Blacktail Deer Plateau the joy you give to others is the joy that comes back to you
563 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Luke was all but forgotten from the moment her gaze had settled upon Mordecai.  The moment he returned her touch, there was nothing in the world but him.  Instantly, she was transported back to the time they had spent together.  They'd been so carefree and had so much fun just seeing the world together.  Then she'd gone and ruined it all by deciding she wanted more.  What a stupid thing to think - she'd had more than she could have dreamed of right beside her the whole time.

Harlyn took a step back to give him some space, settling down upon her haunches as he asked what had happened.  She bit her lip awkwardly, the familiar sting of humility creeping up on her as she was faced finally with needing to explain to him the mistakes she had made.  "I.. I uh..." the Cindloch suddenly found her words caught in her throat.  It was such an odd feeling... She'd never been speechless before like this, or so worried about what it was she was about to say.  She'd always given her words, her thoughts and feelings so freely before.  And now here she was, just a girl, nervously standing in front of a cute boy, wondering how to tell him how she felt.

"Torvalt took me as his mate," she said finally, knowing he would remember the alpha of the pack they had found just before parting ways, "We were making plans for our future, talking about the children we would have that would cement my place as his alpha female.  And... I couldn't go through with it."