What do you do when the devil comes for you?
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Anthony
Eeee!! This is so exciting :D

The days after coming back home had been silent. Damien, worried for the sake of his mother, and troubled by the fact that his mission in Bearclaw Vally had been a total waste of time, had entered a state of depression that had taken him to seclude himself from the rest of the pack for a while. He had his place, his own secret den in which he decided to spen his lone nights, but he missed the warmth of his mother beside him in the Alpha's den so he decided to spend just one night with Burke and his siblings.

But things turned in an unexpected direction.

The night fell silent as the complete darkness of the night embraced the forest. But something was not right. The air smelled different, and Damien's fur, as any other wolf's would have, turned electric with the eerie feeling in the land. It was silent, so silent. Even for Blackfeather Woods the silence was too serious to ignore. A storm was coming, and Damien thought it best to stay inside for the night so his eyes closed and he pushed closer to the thick fur of his adoptive father. The teenager fell in a sleep as deep as it had not happened in weeks, the warmth of Burke's body was so comfortable, and it reminded Damien of his mother. He slept like a baby.

Until The grey bear nudged him awake and Damien instantly springled up with the terrifying crack of a thunder, knowing that things were too strange to keep sleeping. He jumped out of the den with Burke and the rain immediately soaked him from thead to tail. The rain was torrential, the wind was howling loudly and piercing whistles through the trees let him know that this storm was not usual, but it wasn't until the loud crack of a falling tree smashed the den that he understood the gravity of the matter. Through a hole in the canopy left behind by the fallen tree Damien saw a grey monster in the distance. The rain made it all fuzzy, but it was clearly something huge. It formed an inverted cone and was clearly advancing west from his perspective.

Burke urged the remaining Melonii out of the den and sprinted towards the Spiderlings' Glen, but Damien had something more important to do than saving Grimnir's family. His own den, the one no one else knew about was probably suffering from the storm, and the teenager couldn't let it's contents wash out and get lost forever. He needed to remember, he needed those bones. He ran east through the rain and the dark trees, thunders cracking loud everywhere, but when he got there there was nothing he could do to rescue his belongings. A tree had blocked the way partially, and the holes that remained open weren't wide enough for Damien to go through. He growled in frustration and tried to move the tree with all his strength. There was nothing he could do. The tree was at least a hundred times bigger than him and there was no way he would move it one inch. He banged the wood with his paw and a roar of anger and decided that he would have to dig the bones out when everything was over.

The rain was getting worse, and the treetops danced above him making the trees crack loudly, threateningly. He had to get out of that place, and the rest of the pack would too if they wanted to survive. The teenager turned around, anger still vivid in his heavy frown, and he sprinted back the way he'd come. The wind, even down below made it hard to move. and the thunders cracking confusing. A crack nearby made Damien turn his head in fear, a tree fell down just a few meters in front of him and he had to skid into a halt to avoid colliding with it. He turned south and kept running, but the flood was moving too far west. Damien could smell it moving towards him, and his only route of escape was further west. He turned and ran faster, felling the flood getting him from behind, his paws submerged in the water until it was too deep to run. He started swimming with trouble and tried to stir south, but the current was too strong and it made him crash into a thick tree, leaving him unconcious, and adrift.

Wow. I think I hadn't written for Damien for too long...
[Image: Q3CYoOl.png]
Messages In This Thread
RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - by Damien - July 19, 2015, 11:53 AM