Hoshor Plains Oh, we said our dreams will carry us
160 Posts
Ooc — Anthony
The eagle suddenly noticed Rakharo's presence, but it didn't flee right away. Their gazes fixed for a moment during which neither Rakharo nor the eagle moved a muscle, they just stared until the eagle semed to become aware of someone else's presence behind the Khal and fled right away.

Rakharo had detected Laqikki's scent a while ago, he had sharp senses, but not being bothered by her company, the Khal continued to do what he was doing. Until she spat a few words with her rusty voice.

Rakharo knew about Tomahawk's heat, it was impossible to ignore it when her strong scent was all over the place making his wolves uneasy. A female in heat used to be a big deal back in Rhaesh Dahaan where every member of the pack and even outsiders and rogues would fight for the right to couple with her, but when it came to coyote slaves it was a bit different. Pairing with coyotes was heavily rejected by the Dotharan, who were highly protective of their blood purity.

"Yth tepoha thric Khaleesi..." Rakharo claimed with contempt not even turning around to face the crone. It was common knowledge among the Dotharan that it was the ruling female who took care of other females during heat, chasing them out to prevent males from coupling with them while the Khal took care of Males. But Hoshor Plains didn't have a ruling female.
Messages In This Thread
Oh, we said our dreams will carry us - by Rakharo - June 04, 2015, 03:14 PM
RE: Oh, we said our dreams will carry us - by Laqikki - June 04, 2015, 09:25 PM
RE: Oh, we said our dreams will carry us - by Rakharo - June 06, 2015, 12:03 PM
RE: Oh, we said our dreams will carry us - by Laqikki - June 16, 2015, 04:39 PM
RE: Oh, we said our dreams will carry us - by Rakharo - June 17, 2015, 01:18 PM