Moonspear theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave
932 Posts
Ooc — Soap
He'd found Arverk. Together, they'd met up with Nanuk and Kapvik at the pond before descending back down their mountain towards the moonspear. He followed the trail his mate and her caravan left behind. From the looks of things, it appeared as though she'd escaped with a number of their wolves. Good. They'd made ever effort to gather up as many as possible and he'd cried their location for reconvening if any lingering souls so dared to find them. He could only hope they'd all made it out alive, but they'd have to reassemble to make a final head count.

Iqniq followed their trail towards the moonspear. With quickness in his pace, that gait only became more hurried as the quiet patter and promise of greater rain surrounded them. They would not loose their path because of these elements rather they'd reach shelter before it became too much of a burden. With a howl of encouragement to those with him, he pushed them all forward, driving his company closer to their rendezvous site.

There. He gave a signal to his troops before guiding them towards the tunnel entrance. Lingering by the threshold, he waited for each wolf to enter before bringing up the rear. He shook himself lightly as he plunged into the darkness and was greeted by the rest of the pack. They'd saved many. Not all, but many. He could only hope the others found their way out.

He moved through the shadows, seeking out his mate. He nudged Tonravik gently before lifting his nose to her ear in a whisper. "Lightning struck. The Spine is on fire." The rains might quiet the blaze, but they needed to be prepared for the worst. He did not wish to have to travel given how far along the her pregnancy was, but if they must, the were few options for them. The strong survived and they would be living proof of that.
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RE: theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave - by Iqniq - July 27, 2015, 12:13 PM