Blacktail Deer Plateau And it is sailing to the middle of the sea
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
hope you don't mind another one! Despite our other not being done ^^ I left it a couple of days but couldn't resist!

If he'd have looked up, Dante might have seen Osprey resting on her oaken throne.  As it was, he was a little preoccupied at the moment, tearing after a squirrel that shot through the middle of the glade.  He had no chance of catching up and he was sure the cheeky bastard knew it, for instead of flying up a tree it continued to stay ground level, taunting him with its stupid flicking tail and chattering nonsense. He probably shouldn't have been running like this yet but this... This was personal.  Besides, it had been long enough that he was feeling much sounder, if still sore.

The aggravating creature had taken up residence in one of the trees by his (now unused at night, but still visited) den and had grown a fondness for chucking all sorts of missiles at the alpha male when he happened by.  Today had been the last straw, and luckily the squirrel had grown bold enough to come within chasing reach.  Unluckily, its cockiness was well placed.

When it made a sudden dart to the left, Dante scrabbled to follow, but he ended up sliding sideways instead, losing his balance along the way but managing to sort of sink into a sort of splayed sphinx position rather than fall.. Thank goodness.  Glaring at the chittering animal, who chose now to finally ascend the branches, he growled.  "Just you wait, fuzz ball.  You won't make much of a meal but I guarantee I'll enjoy eating you all the same." He muttered darkly, though finishing with a sigh.  The spastic little things were just too darn quick for him.
Messages In This Thread
And it is sailing to the middle of the sea - by Osprey - April 26, 2015, 08:15 AM
RE: And it is sailing to the middle of the sea - by Dante RIP - April 28, 2015, 11:42 AM