nothing can save you
c o n q u e r
916 Posts
Ooc — Steph
Tonravik continued to sniff around, inspecting. Nothing thus far felt right, or was right. One thing was too exposed to the elements. Another, much too in the open. Some too small, some too large and inviting. She knew this place, and knew it well; she would find somewhere. Her mind flipped through the places she had seen and smelled. She followed one such scent trail now, thinking of the darkness it offered. But, would it be secluded enough?

Annoyance swept over her, her mood-change swift and sudden. Her patience was thin to begin with; now, it was near nonexistent. But her search was important, and she was not one to give up. This was a thing she knew she must do, that her instinct guided her toward. It was difficult to enjoy. She preferred sleeping in the open, rain or shine, the only cover required being trees.

But she sought a place for solitary confinement. A place to keep all others away, her mate included, until they were old enough to be seen by others. They would feed her, and she would feed her babes; and in time, her babes would become men (she believed she would give birth to sons) that would also aid in the hunt, and the pack would feed one another.

Her imagination was not great, but this was what she knew the cycle of life to be. Only now would she begin to get used to it; this was the very beginning.
Messages In This Thread
nothing can save you - by Tonravik - June 24, 2015, 01:10 PM
RE: nothing can save you - by Nanuk - June 26, 2015, 10:45 AM
RE: nothing can save you - by Tonravik - June 26, 2015, 02:18 PM
RE: nothing can save you - by Nanuk - June 26, 2015, 10:04 PM
RE: nothing can save you - by Tonravik - June 30, 2015, 10:34 AM
RE: nothing can save you - by Nanuk - July 06, 2015, 10:28 AM
RE: nothing can save you - by Tonravik - July 09, 2015, 11:30 AM
RE: nothing can save you - by Nanuk - July 09, 2015, 10:29 PM
RE: nothing can save you - by Tonravik - July 13, 2015, 09:00 AM
RE: nothing can save you - by Nanuk - July 14, 2015, 10:45 AM