i think that they could be the better half of me.
563 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Mordecai asked for more, and Harlyn's whole self simply teemed with excitement over getting to share.  "We didn't explore all too much of it, to be honest," the druid admitted without guilt, "The moment I stepped into the shade of those trees, I knew that it was where we were meant to be, so I wanted to save the real exploration of the land for all of us."  A smile slipped across her lips as her tail danced at her haunches, betraying her otherwise fairly composed demeanor.  It was clear that she was excited about her find, though she did try not to be overly so.

"The moment you walk in, it feels like the land embraces you," the druid went on after a moment, "The trees seem to stretch for miles overhead and the leaves that span across the top are like a blanket.  The air is cool, and even though you're so enclosed inside the wood, there's a breeze that runs through the trees so you can breathe and it doesn't feel even remotely suffocating.  There are many little creeks and streams that wind through it, all heading to the South.  We didn't go too far, but I suspect they converge into a river at some point."

"To the North is a vast meadow, to the West another forest, and the East is a lake.  We didn't see any herds, but there were markings of plenty of prey animals - rodents, rabbits, and even larger game like deer and geese.  It'll make for good hunting ground, and with the streams that go through the territory itself, there will be plenty of fishing to be done, not to mention the wildlife that lives along the water's edge like otters and muskrat and beavers and... I'm rambling..."  Harlyn concluded sheepishly, her ears slipping back as she bowed her muzzle with a coy smile.  She could easily have gone on, but she paused for a moment, knowing her exuberant talk could easily be considered overwhelming.

The druid bit her lip and eyed him, wondering with her heart in her throat at how he felt about her description.  Had he no interest in such a place, she would have dropped the subject in a heartbeat and suggested a different direction that they could go.  This was her dream, but Mordecai was a huge part of it, and now that she knew he was ready to go, she would not settle for anything that didn't ensure that she could keep him.
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RE: i think that they could be the better half of me. - by Harlyn - August 08, 2015, 12:46 PM