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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
February 24, 2014, 04:09 PM
(This post was last modified: February 24, 2014, 04:17 PM by Tenzin.)
→ set at the base of mount apikuni on the edge of swiftcurrent creek territory
→ NSV and SC members only please! @Raheerah @Anemone @Xi'Nuata @Fox
As Tenzin descended from the mountain, his breath was even and steady. Such a hike wasn't hard on his body, but he couldn't know how the others were fairing. The monk hadn't looked back in some time now as he focused on what was ahead. The sun was arcing through the sky and he assumed it was early afternoon. He frowned lightly. That meant they'd probably get back as evening was setting in. He took the rest of the time to focus on where his paws were landing as he finally made it to the ground. The flat level and soft grass were certainly welcome. The small mountain ahead of them seemed large now that he viewed it from the ground and not from the Vale's high advantage.
"What an ugly mountain," Tenzin chuckled, noting the scarred and burned mountainside. He didn't say it to be mean, but compared to the Vale's mountains, it certainly wasn't a beautiful sight. He turned then to view his companions. He specifically asked the Dragon to come and figured it would be a good opportunity for Xi'Nuata as well. He opened invitations and gestured to the first volunteer. "Ready for your first bit of counselor work, Anemone?" he questioned kindly. Though she mainly would be training to deal with inner pack relationships, he didn't think it was a bad idea to have her come with them on such an important venture.
The monk waited patiently for everyone to settle on the ground and then spoke up again. "I'm not sure what their numbers are like or who leads them exactly, but that's what we're here for. If they turn out to be sour grapes, just remember to smile, okay?" he chimed with a sheepish grin, turning and heading through the small pass that lead toward Swiftcurrent Creek's territory. "Raheerah, could you call them? Your voice is the... er, loudest," Tenzin said, looking toward the Dragon with glint in his eye. He didn't want the Dragon make the call because he was the loudest, but because his voice made the most impact. Sitting, the monk took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he began to scan the sparse horizon for signs of any of the Creek's members.