Totoka River sex and candy
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
For Pump!

Having only ever wandered as far as the Ravensblood Forest before the additional stretch into Totoka River seemed like quite a journey. Across the sparsely populated field he could clearly make out the shining waves of the ocean; its vastness was a mystery he was not yet ready to investigate. So although he stood on the riverbank with paws that were more than capable of carrying him to the beach he did not stray any father from home...the contemplative glance toward bay dismissed with a redirected gaze toward his reflection in the water.

Handsome devil he thought smugly to himself before he lowered his head for a quick drink in foreign waters.

set by Emy

338 Posts
Ooc — Me
The Sea lion shores had turned out to be Pump's little mecca - every time she went there, she found a decayed caracass to eat, dead fish and other quite edible things under the wintery circumstances. Her stomach had got used to the unusual food and she did not experience the previously frequent bouts of diarrhea and vomitting. Therefore sometimes she went as far as to bring something back to the pack lands. She was not particularly inclined to share it with others - she did it rather because of her own laziness. So that she would not have to walk so far every other day.

Right now she was heading back to the Horizon ridge, her belly full, her fur matted and dirty and she was stinking like a devil. Pump was carrying a bit of meat and fur in her mouth and stopped at the river to have a quick drink. There she noticed an unfamiliar wolf-figure, which smelled foreign and made her wary. The wolf-dog froze and fixed her eyes on the stranger, while deciding, what to do next.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
He'd just finished drinking when something patted the earth of the opposing bank...its soft footsteps prompting his cranium to lift and cast a glance across the stream. Judging by the tiny jerk of his shoulders whatever he'd been expecting was apparently nothing like what he actually saw.

She smelled awful and her fur was mussed by the textures of the ocean...not that her original textiles were all that familiar to him in the first place. She had speckles of dead animal on her jaw line that matched the mangled animal laying dead at her feet; their locked eyes made his widen with a bit of alarm. He squelched the instinct to slink abandon the vicinity of the creature that was of a lupine lineage than he had no familiarity with.

"What are you?" he inquired innocently with the accentuating gesture of a tilted head.

set by Emy

338 Posts
Ooc — Me
Pump did not reply imediately - she scrutinized the white beast before her and felt both fear and distrust. He was large compared to her with white fur and golden eyes, which stood out the most. Her grandma would say that his face had not "yet been touched by the fate"- his looks told her of a life led easily - no fights, no scars to be proud of.

It did not seem that he had bad intentions, therefore she eased up a little - the bristled fur on her nape and back smoothed out, her tail that had been raised and held stiff a bit above the level of body, relaxed and she shook her coat eventually to rid of any tension she had felt before.

"Big, bad wolf," she growled.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
I'm back from vacation and shouldn't suck so bad with my replies now!

Despite her overall appearance (even after the marked cooling of her aggression) Pump was little for the eye to admire. However gruff she was he noted that her personality was refreshingly different; he'd not yet gotten the impression that she gave two shits about the mussed fur on her head or whether her pits smelt like fish sticks. He laughed at her retort though the sound was not sharp with mockery. "Really now?" he inquired back. "You sure you're not a mutated starfish? You smell more like the sea than the land!"

set by Emy

338 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Is that so?" Pump growled and gave the white lad a nasty look. It wasn't easy to hurt Pump's feelings (maybe because she had none of those one could stamp over), but she did not take kindly, when someone tried to compare her to something that was so spineless and had no brains.

"And you - are you a groundhog on a bad day?" the argument wasn't very reasonable, but she had to give a shot.

ooc: no problems - take as much time you need! :D
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
The harsh undertones of her reply made Ariston rethink his comical timing. Audits swayed back in a bid toward well meaning and he chuffed lightly...curious as to whether or not his jest had hurt her feelings. The quick spout of a half-hearted insult made him all the more suspicious of him having committed some type of misconduct; although the material that she threw back at him reminded him of his childish, trivial quarrels with his siblings when they'd barely been whelped. It seemed the sea monster had a soft spot after all.

"But I like starfishes," he offered with a sincere expression of lament. "And groundhogs don't have bad days. They swim through dirt all day for a living...pretty sweet if you ask me."

set by Emy

338 Posts
Ooc — Me
Pump frowned at the white wolf, wondering, why the hell she was wasting her time and talking to him in the first place. She was pretty sure by now that he had no nasty, diabolical plans in mind, that would include her, therefore she could simply pick up her piece of meat and walk off, pretending as if nothing had happened. His speech contained nothing of importance or that would interest her in the slightest and she doubted that she would hear anything great and fabulous, if she remained here.

"You are weird," she told him, picked up her piece of the rotten meat and began to walks away from him, pointedly averting her gaze, thus telling him that he was no one of importance for her to continue the conversation.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
I think Ax has only run into true friendly wolves during his time here xDDD He's finally starting to reach the point where he's like, "WHY IS EVERYONE SO ANGRY OMG!"

There was a natural compulsion in all sentient beings to find blame in anything but themselves. He couldn't help but feel as if this particular encounter was going poorly due to the femme's bad personality but, when given enough time to diagnose the situation, he wondered if perhaps it was him that possessed a poor attitude. Her turning away and utter disregard of him was wounding to say the least...and he choked off a whine before it fell into the silence between them.

"And you're smelly!" he shot back with a touch of flabbergast in his voice. Don't ignore me he thought pitifully. He was tired of the 'tough shit' mentality he kept running into. Pack mates...strangers...they were all alike. They were bigger, tougher, and all together more holy than his down home country demeanor. He raised his head and stared into the turned backside of the mongrel with eyes that burned with the light of hope; the stray waver of his plume wishing only to communicate a frail olive branch after their insults nullified one another.

set by Emy

338 Posts
Ooc — Me
ooc: I am glad that Pump can help out! :) Plus, just the fact that she has decided to walk away from him, doesn't mean I want to end the thread - he can follow and try to charm her along the way. :D

Strangely this was not the first time someone had told that Pump was stank. She was so used to the smell of seaweeds and rotten meat that she didn't even notice anymore, but others did and she couldn't care less. And when you thought about it - everyone stank. Only some worse than others, but if that was her Chanel No 5, why would anyone have the right to judge her for her choice?

Therefore she put down her piece of meat, cast a glance over her shoulder and told: "I know. This is not an insult, it is a fact."
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Ahahaha I meant that I think Ax has only run into ONE truly friendly wolf during his time here! Everyone is playing such rough and tough characters at the moment! But it's fun for me and good for development =D Don't mind Ariston he's just going to yell nonsense.

He blew between his lips in a terribly conflicted manner of relief and disconcertion. He felt torn between two halves of himself and was likewise cowed by the unwavering apathy of Pump; he took a solid stance and stamped all four feet into the earth before bellowing out, "You stink but I think your floppy ears are pretty cool!"

He couldn't be an ass. It just wasn't a suitable persona for him.

set by Emy

338 Posts
Ooc — Me
ooc: Just when I thought that Pump was acting like all her unfriendly self. :D Ariston is hilarious.

Man, that guy didn't know, when to stop, did he? Pump had picked up her piece of meat to resume carrying back to the secret stashes in Horizon ridge, when he did something so childish that it left the wolf-dog speechless. She stared at him in disbelief, mouth agape and the food that had already suffered a lot during her journey here, fell on the ground with a muffled "zack".

"My ears are not floppy, you baboon!" she had meant a similar word, but, since swearing didn't come naturally to her, we will forgive her the obvious mistake.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Lmao they could both use some pointers in the art of arguing!

As she turned it was obvious that her ears did have a sort of erectness to them but he was too far in to back down now. "They don't sit up like mine!" he said in what seemed nearly like a bragging declaration but he was just pointing out the obvious. He plopped on his haunches and shook his head vigorously to demonstrate the fact. "They look...FLOOPY!" he heaved with a voice that boomed from the deepest part of his breast. In his rush to make a counter argument he created a new word entirely...the likes of which made him yowl internal curses at himself. His face remained stalwart; he decided to bluff the mongrel into thinking he'd not made a mistake at all.

set by Emy

338 Posts
Ooc — Me
Had Pump walked away like she had intended and not turned back to reply to the white wolf's silly remark, she wouldn't feel so lost and out of control. The discussion was silly and stupid and, yet it somehow dragged on. It was quite paradoxal, knowing the fact that she could end any conversation, whenever she wanted.

"You are not right in the head," she said after a long pause, when she hadn't found anything better to shut him up. "Where are you from anyway?" she decided to change the subject of conversation - that way she would be in an area she felt condifent being in.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
I can't help but feel that these two will have one of those relationships where Pump tries desperately to get away from Ariston while he clings to her leg and bellows Dad jokes.

A laugh cracked the pause tailgating her keen observation; it was the figurative white flag for their anti-climatic argument. "You are just as weird as me, Floopy Ears!" he insisted as incessant chuckle made his shoulders bob rhythmically and send shudders of movement down his spine. He decided, in his knee jerk sort of way, that he rather liked the smelly sea witch. They were obviously both terrible at what else was there left to be but friends?

"Blacktail Deer Plateau presently," was his delayed response. A grin split his lips as he added, "But before that I came from my Mom's tumtum. How about you?"

set by Emy

338 Posts
Ooc — Me
ooc: this would be super-fun to play out. Another thread after this? :)

More strange and irrelevant words. Pump tilted her head and shot the white wolf a dirty look. She grew annoyed with this person every minute she spent in his company. The wolf-dog could find at least ten faults with this guy, and even more if she cared to try. But there was one truth she had discovered by now - he was nuts. Totally.

Blacktail deer plateau sounded familiar - hadn't Akhlut mentioned something like this in the pack meeting? An alliance? With them? Him? Good gracious! If they were all as weird in this pack, what the hell their alpha had been thinking. Mad people. Mad. Anyway - alliance or not, she was not forced to treat him good or nice.

"A great way to come in the world," Pump commented. "Horizon ridge," she said, turned around and began to pad away, leaving the piece of meat behind. She had lost her appetite.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Indeed! You let me know whenever you're ready for one!

This time Pump's turned back did not illicit feelings of regret in the pale wolf's heart. His grin only grew stronger as she seemed conflicted with whether she considered him friend or foe (but come on it was totally friend) and instead defaulted to a rather vanilla response. Her reply of the Ridge made him think briefly back to Pied and he felt elated to have made an acquaintance from the same pack...however before he could ask about the mottled she wolf his company had turned and made the retreat.

"Be good, Floopy Ears!" he hollered. "I'll catch up with you later!" And oh he would! Harassing Pump made his big brother bone tingle with impish delight. But he was satisfied with how much time had been spent agitating her and decided not to tag along when she walked away. Standing and turning back toward his own home the wolf left...neither of them abandoning the scene with the scrap of meat accompanying them.

set by Emy

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