Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves!
127 Posts
Ooc — Sarah
All the other females were gathering around Burke and he seemed to enjoy all the female attention once everyone was there. Ayana greeted the others with a small nod. Cyn and Misty were there, the two girls that Ayana had a lesson with. They were no threat, so she could stop worrying. However the black female, Nemesis, caught Ayana's attention straight away. She seemed sassy, almosttoo sassy and Ayana did not like that. She was the little sassy one around here. But oh well, she would leave soon anyways to fulfill her mission to become a dark sister. She was extremely excited.
Burke treated Meldresi like a little child that saw his mother for the first time. The depth of his eyes was back and they were shining more than ever. He was really happy about her being home. Ayana felt something weird when looking at the two. She could feel the bond between them, it was obvious that they really liked each other. But it wasn't jealousy, rahter envy. She wanted this herself. She wanted to be loved and ...

Suddenly Burke said Ayana's name and her mind came back to reality. So yes, it was about hunting. And Ayana would have to chase a moose. She stood up and nodded to Burke. This was another chance to prove her loyalty to the pack. Ayana was not too sure if Meldresi trusted her yet, but she wanted her to. She was the dark Queen and Ayana had to obey to her.
Burke ran off and the others followed him. The grass was high and due to Ayana's small size, it was rather hard for her to keep up, but she did her best. She wanted to succeed today, and a little bit of grass would not stop her from that.

Eventually the wolves stopped running and Ayana spotted a big moose. It was bigger than she expected, she could not really imagine chasing it successfully, but she had two other wolves by her side. She was better at performing on her own, she preferred getting all the profit, but this moose was too big to be chased by just one wolf. She needed the others, which was a weird thing to confess. They would have to work as a team and everyone knew Ayana was not much of a teamplayer after all.
Messages In This Thread
Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Burke - August 04, 2015, 05:59 AM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 04, 2015, 01:12 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Ayana - August 06, 2015, 09:10 AM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 11, 2015, 04:49 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 14, 2015, 10:00 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 28, 2015, 09:05 PM