only natural for him to resist change, to fight it at every turn, yet Star knew this was the way of life. This was the path set before them.

So he took another step closer, breath held as he waited for Lore to reach her own decision.
8 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
There comes a fire with his word. An everlasting flame conjured by his presence. If they were to reject Star's company, perhaps it would die out.

But as dangerous as it seemed, foreeign as it was, Lorekeeper wished to dance around it.

If you can, he murmured. A step forward acted as further invitation. Yes.

To muted surprise, they suddenly wished to dive in this fire.
8 Posts
Ooc — xynien

That was all he needed. Star stepped forward, reaching out with a gentle touch to caress the soft features he had come to love so much; to rely on, in a way. In an ever-shifting sea of change, Lore was the only constant. The only familiarity left to Star.

He wrapped them in a gentle embrace, and hoped they knew that they would always be safe with him.