Fox's Glade Rolling Thunder
209 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Here we go! @Raezho

Her patience was improving, her feet healing nicely. With Citali's help, the aches had been slowly melting away. While she was a scout, the dark Amazon had not made a journey like that before, pointlessly wandering until they found their Prince. Hopefully, she would never have to do something like that again, though right now, she would not hold her breath. Who knew was Tezcacoatl would decide to do at this point? She certainly didn't and the fact that he was suffering from amnesia...

She shook her head, focusing on the trail she'd picked up. It was musky, slightly pungent, and overall unfamiliar. In their homelands, there had been no smells like this, though she'd caught fleeting glimpses of her quarry. Small, red and black, quick. Like bandits, or thieves. Briefly, she wondered what they'd taste like, but knew that at the end of this, she would experience it all the same.

Her scent was 'muffled' by the coat of mud she'd caked on her body by her venture through the mud and marshlands, only her back and head untouched by the wet dirt. Creeping through the glade, she stuck to the shadows and underbrush, slowly moving forward as she tracked, her ears swiveling as a soft roil of thunder rumbled overhead. A smile carved on her angled face, Nochtli moved forward again, pleased with the coming rain. The storm would cover her scent better than any mud could.
Messages In This Thread
Rolling Thunder - by Nochtli - May 13, 2015, 11:05 AM
RE: Rolling Thunder - by Raezho - May 14, 2015, 04:15 AM
RE: Rolling Thunder - by Nochtli - May 21, 2015, 12:16 AM