Swiftcurrent Creek baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
never be so clever, you forget to be kind
12 Posts
Ooc — Chan

It was a lazy morning, and Saturin hadn't done much aside from eating and napping. When he woke up, he stretched out his limbs, and felt his brother's soft side as he made contact. Instead of retracting his touch, he uncurled them instead, seeking to poke his brother and enjoy a nice stretch while doing so.
Swiftcurrent Creek
8 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The push of Sea Lion's paw into his rotund little figure was met with a squeal of annoyance. The boy had been sleeping and dreaming and it was profoundly rude of Saturin to disturb such a state of bliss with his sharp little toes. 

So Shark responded as sharks do. He whirled his puppy body around and clamped his teeth on his brother's foot - biting.
never be so clever, you forget to be kind
12 Posts
Ooc — Chan
[Image: kardeslik-gif-11147527.gif]

Ouch! That hurt! He shrieked as his brother bit down on his foot, and quickly moved it to try and free it. As he moved his foot around, he looked around wildly, searching for the resident adult to step in and intervene. When this didn't happen immediately, he began to wail, hoping to up the antsy and find some way to free his poor, little foot.
Swiftcurrent Creek
8 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Oh, ew. He was noisy now. 

Shark chomped his teeth down more firmly, feeling the nice little shake of his brother's foot as Saturin tried to free himself from the little biter's grip. A puppy growl bubbled up from Requin's throat. He did enjoy this. There was something pleasant in the way his teeth found purchase in his sibling. He felt more connected to the wailing boy.
never be so clever, you forget to be kind
12 Posts
Ooc — Chan
When Shark bit down harder, Saturin's shrieks grew louder, his movements became more lively, and there was a sense of urgency within him that tightened around his throat. He was like a wacky, wavy inflatable tube man—his body rolled and flopped and flailed in every direction as he tried to free himself from his brother's hold.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Swiftcurrent Creek
8 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Saturin was so good at adopting the role of thrashing prey in the dark water. Shark was thrilled. His large puppy paws pushed to either side of his flailing brother and his tufted chest pushed his weight to the other boy. And then he released Saturin's paw in order to bite repeatedly at his cheeks and his lip and his chin... and so on. What a fun game.
never be so clever, you forget to be kind
12 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Saturin wasn't enjoying this "game"—not one bit!

He wriggled around, using his paws to protect himself from the assaults. Despite being inexperienced and weak, he made an effort to fight against the relentless attacks, crying out throughout the ordeal.
Swiftcurrent Creek
8 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Saturin was such a crybaby. 

The more aggressive brother jabbed his nose insistently against his brother's face, pushing up his lip to reveal his baby teeth. Shark just wanted him to wrestle! He didn't want this loud noise to keep coming out of him. It was painfully annoying. But the more he tried to get his brother to shut up... the more Saturin seemed to wail.
never be so clever, you forget to be kind
12 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Saturin was slowly being pushed to the brink of hysterics. Twisting his entire body, he squirmed to evade the attacks, using his forearms to push back against his brother to try and fend him off.

Ahhhhguhgugugug!! he babbled, hoping to use his words to drive home his point: he wasn't having a good time.
Swiftcurrent Creek
8 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The noise that his brother made was enough to draw Shark's head back. His lip hung on his tooth, glinting as the light touched the ivory fang underneath. His head tilted, curious and confused. The ears atop his head were perked. He hadn't heard Saturin make that kind of noise before. And he wanted to hear it again. 

Shark yapped at his brother. His tail thumped against Saturin as he demanded another strange babbling.