Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves!
Ah, the blood of deceit is a nourishing flow....
719 Posts
Ooc — Alisha
Meldresi practically basked in the physical love she was given by her mate, regardless if they were in public or not. Her tail wagged gently as his tongue slid over her cheek, a hum of approval rumbling in her throat. This contact had to be brief, for this was a meeting after all. Meldresi kept to Burke's side, observing the gathered females again. None of the males were here. Ohen, she had learned, had disappeared after the storm. Grimnir was no where to be seen, despite his concern for his children. Perhaps he thought he could hunt for himself. Her Ohen, they had disappeared, but the Night Queen scented traces of them here and there, fresh. They were still lurking, but for what reason, she had no idea.

Burke greeted the gathered hunters, instructing them on what they would be bringing down today. A moose. A risky kill, but absolutely necessary for the pack's wellbeing. "I will help as much as I can." It was her pack, after all. They needed this food more than she. With that said, the contingent of wolves loped off towards their buffer zone, Meldresi in the rear. Her injuries and age would prevent her from doing as much as the younger females, but she could still bite, couldn't she?

The moose was spotted in an instance, large and magnificent. Meldresi was almost awed by its size and presence. For a moment, she doubted their luck in bringing the creature down. They were four females and one big male. It would be tough. Meldresi whispered a prayer, invoking the Hunter Hircine through Mephala, before moving into the grass, a whisper in the foliage. While she couldn't chase, she could plant a trap for the moose, to help cut off its path when the younger females gave chase. Signaling to Burke, she moved ahead of the moose's position, keeping low and moving silently as only a Dark Sister could.
Messages In This Thread
Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Burke - August 04, 2015, 05:59 AM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 04, 2015, 01:12 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 11, 2015, 04:49 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Meldresi - August 11, 2015, 04:53 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 14, 2015, 10:00 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 28, 2015, 09:05 PM