Frostfire Ridge mine is a watery pit
the serpent king
281 Posts
Ooc —
All edited. :-) @Tuwawi , @Nochtli 

Týrr offered Tuwawi a soft smile when she told him that he did not need to apologize, despite that he felt like an apology wasn't enough. It might not have been his weight to bear, but he deigned to shoulder it, nevertheless. Duskfire Glacier had been his home and as one of it's subordinate it was just as much his responsibility as it was any leader's. Whatever had happened while he'd been looking for Larus; Týrr didn't know but what he did know was it had doomed the Glacier to fall. It was upsetting to him but his sorrow could not be something he wallowed in. It was time to move on and face forward and slowly Týrr had been working on burying all his grievances. Duskfire was gone and it was never coming back but he had been working tirelessly to build somewhere else, to mark another as his home in the hopes that it would thrive in the way Duskfire had always been meant to. Ruling was in his royal blood, though if blood had anything to do with it he did not know. All he knew was what he would try to do good by them. Killing Ragnar had also buried the largest grievance that Týrr had faced. It put a lot behind him, with justice finally served to the crimes the Viking had committed against him and Coatl's Rise. Though some of the women were worried that the wolves of Stavanger Bay would come to get their revenge but no one could say Ragnar hadn't had it coming. He deserved what he'd got and had been lucky that Týrr had been kind enough to see him off to Valhalla.

“...Maybe someday you will have more children and the Fates will be kinder.” Not that Týrr believed in things such as 'Fates'. He imagined it was quite hard to watch nothing but ill omens attack you and your children from every angle. Tuwawi deserved to be free of those ill omens, she deserved to be a mother again, if it was something she wanted. He hadn't meant to sound insensitive and hoped that he had not come off as such. He wasn't sure what had inspired him to say such a thing, only that he couldn't unsay it. “Or maybe they will bring your first children back. They definitely owe you something.” There was always room to hope, after all (though he has no idea he's ran into Larus twice). Soft surprise overtook Týrr when she spoke that she would stay, as if there hadn't been any other option (or maybe that's how he chose to take it); yet it a joyful surprise. “Thank you, Tuwawi,” He murmured as she stepped closer and licked the underside of his chin. No matter what rank he held though, there was a part of Týrr that would always see her as his queen. Though he'd never actually led a pack before, he felt that he knew what to do. “I promise I will not disappoint you.” It was likely a tall order to keep. At least he could try not to disappoint her; not disappointing the Amazon's was an entire different ballpark and one that he repeatedly failed at each time he resisted their talk of going back to Coatl's Rise.

There should not have been surprise when Nochtli made her presence known; but it gripped the Rekkr, nevertheless by the pull of his brow and the soft startle he gave. With Tuwawi he'd nearly forgotten all about the fact that he was usually being followed by Manauia, Nochtli, Citali and likely now Xiuhcoatl (though he was grateful it was Nochtli and not his aunt that had been tailing him). Crystalline eyes lifted, albeit with some reluctance from Tuwawi, to Nochtli dutifully as the shadow Amazon approached, her humor — becoming known to him — putting him at some ease. “Yes, well..” Týrr murmured briskly but with good nature as he trailed off having no intention of finishing his sentence which would have only been redundant to what Nochtli had already stated. Clearly, she knew it was an expression of speech and he did not literally mean a ghost. With a chagrined smile he turned back to Tuwawi.

He prepared to introduce the shadow but she beat him to the punch, introducing herself to Tuwawi. Normally, he didn't really mind their following him around, having gotten used to it, and saved his complaining about it to rare occurrences, but in this instance he did happen to mind, though he did not speak and deigned not to show it. “They follow me around most of the time, I guess they are afraid of losing me again.” He explained, though he'd never desired to ask why they were so persistent about it. He figured since he fought them tooth and nail on going back to Coatl's Rise that he owed them the boon of babysitting him.
he came and stole the wild
a crime so old as the sky and bone
Messages In This Thread
mine is a watery pit - by Tuwawi RIP - June 03, 2015, 11:28 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tezcacoatl - June 04, 2015, 01:25 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tuwawi RIP - June 06, 2015, 07:29 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tezcacoatl - June 07, 2015, 05:43 AM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tuwawi RIP - June 07, 2015, 02:34 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Nochtli - June 07, 2015, 03:06 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tezcacoatl - June 07, 2015, 03:09 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tuwawi RIP - June 07, 2015, 04:13 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Nochtli - June 07, 2015, 06:08 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tezcacoatl - June 07, 2015, 06:26 PM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tuwawi RIP - June 13, 2015, 03:13 AM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Nochtli - June 13, 2015, 08:39 AM
RE: mine is a watery pit - by Tezcacoatl - June 13, 2015, 11:15 AM