Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves!
127 Posts
Ooc — Sarah
Ayana's stamina was not the best, and this was the first time she noticed that. Her breath was slow and she could feel a sharp pain in her chest from all the cold air being breathed in so quickly. But there was no time to stop. The moose was being chased by Cyn right now and Ayana hid in the tall grass, which seemed to swallow her completely. The other female did a good job at chasing the moose to the other girls and Ayana noticed Meldresi sneaking through the grass a few meters near her. Suddenly the moose was near enough for Ayana to reach it with one jump and the golden female hurled from the grass. The moose saw her and for a second it seemed like the time froze. Ayana focussed on one of the animal's hind legs and her razor sharp teeth smoothly glided inside the soft flesh. She could taste the satifsying flavour of meat inside her mouth and if was an exteme relief. Finally she tasted blood again. She could not help but rip out a small piece of flesh from the moose's leg. The animal squeaked like a newborn puppy and a feeling of satisfaction was rising up inside Ayana.

Then the female focussed on the hunt again, Cyn was still chasing the now bleeding moose and Burke waited for his mission. He would kill the moose with one bite, probably. Although this was a very big moose... FOCUS. The female kept close to the moose's side, always making sure to hurt the animal with a few bites now and then. The thing was fast and Ayana felt extremely tired and sore, but succeeding was more important. The female decided to stay by the animal's side and make sure it would not run to the left, so the others could make some bites aswell to keep the animal injured and eventually slow it down.
Messages In This Thread
Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Burke - August 04, 2015, 05:59 AM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 04, 2015, 01:12 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 11, 2015, 04:49 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Ayana - August 13, 2015, 11:31 AM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 14, 2015, 10:00 PM
RE: Don't mess with this gang of killer wolves! - by Cyn - August 28, 2015, 09:05 PM