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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
February 22, 2014, 12:16 AM
As Xi'nuata gave her own input, Tenzin nodded gently to confirm everything she had said. He kept his gaze cast down as he listened and turned to her when he caught her turning out of the corner of his eye. The monk gave her a gentle smile as she said her last words and he nodded in agreement, humming a low mm-hmm. Narcissus then asked how one became guidance and prosperity, causing Tenzin to inhale deeply while gathering the right words. He looked Narcissus over a moment and shrugged sheepishly. "Well," he started with a grin, "one like myself teaches you; but you must already be capable of it. We are huntsmen, too. Do you believe yourself to be a patient wolf?"
"More importantly, can you be accepting of all personalities, regardless of past occurrences?" The question was gentle but Tenzin asked it with a serious tone. If the monk had let himself falter where other wolves did, then he'd still be living within Jokhang or worse - he'd have gotten himself and Dawa killed trying to escape. His ability to ignore the Dragon's slaughter saved himself and his ward but despite his beliefs, Tenzin found a surprisingly sour taste at the thought of the Dragon. The monk was one who did not have to try when it came to patience, acceptance, love regardless of who it was; but the Dragon was a bitter thought.
Just then, Anemone materialized from the framework of the Vale. Tenzin raised a brow as she excitedly approached, blinking at the unexpected gesture of submission. The monk began to wonder if he'd ever get used to the Vale wolves treating him like he was better than them. He wiggled his lips around and watched happily as she threw herself at her brother. A warm smile grew on his face. "Hello, Anemone," he greeted gently as he stood.
"I will leave you to this moment then, as I am sure it is one to cherish. When you are ready, Narcissus, we will discuss the details of monk-hood should you wish to stay." He gestured to Xi'nuata to follow him as he turned to leave. Looking back over his shoulder, the monk winked to the siblings. "Feel free to show him around, Anemone. The mineral spring is located"—he pointed with his muzzle toward the west-facing mountainside—"that way. Please make sure he soaks his tired paws, as I'm sure you'd like to do the same, hmm?"
With that, Tenzin gave a broad grin before turning completely. He walked slowly back into the heart of the Vale with a sudden eagerness to express his good mood to Dawa, as he had not spent much time with her since they had settled within the Vale. "So touching," he commented happily to Xi'nuata, unaware if she had left to patrol the borders or not. Tenzin was in such high-spirits that he'd just as readily talk to himself anyway!