Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves!
127 Posts
Ooc — Sarah
A loud, intense howl woke Ayana up from her nap. Why would anyone howl as loud as that, seriously. She needed her sleep and if she didn't get that, her mood was as good as a dead deer's mood. But it was Burke who called, so it must be important. The golden female stood up and streched her muscles. She really was tired. And hungry. But sleep helped her to forget about her empty stomach for a while, now that she was awake she was aware of the big hole in her tummy again. Ayana let out a small grunt and started walking to where the howl came from.
The female noticed that there was a weird urgent undertone in the call, which worried her a little. What if something had happened? Well, good that you don't care about the pack.Or maybe Burke wants to kick you out? You'd deserve that. Or it was about her spy mission. The two wolves had a lesson a few days ago and Burke talked about something like a final quest so maybe this was it?
But he had called for everyone of the pack, so it must be a bigger thing concerning the whole pack?

Ayana decided to run a bit faster to reach Burke quickly. Soon she could smell him and locked his scent in her nose to follow it. The woods were slowly getting dry again, however, the storm had left his marks everywhere. Trees had fallen over and it seemed like all the animals were gone. Thinking about deers and rabbits, Ayana's tummy started to rumble again. She definitely was hungry.
Suddenly it came to her mind. Didn't packs hunt together sometimes? Maybe this was why Burke called. Ayana suddenly got all excited. This was a great opportunity to meet all the other wolves and maybe Lusa would be there so they could hunt together like two dark friends. Or Cicero, the male she had 'saved' in a way was there and she could ask him how he was doing. And Cyn would probably be there too, and ... Grimnir. Her mood darkened again. The whole pack would be there. Everyone. What a great day. But at least she'd get some food in her stomach and do something for the pack. She still owed the group something for letting her join and she felt like this was a great opportunity.

The golden female eventually reached Burke and greeted him friendly. "Hey Burke, what's the matter?", Ayana asked, although she already guessed that a hunt was the reason Burke had called. She sat down and waited for the rest of the pack to arrive.
Messages In This Thread
Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Burke - August 04, 2015, 05:59 AM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Ayana - August 04, 2015, 07:26 AM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 04, 2015, 01:12 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 11, 2015, 04:49 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 14, 2015, 10:00 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 28, 2015, 09:05 PM