Moonspear theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave
408 Posts
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Whatever was shared between Tonravik and her mate, Echelon did not catch. Whispered words, hush and strange, were almost foreign to her. She strained an ear for a moment, as though she would catch the one word that meant anything, but heard nothing. Just as well, as Tonravik seemingly elaborated on what had been said to her, the surprise of the Spine not surviving what was bring rendered to it little shock to Echelon. It could have been true, it could not have been true, it didn't matter. Her own thoughts echoed that of her aokkatti — family was here. Home, was here.

Lingering along the outskirts of the group, her attention turned to the cavernous locale they had sought shelter in. Perhaps just in time from the way the weather battered the opening, the flashes of light brought on by the hellacious storm casting poor illumination therein. The mention of her own name withdrew her attention of their surroundings, the decision coming forth raising no concerns. Scouting was fine with her, she could handle that. It would have been good to lay eyes on something once the weather had passed or cleared or whatever it was that it was supposed to do.
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RE: theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave - by Echelon - July 31, 2015, 01:09 PM