Sleeping Dragon I'm going to WIN the heck out of that science fair!
18 Posts
Ooc — Java
"You always did remind me of a bull moose during the rut." Her voice carried through the air towards the she-wolf as she came barrelling out of nowhere, and for a moment Xiuhcoatl looked utterly bemused.

She was laying among the grass, with the sun beaming down upon her, as if she had been there for hours (when in reality, she had come skidding in to position only a few moments before Citali arrived - trying to look badass, and probably just looking grass-stained). With a lazy lift of her torso, Xiuh got to her paws, but did not approach the other wolf. "Citali." The woman spoke, dipping her head in a little nod.

"Out for a run, are we?" Instead of sticking to Tezcacoatl like a black fly on a horse's ass, no doubt. But having heard so much from Nochtli, Xiuh could hardly blame the other Amazon. Tending to men was not often a part of the job description - the very thought rankled her skin.