Sunbeam Lair Wind
All Welcome 
we can still continue our other thread, but i figured we needed a more recent one, too

Well, @Kirain? Winter’s Wake turned to his polar owl companion. Have you ever seen a place such as this? They stood together, looking into the belly of a mountain. Light and snow trickled in from weathered holes in the rock above, leaving piles of the wintry powder heaped up among large swaths of ground that were still green and growing.

The rustling of sleeping bats could be heard further in, and air warmer than outside brushed at their pelts. Wake, himself, preferred the invigorating cold. It made him feel like a frisky pup. But Kirain was still regaining her strength, and he wondered if this place would be somewhat of a reprieve for her.

Shall we venture inside? Or did she fear the long damp shadows that lie ahead of them?
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
It's wonderful, Wake! Kirain's voice brimmed with an energy and excitement she hadn't felt in ages. The cavern's vastness left her feeling almost giddy as she soaked in the surroundings. Sunlight streamed through the holes in the ceiling, illuminating patches of resilient fauna and flora that managed to thrive in the cave's shelter.

Look at the plants! she exclaimed, her attention captivated by clusters of greenery. Despite the lingering soreness in her body, she padded forward cheerfully, nose close to the ground. She eagerly inhaled the various scents, mentally cataloging and identifying the diverse plant life before them.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
Wake watched the snow angel gladly, a lazy smile carved upon his features. He followed her excited prowling at a languid pace, taking in their surroundings with leisurely glances. His tail wagged to observe her exuberance, though he hoped she wouldn’t get too attached to this place, as they hadn’t yet reached their eventual destination.

There is a place like this in the heart of the Four Points. We called it the Undergreen, he told her more of his birthplace. I believe there will be plants here throughout the seasons that you might not find elsewhere, especially this time of year. And this mountain is not far from the valley I have chosen for us.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
Is that peppermint? She leaned in quickly, snagging a leaf and chewing on it delicately, releasing the cool, minty flavor. It is! Wake, there’s peppermint here! Look, little purple flowers! Her voice was triumphant as she lifted her head high, pride lighting up her expression at her small discovery.

Invigorated, she pressed her nose back to the ground, sniffing eagerly for more hidden treasures.

Lost in her excitement, she completely missed Wake’s comments. Her tail wagged furiously as she carefully wandered through the cave, her voice dropping to an excited murmur. Ooooh, wood sorrel! Look at the lovely little blooms... And dog-violet! I know that flower anywhere…

Her words tumbled on and on, a soft stream of enthusiasm as she cataloged her findings, utterly oblivious to the world around her.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
Heedless of him, Kirain zigzagged around clumps of snow and nosed about the greenery still clinging to life in this dank underground. She birdcalled at each of her findings, trilling her excitement for the entire cave to hear.

Winter’s Wake looked on with amusement. Her youthful energy was infectious, and he was glad to see that she’d gotten a lot of her strength back during their days together. This level of enthusiasm was a far cry from the overtaxed wolf he’d found in the willows.

He let her go on and on about her trade, only partly listening as he came upon a pile of mostly cleaned bones half-buried in one of the snowdrifts. He sniffed at it, then slowly lifted his head, a grim look on his face. Kirain, he said sharply. A mountain cat has fed here recently. And the bones it had left were lupine in shape.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
This time, her companion's sharp words stopped her cold. She froze mid-step, turning to face him, worry creasing her brow.

A mountain cat? Are you sure? Her voice wavered, tension threading through it.

How fresh is the trail? Should we leave? Are we in danger? Did you see it? Do we need to fight? The questions tumbled out one after another, her growing anxiety evident. She wasn't a fighter, never had been, and the thought of Wake in harm's way gnawed at her. How could she protect him when she was only just starting to piece herself back together?
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
I am sure. He spoke calmly, quietly, both out of necessity and in an attempt to soothe his rattled companion. These bones are picked clean. Days old, as well as the scent. I suspect the cat has moved on. This might bring her alarm down a notch, but it would not eliminate it entirely. Nonetheless, let us remain vigilant. Or else was implied.

It pained him to dampen her excitement, but this uninhabited place could not be explored without a measure of caution.

He moved to block her view of the skeleton, hoping to avoid another wave of upsettedness when she realized the bones were once a wolf. To distract her, he gestured towards the last patch of plantlife she had been identifying. Tell me more, he encouraged her. Does every plant have a use?
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
Her companion's words did little to quell the anxiety gripping her mind. Whether the scent was old or not, it was a reminder that danger had been here. She gave herself a small shake, trying to dispel the nervous energy coursing through her. Dwelling on his discovery wouldn’t help, and she had a sinking feeling she wouldn’t like what she found if she looked deeper.

Yes, all plant life has its purpose, she said softly. Whether it benefits us or not is another matter. What can't be used for healing can often be used for harm. Take mountain laurel, for instance, it’s a breathtaking plant, but every part of it is highly toxic. Then there's dog-violet. When properly prepared into a poultice, it can ease inflammation and skin irritation. It’s fascinating to me how nature holds both poison and remedy.

She turned her attention back to the greenery, her gaze falling on the small patch of dog-violet she had identified earlier. Nudging it gently with her nose, she added, Here, this is the one. Look closely, it’s easier to recognize once you’ve seen it up close.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
The wolves had to cope with the fact that there would always be danger, and Wake did not fault Kirain for her visible anxiety. As long as she proceeded— as long as she trusted her leader— and did not freeze up, he would value her. Even fleeing was acceptable to him, for he did not except such a small, peacenik wolf to find her heart stout in the face of a killer. Wake would not stand to fight a mountain lion, either, not without at least two other skilled fighters at his side.

His ears twitched attentively, listening to Kirain’s words and also beyond her as he guarded them both. He might not have cared so much if he were alone, but he wanted his companion to feel safe with him.

At her instruction, Wake padded forward to investigate the bouquet of dog-violet. He scented the soft purple petals, its green leaves and stem, committing the flowers’ appearance to memory. Dog-violet for inflammation and irritation, he repeated, stepping back with a snort to expel the pollen in his nose. This would be something applied to severe wounds?
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
With a soft shake of her head, she offered Wake a warm smile at his interest. No, it's not ideal for wound care, it's better suited for purging. For a severe wound, you'd be better off with yarrow or goldenrod to help it heal, and feverfew for the pain. Even wood sorrel would be more useful for wounds than dog-violet.

She paused, her gaze drifting as she considered what other herbs might still be viable in these winter days. Would harvesting even be possible before the weather calmed? The thought lingered, edged with the quiet uncertainty of the season.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
I see, the wolf hummed, appraising Kirain with an appreciative eye. His companion grew on him each day. Her wonder and innocence drew from him a protectiveness he did not feel for many others, and the knowledge she expounded now reaffirmed the ever-expanding possessiveness he felt over her and her qualities.

Of course, he could not allow himself to become too attached. Fate always took as much as it gave, and only time would tell if her bond to him would deepen as his had to her.

Do you see any of those plants here? Yarrow, goldenrod… ah, what was the last one? He tried to keep up, but a medic’s wealth of knowledge took much more than a single reference to ingrain. He sniffed towards a furred leaf that smelled of sweet frost. It was the first plant Kirain had identified in this hollow. You called this one peppermint. What does it do?
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
Feverfew? No, they don’t usually grow in environments like this. Caves aren’t exactly ideal for plants like that. You’re more likely to find them in open spaces, like plains. She turned her attention to the sprigs of peppermint he was pointing to, a soft giggle escaping her lips.

They taste lovely. That’s certainly a bonus. Medicinally, though, they’re great for digestion and sharpening the mind. The crisp flavor works wonders in that regard.

She cast a brief, sidelong glance at Wake, her chest tightening with the hope that her knowledge might prove useful to him. Her petite stature often made physical tasks a challenge, forcing her to rely on her intellect to contribute. Kirain silently prayed her efforts would meet his expectations.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
Sharpening the mind? What a curious side effect.

After a thoughtful pause, he took one of the leaves between his teeth, cleaved it, and made a great, tongueful effort to position it between jaws meant more for tearing flesh and crushing bone. Once the delicate green had been chewed and swallowed, he licked his chops.

Hm… certainly not the worst leaf I have had the displeasure of tasting, he chuckled, pondering over the unfamiliar tang of minty freshness in his mouth. How long until my mind is sharpened? He smirked at her. Not that I need it, of course.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
It sharpens the senses with its vibrancy, but I agree you don't need it. You’re far too clever already, she teased gently, her smile warm as her eyes lingered on him.

She couldn’t help but feel her fondness for Wake grow with each passing moment they spent together. He felt genuine, a rare combination of mindfulness and thoughtfulness that she had come to deeply appreciate. Gratitude swelled in her chest, not just for meeting him, but for choosing to pursue a future at his side. His presence inspired her, pushing her to strive for more, a feeling she hadn’t experienced in far too many moons.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
The air in my nose does feel abnormally sharp.

Tail wagging in laughter, he thought then, in this playful mood, that he could be partnered with Kirain alone for an era or more, and he would be content. As much as he desired others— and plentiful at that— he knew most wolves would not compare to her particular brand of company. She was the springmelt of his soul, the blossoming flower of light in a vast and dark field.

The bonfire he felt, the idea of her cleansing his sinful heart, his serpentine spirit, brought to Wake a final thought.

I have a name for us— our pack, he announced, out of the blue. Phlegethon. For the mythic river of fire. Most would glean negative connotations of such a concept, and especially someone with a plant affinity as Kirain, so he watched her expression now for judgement.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
Phlegethon? The word slipped from her lips, soft and measured, as though testing its weight. A mythic river of fire, how intriguing. She closed her eyes, letting her thoughts drift. She imagined its graceful twists and turns, its blazing currents alive with fierce, untamed beauty. The vision stirred something deep within her, a heat blooming in her chest like the first spark of a flame.

Phlegethon, she repeated, this time with certainty. Her eyes opened, locking onto her companion with a quiet intensity. A small smile played on her lips. Yes, I think that will do perfectly.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
figured we could fade here in favor of a new new thread <3

The thread of Kirain’s thoughts glinted in graycloud eyes. Question turned to wonder turned to immersion, then finally, to acceptance. There was respect and excitement there, too, mirrored in her words and expression.

It is decided then.

They would be the purifying river of flame that coursed through this valley, and their ilk must burn with the illusory fire that all hearts contained.

Phlegethon. Phlegethon.

He smiled with her, and they shared in a moment of silent kinship before returning to the plants and hollowed spaces within the cavernous mountain.
A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart—
Is My Very Nature That of the Devil?
94 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
Works for me <3
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.