Blacktail Deer Plateau The world is half way gone
18 Posts
Ooc — Amy
The territory was... different... to say the least. The dark and cream wolf had grown up in caves, not a forest, but he could adjust. Having a blind eye certainly put the large warrior at a disadvantage in learning the new territory, but it wasn't impossible. He did manage the trip from the Kriegs all alone, after all. Kuno kept his head low, but not to show weakness, but to catch scents and to see any low debris he could trip on.

This territory would take a while to get used to. In fact, the new way of life itself was totally different. Kuno was accustomed to being surrounded by blood thirsty, battle hungry wolves who would bite his muzzle off without a second thought if he said something the wrong way. Now, he didn't know what to expect, but he knew for certain it was not as dire as his old home. Regardless, the half-blind male would have major adjustments to make, and would have to learn to trust the new wolves.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Hi there =D

Kuno was the physical polar opposite of the pale hued wolf; Ariston's flesh was still as smooth as a baby's bottom...void of pockmarks and divots created by the cruelty of another. When he'd just ventured into yearly status he'd tripped over a half buried stone-

he might have been doing a celebratory birthday dance but there were no witnesses to verify

-and had sworn vehemently when the shallow wound began to scab...fearing that his perfect complexion had been marred. He felt fortunate to have such beautiful skin. And why not? He wasn't a warrior at heart. Battle wounds held little value in a scholar's heart.

So it was safe to say that the male was rendered partially speechless when he rounded a heap of shrubbery and came face to face with the mangled pack mate...particularly when his golden eyes met Kuno's blinded one. "-bwah!" he shouted as his feet backpedaled in surprise. He'd never seen someone in such a state before. He'd never even seen his dinner in such a state.

The back of his neck was hot with the involuntary lurching of his stomach. Composure came with delay, but gradually his nerves were calm enough that he exclaimed, "You surprised me there, Dude!"

set by Emy

18 Posts
Ooc — Amy
Another wolf showing up was, oddly enough, not something Kuno had been worried about. So, when he heard a noise then a voice from his blind side, the large wolf's natural reaction was to quickly turn and growl. He may be blind, but he certainly isn't weak. Seeing the clearly startled wolf, the male huffed and lifted his head, settling his bristling fur. He watched in amusement for a moment as the clean-cut wolf gained his composure back.

"Clearly." The wolf grumbled a bit before turning fully to the white wolf. "You shouldn't sneak up on a blind wolf. We tend to bite first and ask questions later." His tail lashed behind him. This wasn't the other male's fault, but he was amazingly sensitive about the fact that he couldn't see on the left side.

"You are a member of the pack, yes?" He didn't wait for a response before he continued, though now he was partially talking to himself. "If you are, I might as well learn to tolerate you." His voice was low, not quite menacing but still unfriendly. His lack of trust was clear in the situation. "Name's Kuno."
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Though he felt a slight twinge at the other's suggestively dominant attitude Ariston's good nature let the matter roll off his back like water...the singular nod of his muzzle a physical acknowledgement of Kuno's words. He had dealt with all manners of wolves with personalities deficits - or as Ax preferred to call them quirks - and the rather abrasive impression was done no justice by the bluntness of the other wolf's choice in words.

"You will have to," he said firmly. To him packs had to form cohesiveness, a steady peace between members, in order to thrive. Perhaps he had peace keeping in his future. "But I will do my part not to make the effort too hard," he added in a gesture of friendliness.

Kuno's name was immediately pocketed in his memory bank...he would remember the acquaintance for as long as he remained a part of the Plateau. Recollection beyond that point simply depended on the relationship between them upon departure. "I'm Ariston," he responded with a soft wave of his tail. "I take it you're new around these parts?"

set by Emy

18 Posts
Ooc — Amy
Kuno regarded the other wolves words with only a nod. He wasn't trying to be rude or seem dominant, as he knew he had no right to either of those. "I am, I just joined the pack the other day. Needless to say I have yet to... adjust... to the differences." He twitched his ears a bit as a slight breeze ruffled the fur around them. He was used to spending his time in a cave where little to no wind would reach him, but it seemed it constantly struck him here as it wove between the trees.

"The territory is a completely different biome than where I came from. Where I was born and raised, my pack dwelled in a cave at the base of a mountain. Not much to be in your way, muffled sounds from the outside, echoed sounds from within. I'm not used to having to sniff out any tree roots that might trip me over." He thumped his tail on the ground, sweeping up some long dead leaves in the process. Sometimes being blind in one eye made things more difficult than they needed to be. Navigating a new land was only one of these tasks.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
"It took me a while too," he answered nonchalantly. "But you can't wake up in the morning focusing on what's so different here. Try to find instead things that are similar...things that you miss back where you used to live."

A pause illuminated a brief stopped point before he added, "And if it's difficult to find the similarities that you long for then I'll try and help you. Like your cave! There's a stone wall surrounding the entire back half of the territory and I bet there's a few shallow caves there. The foliage is a bit thinned too...less to trip on."

set by Emy

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