Moonspear theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave
236 Posts
Ooc — Noire
Any hope of recovering the last of his hoard went up in flames. Literally. Damned lightning struck the Spine in it's sedgy fields, setting it ablaze. The stones would remain, but everything else would be razed. It would be home to ash and none other. Perhaps ghosts would take refuge there; as a testament to how easily they could be snuffed out. Like they were all tiny insects beneath the heel of some wrathful entity. Yeah well this “entity” can choke on it.

It was all...demoralizing. The damage that began taking place as soon as they left spurred him to run faster, to not look back. Tatsuya followed Iqniq's lead, entering the mountain's intersecting caves with a distant look and a tired posture. They had no home now. Their dwelling would no longer entice moose or bison to feast upon their grounds. Not for a long, long time.

Shaking out his coat – likely spraying any who loitered nearby – Tatsuya trailed after Nanuk until a grunt made him pause mid step. His once radiant eyes searched for the originator, finding Kingumut sitting against the distant wall off to his left. Even in the darkness he could pick apart the spectral wolf's pelt. Lazily sauntering over to the monolithic wolf, Tatsuya let out a rumbled greeting and an appreciative tail wag. The herbs the Epsilon had retrieved earlier was near his left paw, untidily heaped but no worse for wear. Thank you. Kissing the wolf's cheek, Tatsuya moved to retrieve his  possessions. There was some fumbling – an act Kingumut was uninterested in witnessing, taciturnly shambling away – but he eventually took all of them within his mouth.

Following Kingumut's steps, he went to Arverk's side. You're safe. You're here. There was a time where he thought the whale forever lost, never to be found. I'm glad you're here. Redirecting his path, he now approached Tonravik's inner circle. He addressed Echelon, Nanuk, and Tonravik with a dip of his crown and Iqniq with a meaningful stare. He looked confident that they would survive this...or he was confident about something else. Regardless of whether he viewed Iqniq's composure as confidence or anything else, he did not make a move to join in on those gathered around Tonravik. He would greet those who approached him personally but he did nothing else greet the rest gathered, too preoccupied.

Worry was burdensome. They would survive this. Tatsuya was certain. But Tonravik...The birth of her whelps drew near as each day passed. And now they had no den in which she could give birth safely. Frustrated, he swirled around to glare out into their disorderly environment. Damn you and damn your timing. Really, it was all too perfect, like the world did not want Tonravik's pups to see the light of day. The world does not care about us. It does not care who gets caught in the crossfire of its asinine tantrums. The world would see them wiped off the face of the earth, but the world can go suck a fat one.
[Image: warrior_master.gif] [Image: warden_master.gif] [Image: healerMush.gif]
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RE: theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave - by Tatsuya - July 28, 2015, 12:00 AM