The Heartwood The Waves Underneath Will Soon Be My Home
17 Posts
Ooc — Soapbox
Saw this in the wanted threads area! Thought I'd help out.

It happened all at once. The wind shifted, switching directions without the slightest bit of a warning or indication. The brown mouse was shifted out of the air, his sporadic flight patterned disrupted as he lost track of the current and toppled out of the sky. He fell, folding his wings about his body to have himself ans he hurled like a bullet towards the ground. A thud. A rattle of shrubbery. He'd landed.

Dizzy and dazed, the brown bat climbed down a few limbs and crawled out of the bottom of a bush. Shaking his head, he oriented himself to the area and realized he'd toppled into a conversation that seemed particularly clipped. He stood, brushing the dirt out of his fur and flesh as he rolled his shoulders and made sure everything still worked. Both legs? Good. Neck? A little sore, but otherwise alright. Wings? He spread them, glancing at each appendage. Looked good. He flapped them a bit, hovering off the ground. Perfect. He was airborn.

A couple of good wings flaps and Asbestos landed between the pair of wolves. "Greetings travelers!" he said, spreading both wings in welcome before folding them and remember why he'd intervened in the first place. "Ahoy lady! Is this one offending you!? I shall dispose of him, henceforth!" He put up his batty boxing gloves, but the male wolf in question seemed to have disappeared. Weird. 
Messages In This Thread
The Waves Underneath Will Soon Be My Home - by Muirgen - March 04, 2015, 12:32 AM
RE: The Waves Underneath Will Soon Be My Home - by Asbestos - April 24, 2015, 10:58 AM