killers linger the least [attn: jinx and/or njal]
<font style="font:10px Georgia;"><em>avatar by cj</em></font>
615 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
The newcomer had all the look of a gruff mercenary. He would have been an imposing sight to many wolves, but Jinx had lived amongst his like for much of her life. Lecter was the most frightening wolf Jinx knew, and beside him, she feared Kaskae the most. Both wolves were not so brooding and callous as this one seemed to be, at least superficially, but they were unpredictable and moody. She wasn't intimidated but, knowing his type all too well, she knew better than to underestimate him. He had the look of a wolf who could hold his own in a fight, and though she had enough experience to talk smack, she didn't want to test his strength.

He gave his name, and without an ounce of dignity, she laughed. "Haunter?" she chuffed, disbelief lacing her voice, before adding, "like, one that haunts? That's hilarious." He probably didn't understand the humour, so before he could take too much offence to her straightforward approach, she smoothed it over with, "mine's Jinx, as in... Mm, curssse. Seems we have the same theme." Except that Jinx's name was actually very apt, when she was in voodoo witch mode, while Haunter would have to prove that his suited him.

He identified himself as a Lambda. Though she might have apologized for her behaviour if she was anyone else, she didn't. To her, it was customary for wolves to confront newcomers if they were otherwise unknown. "So, Haunter," she said with glee as she beckoned for him to join her in her patrolling (that's what she'd been doing, wasn't it?), clearly pleased with his name, "what made you pick thisss pack? Did our fierce leader's reputation precede her?"

It was funny, because Fox was the smallest wolf in the pack, but Jinx knew the fiery little woman would try to kick everyone's ass if given half the chance.
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RE: killers linger the least [attn: jinx and/or njal] - by Jinx - February 27, 2014, 09:05 PM