Moonspear theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave
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916 Posts
Ooc — Steph
Accounting for the absentees by saying they are present throughout! @Alkha if you are around, you are more than welcome to pop in trailing behind the quartet! Also no end-date, ASAP!

Kingumut and the chronicler were quiet, likely exhausted by their long sprint here. That was fine; she knew that it would take time to recuperate. The alpha female felt fortunate that they had all survived this, but still was on edge as she stood protectively before the threshold of the place they hunkered down in. The winds picked up, and she retreated backward some... but none blew into the mouth of their shelter. She would wait some short time before moving them all deeper into this place.

She was not disappointed to see those who entered the den. She knew each of their faces. Only one familiar face was not there... the red one. She let them move toward her, and greeted them fondly, proudly. Her eyes looked to them all, and she did not see what Arverk saw. She saw the opposite. Now more than ever, they were pack. Wherever they lay their claim to, it would be indisputably theirs. 

As her mate nudged into her, she nosed back, sniffing... no, no blood. Not on any of them. As he spoke, the alpha female nodded. To her, home was not a place. Home was this, before her.

She stepped into the group, to enter its very center, so that each of her wolves were around her.

"The Spine may not survive this storm," comes her strong voice, "But we will. We are. We will move on from here when the storm has gone," she paused, looking to each of their faces before continuing, "And we will lay claim to another place. Together. We can, we will." It was short and succinct, but for the alpha female, it was enough. They needed no land to survive. They needed prey, and each other to take that prey down.

The road might be long and hard, but it was one they would travel together. And they would be stronger for it.

A firm kick within her gave her all the cause in the world to say, "We are fighters, and we are survivors." Her head lifted, squared between her shoulderblades, and her plume rose proudly. They were surely worse for wear, but better off than they would have been should they have stayed upon the Spine.
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RE: theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave - by Tonravik - July 30, 2015, 09:45 AM