Moonspear theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave
932 Posts
Ooc — Soap
Last post from me!

Their silence was taken as a passive form of agreement. No doubt, all of them were rattled by this sudden onset of intense weather. A storm they'd handled. A heat wave, they could cope with. This... this was nature waging war upon its in habitants and when nature brought her fury, the only way to win was to survive. They'd done as much as they could. They'd collected all they could find before fleeing in the nick of time. As for the rest? He could only remain hopeful their natural instincts for survival saw them through the storm.

Tonravik retreated, moving to settle at the back of the den. He saw to her, contenting himself with with knowing she was settled and somewhat comfortably, before he checked in briefly with each of the other wolves in their group. No one seemed injured. No one seemed any more worse for wear physically. Tired, certainly, but it went without saying that this would be a sleepless night. Having checked on all of them he nuzzled his mate before he turned and intentionally placed himself nearest the entrance to their hide-y hole. He would be their first line of defense and keep watch so the rest could attempt at sleep.
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RE: theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave - by Iqniq - August 18, 2015, 10:47 AM